Week 1 Summary

I realized I have not jotted down my thoughts from my first Sunday as the Senior Pastor of New Life. So hear it goes!

I was not sure what to preach it being my first Sunday there. I really felt God leading me along the same path I have been on about reaching the lost. So, I preached on the Great Commission, which in itself was a good message. Then I added to it explaining how following the great commission will automatically lead to church growth. After all the teaching and building up of disciples happens within the church and the lives of the church memebers. So that equates to growth within the church. For those wanting to know I did emphasize that we are not to be actively doing the great commission, just for church growth. We need to actively pursuing the great commission, because Jesus Told Us To! We don't need any other reason and we should only do it to be loyal followers of our Lord.

The growth comes about as a natural side effect of continuing to be outward focused and reaching the lost. Not only does our own personal faith grow, but so will the church. That is not saying that all will end up at New Life, but some will.

It was a good service followed by my first business meeting as the SP. The meeting was fairly short, I made the motion to officially call the old SP as the new Associate Pastor. The congregation approved the call and now we officially have the two of us leading the church. This is good for me and him, as now we have each other to share the load with. The church is a long way from being 'active' in the ministry of the church so for now it will be us.

This week was fairly quite thankfully, as I had to take a mid-term exam for my last class in the MBA program I am in. Finished it today, but I am glad that I can truly say I am almost done. March 7th is when my last assignment is due and as long as pass this class I will graduate with honors, Magna Cum Laude. I will need an A in the class to hang onto the Suma Cum Laude standing I have had so far. Not sure that will happen with family, ministry, and work. Either way I am exited about the achievement and about being almost done.

Time to go do some reading. If you are interested in a good book pick up Primal by Mark Batterson.

Blessings to All!



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