Excited and Tired

Hey all, it has been over a week since I posted anything new, so I thought it would be good to do so right now.

This last Sunday was great! I felt God giving me a message for NLC. The message was titled God's Love - Creation and Provision. We examined how we were created in Love and how God provides for us out of love. Even unto the ultimate sacrifice given by Jesus in order to restore us to our rightful place, being in fellowship with Him. I was excited and probably the most dynamic I have been ever. Alexis (my bride), commented that I was 'on Fire'. It was a great Sunday morning service.

Work has been extra busy, which does not surprise me. First part of the year always is, and with God moving in my life I am sure someone else is trying to trip me up. Thankfully I know that I am on the WINNING SIDE!!! Even with that work can be tiring at times and it is sometimes hard to come home and work on the weeks message. I keep praying and start working on it, and God has been rewarding that faithfulness. If things go according to plan, I will be done with this weeks tonight. Already half way there.

In the final two weeks of the MBA program I am in. If I get the grade I expect to get in this class I will graduate with Honors at Magna Cum Laude. I am blown away that I have been able to accomplish that while, having a family, working, ministry, and even moving across the country during the program. As much as I have enjoyed the program, I am looking forward to being done and having time to focus on family and ministry. The Associate Pastor at church will be preaching on Feb 28th and Mar 7th to allow me to finish my assignments and take my final exam. Almost there.

After school is out I will be continuing a sermon series on Faith that I am starting this weekend. This weekend I am also introducing a theme for 2010, Faith in Action. The goal this year is to help NLC grow from a group of believers to a group of people who live what they believe. I will finish this series just in time for Easter and then head into a series about the Great Commandment. Love God. Really excited about it, still need to work out the details about how many weeks it will last. Somewhere between 4 and 10. The series will be based off of the book Primal by Mark Batterson. If you have not read it, get it!

Currently working on being officially Ordained. The tentative date for the examination is Mar 13th, followed by the ceremony on the 14th. While I know that I do not need that piece of paper to minister, I am excited about it. It will be a day to celebrate.

As far as my hearing goes, I had an MRI on Wednesday but will not know the results until next week. God has not decided to heal me yet. :)
I will be going to have a second hearing test at another audiologist to get additional quotes on hearing aids. They are not covered by medical insurance. Taking all of this in stride, and looking for how God will use it to glorify Him.

Well I just remembered why I need to post twice a week! If I don't, these things turn into short books.

I pray for God to bless everyone who reads this! Please pray for me as I encounter these opportunities to grow.

Blessings to You!



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