Sermon Notes - Romans 8:12-17 - Littleby Baptist Church - January 26, 2025

 1.        As we have jumped back into Romans, mindset has been key.

a.        As a Christ Follower we are not going to be perfect.

b.       We have chosen to follow Jesus.

c.        We have repented of our sins.

d.       But we will continue to sin.

e.        But our mindset is to be on our God.

f.          We are to choose to follow Him each day.

g.        We are to make Jesus a priority.

h.        We are to take time to talk to our God.

i.          To spend time reading and studying Scripture.

j.          We are to gather to learn from each other.

k.        That is all part of having a mindset focused on Christ.

2.        The other mindset is not so good.

a.        It is one that is still focused on sin.

b.       Seeking the things of the world.

c.        Ignoring the Word of God.

d.       It is a choice that ultimately leads to destruction.

3.        A Godly mindset leads to a Spirit filled life.

a.        Those that choose Christ will receive the Holy Spirit who guides us, comforts us, and equips us to carry out the work of the Lord.

4.        It does not mean we are perfect.

5.        But it is all about our mindset.

a.        Are we choosing the way of the world.

b.       Or are we choosing to follow Jesus?

6.        As we continue today, Paul is building off of the first part of chapter 8.

7.        Romans 8:12

a.        Brothers and Sisters – Paul is reenforcing that he is writing to fellow followers of Jesus.

b.       He could just as easily be writing to those of us in this room today.

c.        To those of us who have repented of our sins and given our lives to Christ.

d.       Now, what he is saying that we are no longer obligated to the flesh.

e.        We don’t owe our sinful lives, our past lives, anything.

f.          We don’t need to live as a slave to our sin.

g.        2 Corinthians 5:17

h.        We are a new creation.

i.          The old sinful one is gone.

j.          As a new creation we are a child of God.

k.        Not a child of sin.

l.          Our debt has been paid.

m.     We have been set free.

n.        Romans 6:18

o.        Instead of being slaves to our old sinful ways, we are now slaves to righteousness, slaves to God.

p.       If you notice the verse states, ‘you became enslaved.’

q.       Past tense… it is a done deal.

r.          We are slaves to God.

s.        We do not owe our old sinful flesh anything.

t.          Jesus already paid that price.

u.       Our debt has been paid in full.

v.        It is a done deal.

8.        Romans 8:13

a.        If you choose to have that mindset of the flesh.

b.       Embracing your sin.

c.        Choosing to continue to live that way.

d.       You are not a new creation.

e.        Jesus is not your Lord and Savior.

f.          You will face the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

g.        Your eternal destination is not going to be pretty.

h.        It will be worse than you can imagine.

9.        But if you put your faith in Jesus.

a.        If you let the Holy Spirit work in you.

b.       Your destination changes.

c.        Your life begins to change.

d.       We see this in Ephesians 4:20-32

e.        Throughout these verses we see old way and new ways.

f.          The old ways are put to death and replaced with the ways of Christ.

g.        Death leads to life through the work of the Holy Spirit.

10.   Romans 8:14

a.        If the Holy Spirit is our comforter and our guide.

b.       If we are a follower of Jesus Christ.

c.        We are Children of God.

d.       Romans 11:17

e.        The wild olive branches are those of us who are not of Jewish decent.

f.          Those of us saved by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

g.        We have been grafted into the cultivated olive tree.

h.        Into the family of God.

i.          Into the inheritance given to the Jewish people through Abraham.

j.          The promise or gift that he was given.

k.        Genesis 15:6

l.          Abram/Abraham was seen as righteous through His faith in God.

m.     All the people of the earth were going to be blessed through him.

n.        Ultimately through his descendent Jesus.

o.        All of this ties in that the Holy Spirit works in those who have been grafted into the family of God.

p.       Through our faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus.

q.       If the Holy Spirit is in us, we are God’s children.

r.          We are part of the olive tree.

s.        We have been grafted in.

11.   Romans 8:15

a.        We touched on this a bit in chapter 6.

b.       We are not to be slaves to sin.

c.        We are no longer trapped in the flesh.

d.       We have been set free.

e.        We do not need to be afraid of the things that have held us down.

f.          The chains of addiction.

g.        The fear of failure.

h.        The fear that we cannot let go of our sin.

i.          We are new creations.

j.          We are not the same people we once were.

k.        We are children of God.

l.          We have been adopted by God.

m.     We have Hope that is secure through the sacrifice and gift of our Lord Jesus.

12.   Galatians 4:4-7

a.        All humans are made in the image of God.

b.       But not until we have repented of our sins and choose Jesus are we a Child of God.

c.        It is only after we have been redeemed.

d.       Being made into a new creation.

e.        That we are grafted into God’s family.

f.          That we become an heir.

g.        That we have an inheritance.

h.        Something that we will be given simply because we are God’s child.

i.          A gift because of Jesus.

j.          Not that we have earned it in any way.

k.        But because we have cried out to our Abba, our Father.

l.          We have cried out repenting of our sins and accepting the gift of Jesus.

13.   Romans 8:16

a.        The reason we cry out to our God in such a personal way.

b.       Calling Him Father.

c.        Connecting with Him in ways that can be hard to describe.

d.       The emotional connection that can be instantaneous.

e.        Is because the Holy Spirit helps us to see that we are God’s Children.

f.          He makes us aware of the connection.

g.        So, not only does He connect us.

h.        But also makes sure we know about the connection.

i.          It is the Holy Spirit that shows us that we are a new creation.

j.          It is the Holy Spirit that shows us the sin that we need to cut away.

k.        It is the Holy Spirit that guides us through the Sanctification process as we draw closer to our God.

l.          As He works in us, He shows us that we are God’s child.

m.     He shows us that we are loved by the Almighty God.

n.        That we have a perfect Father who loves us.

o.        A Savior who died for us.

14.   Romans 8:17

a.        As God’s children…

b.       As heirs… coheirs with our Lord Jesus…

c.        We will be resurrected as He was.

d.       We will receive life after death as He did.

e.        We will be glorified.

f.          But it will not always be a bed of roses.

15.   1 Peter 4:12-19

a.        We will face persecution on this side of eternity.

b.       It may range from something minor like most of us have faced in our lives so far.

c.        To the point of costing our lives or the life of a loved one.

d.       Jesus suffered horribly for us.

e.        We should expect that it is likely we too will suffer in this sinful world.

f.          That we may suffer for our faith in Christ.

g.        And if we do, we need to remember to trust in Jesus.

h.        He will not forsake us.

i.          In the end, we will be with Him.

j.          Regardless of how things play out on this side of eternity.

k.        Our Hope is secure.

l.          If Jesus is our Lord and Savior.

m.     If we have repented of our sins and have chosen to follow Him.

n.        We will spend forever in Glory.

16.   As a believer in Christ, remember you are not obligated to live your old life.

a.        You have been set free.

b.       Live your new life in Christ.

c.        Shake off the old ways.

d.       Choose Jesus each day.

e.        Follow Him.

f.          Seek out how you can serve Him and serve others.

g.        Either here at Littleby or elsewhere.

17.   If you don’t know Jesus, it is not to late.

a.        You can have the same Hope that we have been talking about.

b.       You can be set free from your sins.

c.        You can have the Holy Spirit working in you.

d.       You can know that your eternity with God is secure.

e.        All it takes is repenting of your sins and giving your life to Jesus.

f.          If that is you, I would love to talk with you and pray with you.


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