Sermon Notes - Romans 8:18-30 - Littleby Baptist Church - February 2, 2025s

 1.        Through our faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit works in us.

a.        It is through the Holy Spirit that we work through the Sanctification process.

b.       The process of becoming more like Christ.

c.        Becoming the person, He wants us to be.

d.       Cutting away the sin in our lives.

e.        Having the Holy Spirit leading us is a sign of our adoption.

f.          Of our being a part of God’s family.

g.        That we have become God’s children through our faith in Christ.

h.        Coheirs with Christ through the new life He has given us.

i.          It will be a glorious future with our King, but we will face challenges.

j.          We may suffer as He did.

k.        Which is why we need to keep our minds set on Him.

l.          Remembering that our Hope is secure in Jesus.

2.        Romans 8:18

a.        Verse 17 – read last part starting with “if indeed…

b.       We are going to suffer in one form or another.

c.        In America we have dealt with some mild persecution.

d.       In some parts of the world, it has been and is much worse.

e.        Throughout history, Christ followers faced death for their faith.

f.          But the sufferings, the persecution, are nothing in comparison to the glory that awaits.

g.        As Paul puts it, they are not even worth comparing to it.

h.        It would be like comparing a penny to a million dollars.

i.          That is not even a round error.

j.          They are not even in the same ballpark.

k.        The suffering we deal with today, is nothing when we compare to how glorious our future with God will be.

3.        Romans 8:19

a.        Creation meaning all of creation… the earth, the sky, the oceans, the animals, the birds, the plants… everything.

b.       Eagerly waits for Christ’s return.

c.        So that Christ followers will share in His glory.

d.       Being made into the new creation we are.

e.        Receiving the new glorious bodies that we will have for all eternity.

4.        Romans 8:20-21

a.        Again creation being everything around us.

b.       Everything besides humans that we read about being created in the first few chapters of Genesis.

c.        Creation is frustrated…

d.       Once we get past that things can be frustrated, why are they frustrated?

e.        They were created to be part of a sinless world.

f.          Death and decay were not part of the plan until sin entered in.

g.        When judgement was passed on Adam and Eve by God, it fell on all of creation.

h.        God subjected creation to the bondage of decay.

i.          Now, creation itself is looking forward to the day that it too will be freed from the bondage of decay.

j.          First when Christ returns to setup His millennial reign.

k.        Then second with the creation of the new heaven and new earth that we read about at the end of Revelation.

l.          Even creation itself will be set free through our Lord Jesus.

5.        Romans 8:22

a.        All of creation… everything.

b.       Has been having labor pains… to be freed from the bondage of decay.

c.        Creation is looking forward to the day it is no longer tied to the sin in this world.

d.       Why is Paul using the imagery of labor pains?

e.        The pain builds, it is not fun… but in the end it is worth it.

f.          Creation is looking forward to the day it will be set free.

6.        Romans 8:23

a.        Those of us with the Holy Spirit in us.

b.       Those of us who are Christ followers.

c.        Whose minds are on Jesus.

d.       We are to be eagerly waiting for the return of our King.

e.        So that our adoption into the family of God, can be made complete.

f.          The grafting into the vine becomes solidified.

g.        The work that started with Jesus dying on the cross.

h.        That has continued through our faith in Him.

i.          Our having a mindset of Christ.

j.          Through the Holy Spirit working in us.

k.        Sanctifying us.

l.          Molding us.

m.     Shaping us.

n.        Transforming us.

o.        Then one day it will be finalized with our Lord’s return, and we will be granted redeemed and glorified bodies.

7.        Romans 8:24

a.        Hebrews 11:1-3

b.       By faith we believe that the Word of God is accurate.

c.        That the words we read are The Truth.

d.       These are not events we witnessed.

e.        No human alive today has witnessed them.

f.          Yet we believe them.

g.        We trust them.

h.        We have Hope that the truth that Christ will return is accurate.

i.          We have Hope that we will receive redeemed bodies.

j.          We have Hope that our salvation is secure.

k.        Christ followers, those with a mindset of Christ, Hope for what they cannot see.

8.        Romans 8:25

a.        As we focus on Christ.

b.       We wait.

c.        We wait for His return.

d.       Knowing that different events must take place.

e.        Trusting that He will work in His time.

f.          And, when the time is right, He will fulfill His promise.

g.        He will return.

9.        Romans 8:26

a.        In the same way that our Hope for the future allows us to wait for the coming of our Lord and King.

b.       The Holy Spirit will help us to pray.

c.        When we read these verses, it may remind us of times where we have struggled to pray.

d.       We may have been hurting.

e.        We may have known we needed to pray but just did not know what to say.

f.          Any ultimately had to trust in the Holy Spirit to pray for us.

g.        In words or in just giving it to God in a moment of silence.

h.        But this verse is deeper than that.

i.          The weakness here is not for those occasional times when we are struggling to pray.

j.          The reality is we are always weak.

k.        We always need the Holy Spirit to intercede for us.

l.          To help us pray.

m.     Even when we have the words, they are coming from Him.

n.        Even when our prayers sound eloquent  the Holy Spirit is helping us.

10.   Romans 8:27

a.        As we are told in Hebrews chapter 7 that Jesus intercedes for those who follow Him.

b.       Here we see that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.

c.        He intercedes for us according to the will of God.

d.       Seeking that God’s will be done right here in our lives.

11.   When we pray, the Holy Spirit is helping us to pray.

a.        When we cry out not knowing what to say, the Holy Spirit helps us to pray.

b.       All the while He is interceding for us according to the Father’s will.

12.   Romans 8:28

a.        This is one of those verses that easily gets taken out of context.

b.       It does not mean that God takes everything in this world and makes it, so we have a good life on this side of eternity.

c.        It does not mean that God is going to turn our trial into a triumph in the here and now.

d.       As much as Paul has been telling us to look forward to our future with God, it can be hard to wrap our minds around it.

e.        When we think about the good that should come out of all things, our thoughts drift to this side of eternity.

f.          But God is not limited like we are.

g.        His focus is not on this side.

h.        To Him this is part of the journey.

i.          It is not the destination.

j.          All of this will help us get to our place in Glory.

k.        God will use all of it to help His children, to help us.

l.          To help those who love Him and who are filled by His Spirit.

m.     To get where we are going.

n.        He will use the good and the bad to help us reach our place with Him in Glory.

13.   Romans 8:29-30

14.   Following what I believe is the spirit of Paul’s letter to the Romans.

a.        We see several times in this letter that righteousness is found through faith.

b.       And that Faith is a choice.

15.   When we read verses 29-30 it states that ‘God foreknew’.

a.        In this case it is not that He chose us, it is that He had personal knowledge of us.

b.       He knew us as He knit us together in our mother’s wombs.

c.        He knew us so well that He knew who would choose Him.

d.       We have free will, but He knows who would accept His awesome gift.

e.        God is not limited to time like we are.

f.          He knew if we would respond to His call before time began.

g.        1 Timothy 2:3-4

h.        2 Peter 3:9

                                                                              i.        Peter shares the same point.

i.          God desires for none to perish, and He continues to call out to each one.

j.          God knows who will accept the gift, but we are to witness to all.

k.        Those that will accept the gift of Jesus are predestined to be conformed…

l.          Meaning that we are to be transformed, sanctified, or as Paul puts it in vs. 30 called, justified, and ultimately glorified.

m.     Some respond and some do not.

n.        Those that do will be justified, and glorified.

o.        They will be made righteous and spend an eternity with God.

16.   As we wrap up today.

a.        Remember to hold onto the Hope of His future return.

b.       We don’t know when Jesus will return, but He will.

c.        We will face trials between now and then, but if we hold on to that Hope, He will carry us through it.

d.       Trust in the Holy Spirit as He guides you through the trials and in your prayers.

17.   If you have a choice to make this morning, I would love to pray and talk with you.

a.        If you are ready to step out in faith and serve God in some new way, do it.

b.       If you are interested in serving in some way around here, let’s talk.

c.        If you want to talk about Jesus and get to know Him, please let me know.


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