Sermon Notes - Romans 9:14-33 - Littleby Baptist Church - February 23, 2025

1.        It is probably safe to say that Paul was looking forward to spending his forever with Jesus.

a.        Which makes it surprising to read that he would be willing to sacrifice himself if his people would be saved.

b.       He had a heart for the Jewish people.

c.        He wished that they would come to know and accept the Good News of Jesus.

d.       And he was willing to give all he had to make it happen.

e.        Now, he knew, and we know that we cannot make it happen.

f.          But we should be willing to risk it all for those around us.

g.        In order that they will hear the message of Christ.

h.        In hope that they will accept the amazing gift that Jesus is offering.

i.          That they will join us with our King in Glory.

2.        We are called to be witnesses.

a.        To do all we can to point others to Jesus.

b.       In hope that they will believe and follow the One and Only King and Savior Jesus.

3.        Romans 9:14

a.        Looking back at the examples in verses 6-13.

b.       Was God wrong to choose Isaac over Abraham’s first-born Ishmael?

c.        Was He wrong to choose Jacob, Isaac’s second born son over Esau, the first?

d.       Culturally, the norm would have been for the first-born to be the heir.

e.        For them to receive the blessing.

f.          To be the line of promise.

g.        This was not a matter of societal norms.

h.        God has a Plan.

i.          He knew how people would respond to the lives they would live.

j.          He choose accordingly.

4.        Romans 9:15

a.        Paul is referencing from when Moses asked to see God.

b.       God knew that if Moses saw His face, it would kill him.

c.        So instead, God hid Moses in a clevis in the rock and let him see God’s back after He passed.

d.       God is so great that man cannot look upon His face.

e.        God has shows mercy and compassion on whom he deems.

f.          He was able to see who would have faith.

g.        Guide them.

h.        Bless them.

i.          Use them to carry out His will.

j.          Which is what He did in the examples Paul used earlier in this chapter.

5.        Romans 9:16

a.        From the very beginning, God chose to show mercy.

b.       He could have judged Adam and Eve and been done with it.

c.        He could have judged the earth and all who walked it during Noah’s day and let no one live.

d.       He could have let Abraham and Sarah not have any children.

e.        He could have not sent His Son Jesus to this earth to die for us.

f.          Instead, our God decided to show Mercy.

g.        We do not deserve it.

h.        Yet, our God stepped in.

i.          He is acting on our behalf.

j.          Showing mercy and offering an amazing gift.  

6.        Romans 9:17-18

a.        Another example showing that God is in control.

b.       In this case, God raised Pharaoh to his position of power.

c.        So that when Pharoah refused to let God’s people go.

d.       The plagues would come.

e.        The power of God would be unleashed on Egypt.

f.          The world would hear about power of the God of the Hebrew people.

g.        Those events helped to unite the Israelites as a people.

h.        Helped them to see God as their God.

7.        Romans 9:19

a.        Why does God blame us when we do not do what He wants?

b.       If God puts leaders in place…

c.        If God sets the course for events to happen…

d.       If He guides our steps…

e.        How can we be blamed if we do not do what He wants?

8.        Romans 9:20

a.        Who are we to question God?

b.       God is sovereign.

c.        He is King.

d.       He is all knowing.

e.        We are not.

f.          He is the creator.

g.        We are the created.

h.        If God is God and we are not… something we have to remember, who are we to question His plans?

9.        Romans 9:21

a.        When a potter takes the clay and begins to make something it is up to him to decide what he is going to make.

b.       He may make a fancy vase that will get a lot of attention, the pottery for honor in Paul’s example.

c.        Or he may make a simple cooking pot that would be the pottery for dishonor according to Paul.

d.       It is up to the potter what the clay is going to be made into.

e.        The clay has no say, it has no right to complain.

f.          Our Creator has the same say over us and our lives.

g.        He created us.

h.        If we tie this back to God showing mercy and compassion as discussed in the earlier verses.

i.          He has chosen to show mercy and grace to who have not rejected Him.

j.          To those who choose to follow Him.

k.        Who repent and have faith.

l.          We are sinful beings, but we have an opportunity to be redeemed, by choosing Jesus.

10.   Romans 9:22

a.        Our God can come at any time.

b.       But He has endured with patience.

c.        Much patience according to Paul.

d.       2 Peter 3:9

e.        He is patient in hoping that those who are due wrath may yet still be redeemed.

f.          Hoping that those who do not know Him will be awakened to the truth and turn to Jesus.  

11.   Romans 9:23-24

a.        Paul is saying that God may have done this so that people would understand how amazing the gift is.

b.       How great the mercy that God is offering to Jews and to the Gentiles is.

c.        A gift that is offered to people who would be lost without it.

d.       A gift to those who are condemned.

e.        But through this amazing gift they have been redeemed.

f.          They have received glorious riches.

g.        A gift offered to us.

h.        A gift offered to all who walk this earth.

12.   Romans 9:25-26

a.        God had directed Hosea to give his children symbolic names.

b.       His son was named ‘not my people’.

c.        His daughter was named ‘not loved’.

d.       This was during a time when the people were being led away into exile.

e.        But what Paul is telling us here.

f.          Is that the people of God, Jew and Gentile alike.

g.        Will be called ‘My People’ and ‘Beloved’.

h.        Those who follow Jesus will be part of the family of God.

i.          They will be God’s Beloved.

j.          They will spend forever with their King.

13.   Romans 9:27-29

a.        Referencing historical judgements of when the people were sent into exile.

b.       God’s chosen people were judged.

c.        They were cast out.

d.       But a remnant was saved.

e.        The same is true for the Jewish people who will put their faith in Christ.

f.          They will be saved.

g.        There will be a remnant chosen by grace.

14.   God’s chosen people who follow in Abraham’s footsteps of faith, will be saved.

15.   Romans 9:30

a.        Paul is asking a question again as he is comparing Gentiles to Jews in these next couple of verses.

b.       The Gentiles did not seek righteousness.

c.        They were not trying to earn it like the Jewish people did by following the Old Testament Law.

d.       Yet they found it by coming to have faith in Christ.

e.        By choosing to follow Jesus.

16.   Romans 9:31

a.        The Jewish people tried.

b.       They sacrificed.

c.        They followed the rules.

d.       As best as a human could.

e.        But when flawed humans do something it is far from perfect.

f.          They did not achieve their desired results.

g.        It did not save them.

17.   Romans 9:32

a.        They tried to earn righteousness.

b.       They believed if they adhered to enough of the Law.

c.        If they could do enough.

d.       Legislate enough.

e.        That they would be saved from their sins.

18.   They did not pursue it by faith.

a.        They did not trust in God.

b.       They missed the one that the Father sent.

c.        They did not trust in Jesus.

d.       They stumbled over the stumbling stone, or more commonly known as the corner stone.

e.        They did not see Jesus for who He is and fought against Him.

f.          When our eyes are focused on what we are trying to accomplish it is easy to miss what God is doing.

g.        That is exactly what happened to the Jewish people.

19.   Romans 9:33

a.        Jesus is this stone.

b.       Some will stumble over Him.

c.        Some will not be able to accept that He is God.

d.       They will not be able to understand that it is through His life, death, and resurrection that we are redeemed.

e.        Those that do recognize that the stone is Jesus.

f.          Recognize that He is God.

g.        That the Father sent His Son to earth for us.

h.        That God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for our sins.

i.          To pay the debt we owe.

j.          That was not the end.

k.        Jesus went on and defeated death.

l.          He rose from the dead.

m.     Giving all who believe, those who have faith, new life.

20.   Paul started this section by lamenting over his brothers and sisters.

a.        But the messages is ultimately the same for all.

b.       Jew and Gentile alike.

c.        God loves us.

d.       He died for us.

e.        He is calling us to Him.

f.          If you do not know Him.

g.        It is not to late to give your life to Jesus.

h.        If that is you, I would love to talk to you.

21.   For the rest of us.

a.        We have been redeemed.

b.       Our lives belong to Jesus.

c.        Whatever God is calling you to, now is the time to step out in faith.

d.       Do not hesitate.

e.        Trust that God is with you.

f.          If there is something you would like to pray about, I would love to pray with you.


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