Sermon Notes - 1 Corinthians 11:17-29 - The Lord's Supper - January 12, 2025

1.        Hopefully part of your process for ending one year and starting the new year is taking some time to reflect.

a.        Should you be doing something different going forward.

b.       I am not a New Years Resolution kind of person.

c.        Instead, I pray, reflect, and make any changes that need to be made.

2.        In many ways that is what we should be doing this morning.

a.        Not because it is our first Sunday together this year.

b.       But because we are going to partake of the Lord’s Supper.

c.        When we take time to remember what our Lord Jesus did for us, it is more than thinking about His death and resurrection.

d.       We should evaluate how we are walking with our Lord.

e.        We should be asking our God about where we are falling short, we should be praying.

f.          We should reflect.

g.        Then we should be ready to make any changes that are needed.

h.        Changes that will help us to better connect with our Jesus.

i.          Changes that help us remember the sacrifice that our Lord made for us.

j.          Changes that help us to draw near to our God.

3.        1 Corinthians 11:23-25

a.        Prior to these verses Paul was correcting the Corinthians on how they fellowshipped and broke bread.

b.       They would eat a full meal and the bread and wine were a part of the larger meal.

c.        But they were not being very loving to each other.

d.       When we gather together to honor our God it should express unity.

e.        Especially when we remember His sacrifice.

f.          With these verses.

g.        Paul is reminding the Corinthians what Jesus taught during His last supper with His disciples.

h.        The broken bread was symbolic of His body being broken for us in death.

i.          The cup being passed represents the New Covenant.

j.          A new promise made to us that offers salvation through Jesus’ own blood being shed for us.

4.        Hebrews 9:11-15

a.        Jesus’ death paved the way for the New Covenant.

b.       This New Covenant is the path to salvation.

c.        It replaced the old approach through animal sacrifice.

d.       The old approach was impossible to follow.

e.        Jesus gave His life to pay the ultimate price for all who believe.

f.          He established a path to redemption.

g.        Through His sacrifice, those who believe become a new creation.

5.        This New Covenant allows us to be part of God’s family.

a.        It gives us the future Hope we were talking about heading into Christmas.

b.       It changes our eternal destination from horrible to amazing.

c.        The Lord’s Supper is meant to honor the New Covenant.

d.       To honor Jesus’s sacrifice.

e.        To honor the path that He made for us.

f.          Which is why we are to approach it correctly.

g.        In prayer and reflection.

h.        Ready to make any changes we need to make.

6.        1 Corinthians 11:26

a.        When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we are proclaiming that Jesus’ died for us.

b.       Every time we do this; we are telling everyone that Jesus died for us.  

c.        That He paid for our sins.

d.       That He gave us new life.

e.        Taking the Lord’s Supper is something we should share with others.

f.          Letting them know that we celebrate the sacrifice our Lord made.

g.        The New Covenant that comes with it.

h.        The Hope that it provides for all.

7.        When we approach our time together in celebration of the Lord’s Supper we need to do it appropriately.

a.        It is not some ritual that we simply do.

b.       It is something that is important.

c.        Something that we are to approach as a holy celebration.

d.       Something that is done to honor our Lord.

e.        Remembering what He did for us.

f.          Recognizing the sacrifice.

8.        1 Corinthians 11:27-29

a.        Paul was driving home the message that I touched on earlier.

b.       The Corinthians were not acting in love towards each other.

c.        To us this morning it is a reminder.

d.       That we need to make sure we are honoring our God.

e.        That we are loving others as we have been commanded.

f.          We need to make sure our hearts are focused on Jesus.

g.        Remembering how much He sacrificed for us.

h.        Recognizing that we are lost without the sacrifice we are remembering.

i.          That we need to approach our time this morning and every time we partake of the Lord’s Supper with a right heart.

9.        2 Corinthians 7:1

a.        Through our faith in Jesus.

b.       Our trust in Him.

c.        Our repenting of our sins.

d.       We have been cleansed.

e.        We need to approach today’s remembrance with a sense of holiness.

f.          If there is anything that we need to confess to God, we need to do it.

g.        If we are holding on to resentment or bitterness.

h.        We need to give it to God.

i.          If we have sins that we need to repent of, we need to ask for forgiveness.

j.          Whatever is going on, give it to Jesus before we partake.

10.   We will take some time before we distribute the elements to pray.

11.   1 John 3:23-24

a.        If the Lord’s Supper is done in remembrance of the sacrifice that Jesus has made for us.

b.       One thing that is important, is that you are a follower of Christ before you partake.

c.        You need to believe that Jesus is God.

d.       That He lived a perfectly sinless life.

e.        That He died on the cross to pay for your sins.

f.          That He rose from the dead granting you new life.

g.        If you believe these things and repent of your sins, then you are a follower of Jesus.

h.        If you have done these things then you can partake of the Lord’s Supper.

12.   I do want to emphasize that just because we are a follower of Christ, does not mean we still don’t have things we need to be praying about.

a.        Our lives are not perfect.

b.       We have things we need to lay down at God’s feet.

c.        We need to ask for forgiveness.

d.       We need His guidance.

13.   If you don’t know Jesus and would like to change that, I would love to pray with you.

14.   Before we remember Jesus’ sacrifice through taking the Lord’s Supper let’s spend a few moments in prayer.

a.        Close your eyes and talk to your God.

b.       If you have anything you need to ask God for forgiveness, lay it before Him.

c.        He is a faithful God.  

d.       If you have hurt someone you love, ask God to forgive you and for guidance on how to make amends.

e.        If you are holding a grudge, ask God to show you how to let go of those negative feelings.

f.          If you are mad at God for how things have turned out, ask Him to show you how to trust in Him.

g.        Even when you don’t understand.

h.        Take a moment and talk to God.

i.          If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, it is simple to take the first step.

j.          Tell Jesus you know that He is God and that you are a sinner.

k.        Tell Him that you know you are lost without Him.

l.          Tell Him you would like to follow Him from this day forward.

And ask Him to forgive you of your sins.   


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