What Surgery???

The biggest struggle I have now is remembering that I am recovering from surgery!

Did you catch that? I need to remember that I had surgery! That is an amazing thing. What do I mean? Basically I get so busy with life that I forget I need to pace myself. I work hard and want to play hard, and then wonder why I run out of steam.

For example, last week was a tiring week at work. Friday afternoon, I was tired. Mostly cause I did not sleep well most of the week. Well it was also the kickoff of Relay for Life here in Jackson, MI. I wanted to go walk, and so did Alexis and the kids. So after a work, we went. I knew I was tired, but it was for a good cause. When we got there we hung out for a bit with people from work and then the kids and Alexis signed in at their schools both. Then we started walking. First lap, no problem. Second lap started out great, and for the most part I just started getting tired. It was not until we were about 80% done with the second lap that I realized I was no longer walking straight. It probably looked like I was drunk! We finished the lap, had some ice cream and went home. That night I slept for 9 1/2 hours, then did next to nothing the rest of the weekend since I had NO ENERGY!

So I need to remember that I am recovering from surgery and need to make sure I schedule my activities accordingly. Wanted to go fishing, could not do it. Even slept in way to late to go to church this weekend, not good. When I woke up Monday morning, I was still tired. Pushing myself as hard as I did on Friday had a lasting effect, and hurt my weekend.

The good news is, that God has been GOOD to me and when doing basic daily stuff, I no longer think about having had a brain tumor. Life is moving forward like nothing happened. Headaches are mild, getting used to the single sided deafness, and don't have any balance issues. The whole trick is to not push myself to hard, or I will be down for the count.

God has more than taken care of me and for that I am eternally grateful! I just need to remember that I still have limitations. Some days, I take a quick 10 minute nap at lunch and others I take a nap after dinner. Sooner or later I am going to realize that I no longer have those limitations, and God will be GLORIFIED! I would not be where I am today without Him, and I will not get better without His strength! In due time, I will not only have the energy to enjoy various activities but will be ready to serve Him in a new way! Until then, I will continue to share His Good News and try to learn to pace myself.

On a side note for those dealing with AN and all the aspects of it. I had heard from more than a few AN patients that post op if they had a single drink it would trigger massive headaches. This scared me since I like a beer or glass of wine every now and again. Well I was nervous, but recently had a beer. I had no issues at all. I enjoyed the beer and had no headaches. Mind you I am not a big drinker at all and never have more than 1 drink when I do choose to partake. The interesting thing is, that 1 beer used to have no effect on me. That is no longer the case. Having one beer relaxes me to a point where I stumble a bit and have balance issues. Nothing major, just makes it look like I have had 5 or 6. Mental capacity doesn't change, just the physical aspect. In other words, mentally just fine, physically appear drunk.

Please do not take this as an encouragement to drink, as alcohol can lead to major health, mental, and spiritual problems. I believe that those who can control their drinking, having 1 drink now and again is OK. Not something they should do all of the time, but should be OK. If you are unable to stop after 1, please do not start. I have seen how alcohol can ruin a family, so please do not drink if you even have a hint of a lack of control. You do not want to head that direction if you can avoid it.

Now that I have given my public service announcement for the day, I want to say God Bless Each One of You!

In Christ's Amazing Name,



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