Interesting Week So Far!

It is only Tuesday and it has been an interesting week.

On Monday I was diagnosed with a moderate to severe hearing loss in my left ear. Dr. can not tell me the cause. It can be related to heretitary issues or may even have been work related. No real way of knowing. As most know hearing issues are not new to my family. Chris (11 yrs old) has the same level of hearing loss in both ears, and has had it since birth. Now I just need to get used to it, and will be getting fitted for a hearing aid sometime soon. I know God will use it for His glory and I am looking forward to seeing what He does.

Today was the first day of our strategy planning session at work. It is nice working through our plans to improve our plant in 2010. I already see areas that my department will excel in, and some opportunities for us to take things to the next level. There is a lot of hard work in front of us, but the results will be worth it.

As I sit in these meetings I see some basic ideas and processes that can be used at New Life. We need to continue to work on our Mission and Vision for the church. I will also be working to develop a theme for 2010. So far I think the theme will have something to do with 'Living Our Faith'. Something that I believe New Life needs to work on. They are a great bunch of people, just not very active in any of the ministries. It is going to be an exciting adventure.

All I can say today is that God is Great!




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