Sermon Notes - Luke 2:1-20 - Look to the Future Hope # 4 - Littleby Baptist Church - December 22, 2024

1.        We started in Isaiah seeing how the people were told about a future hope.

a.        A baby that was going to be born who would save them.

b.       A king that that would rule forever.

c.        The baby has come, died, and rose again- giving us hope.

d.       The King has yet to return to set up His future kingdom.

e.        A future hope for the nation of Israel then and a future hope for us still today.

2.        Then Gabriel appeared to Mary.

a.        Telling her that she was going to have a son.

b.       God’s Son.

c.        It troubled her.

d.       The angel encouraged her.

e.        And Mary submitted to God’s will.

f.          Showing us that we are to let God work in our lives.

g.        Mary submitting to God meant that Jesus was coming.

h.        That His life on earth was about to start.

i.          That Hope was going to be available to all who believe in Him.

j.          Part of repenting of our sins and following Jesus, means we submit to His leadership.

k.        We let Him lead us.

l.          Lead us to that future hope.

3.        Then Mary visit’s Elizabeth.

a.        She celebrated who God is and what He is doing.

b.       She gave God the honor and glory for what He has done and is doing.

c.        He is the reason we have Hope.

d.       He is the one providing a path to eternity with Him.

e.        He is making a way for us to be redeemed.

f.          He is blessing us by fulfilling His promises.

g.        By Him being who He is.

h.        God deserves our praises.

i.          Not because of what He has done.

j.          But because of who He is.

4.        Jesus is our God.

5.        He is our current and future Hope.

6.        Yet, He came to earth as a little innocent baby.

7.        Luke 2:1-5

a.        A census was ordered.

b.       Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem.

c.        Since they were engaged or married in all ways but one.

d.       Mary had to go with him.

e.        Seems like an inconvenience for a pregnant woman.

f.          But it was the fulfillment of prophecy.

g.        Micah 5:2

h.        The Messiah that was to bring Hope was to be born in Bethlehem.

i.          This census and Joseph’s ancestry were the tools to make it happen.

8.        Luke 2:6-7

a.        A humble birth.

b.       Tradition tells us that Jesus was born in a cave.

c.        Laid in a feeding trough.

d.       Not what one would expect for one who will sit on the throne of David.

e.        Not the beginning one would predict for the King of kings, the creator of the universe.

f.          But that is where the one who gives us hope started His time on earth.  

g.        A humble start showing that He came for all of us.

9.        Luke 2:8-9

a.        The shepherds are out in the field.

b.       Maybe they noticed a star that is brighter than others in the sky.

c.        Maybe they didn’t.

d.       Tending their sheep.

e.        They had jobs to do.

f.          These weren’t guys dressed in fancy robes.

g.        They were people seen as unclean by the religious leaders.

h.        They probably didn’t smell the best either.

i.          They were likely going about their business.

j.          Then all of a sudden and angel of the Lord is standing in their presence.

k.        The Lord’s glory is shining around them.

l.          ‘and they were terrified.’ – likely one of those understatements of the Bible.

m.     They did not understand what was going on.

n.        God was at work.

o.        God was about to change the world.

p.       Yet the shepherds were not aware of what was going on.

q.       God was bringing Hope.

r.          Hope for them.

s.        Hope for everyone.

t.          They had no clue.

u.       God He was about to open their eyes to what He was doing.

v.        It is easy for us to get caught up in what we are doing each day and not see God at work.

w.      We need to listen to the Holy Spirit.

x.         Let Him guide us, so that we can be a part of what God is doing.

y.        Not oblivious to it.

10.   Luke 2:10

a.        Listen.

b.       Don’t worry.

c.        What I am about to tell you is worth celebrating.

d.       It is amazing.

e.        It is great news for all people.

f.          As we know today, it was news that brought hope for those shepherds.

g.        It brought hope for everyone alive that day.

h.        It brought hope for all who have lived since.

i.          It still brings future hope knowing that our Lord will return to sit on His throne.

j.          The angel was about to share some amazing news!

11.   Luke 2:11-12

a.        A Savior was born.

b.       The Messiah.

c.        One who will provide a way where there is no way.

d.       The one who redeems us.

e.        The one who opens the door to eternity for all who believe.

f.          Our Lord.

g.        Our King.

h.        Our Hope.

i.          The most amazing news was being shared with these shepherds.

j.          News that needs to be shared with anyone and everyone.

k.        News that is to be celebrated.

l.          News that changes our eternal destination.

m.     News that gives us hope for today and forever.

12.   Luke 2:13-14

a.        Then the single angel was joined by a multitude.

b.       They were praising God.

c.        Re-read vs. 14

d.       Glory to God.

e.        All of this is happening according to God’s will.

f.          As we read in Isaiah a few weeks ago, only God could make this happen.

g.        According to His will and with His power.

h.        God deserves all the glory.

i.          ‘Peace on earth to people he favors!’

j.          Peace to those who ultimately accept the gift that is being offered.

k.        Those that accept the future Hope that comes from this little Baby.

l.          Peace through the birth of our Savior and King.

m.     Jesus brings Peace and Hope to all who accept Him as Lord.

n.        We try to hold onto His Peace, Hope, and Joy while we walk this earth, but we don’t do a great job at it.

o.        It is there for us.

p.       But life does tend to get the better of us.

q.       Thankfully, through our faith in Him.

r.          We have that future Hope.

s.        Hope, Peace and Joy that is secure.

t.          It is guaranteed.

u.       Part of us spending forever with Him.

13.   Luke 2:15-16

a.        The shepherds heard.

b.       The shepherds went.

c.        They wanted to see their Savior for themselves.

d.       They had just seen something they had never seen before.

e.        Heard something that that was prophesied about.

f.          Something that they never expected to see.

g.        They wanted to see the hope of the world in the form of a little child.

h.        They sought Him out and found Jesus.

i.          They found Hope.

j.          That is the best advice we can give anyone.

k.        Seek Jesus and He will give you Hope.

l.          Hope for today and Hope for the future.

14.   Luke 2:17-20

a.        The shepherds proclaimed the truth.

b.       They told all who would listen.

c.        They were witnesses.

d.       God did something miraculous that night and they wanted to let everyone know about it.

e.        God has done something miraculous in each of us.

f.          We should be telling everyone about what He has done in us.

g.        Jesus has saved us.

h.        He has given us a peace that is beyond understanding.

i.          He has filled us with His joy.

j.          He has provided us with a hope that is secure.

k.        That no one can take away from us.

l.          We need to tell everyone what Jesus has done for us.

m.     And we need to be praising our God.

n.        Honoring Him.

o.        Glorifying Him.

p.       Our God is an Awesome God who is offering us an amazing gift.

q.       All we have to do is repent of our sins and give our lives to Him.

15.   1 Peter 1:3-4

a.        Jesus is the Living Hope.

b.       The Lord of Hope.

c.        It is through our faith in Him.

d.       In belief that He is God.

e.        Through His sinless life.

f.          His sacrificial death on the cross.

g.        Followed by His resurrection that we have an overflowing of Hope available to us.

h.        A hope that we are forgiven of our sins.

i.          A hope of a future with Him forever.

16.   If you are a follower of Jesus.

a.        Celebrate that Hope.

b.       A hope that has saved you from the wages of sin you have earned.

c.        A hope that has secured your spot in a perfect eternity.

17.   If you don’t know Jesus.

a.        You can have that same Hope.

b.       Jesus is offering it to you.

c.        He died on that cross to offer it to you.

d.       He died to offer you forgiveness of your sins.

e.        The question is, are you ready to give your life to Him?

f.          Are you ready to accept the most amazing gift ever offered?

g.        If you are, I would love to talk and pray with you.  


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