Sermon Notes - Luke 1:39-56 - Looking to a Future Hope # 3 - Littleby Baptist Church - December 15, 2024

1.        We started this series in Isaiah looking at how the prophecy pointed to the future hope we have in Jesus.

a.        A hope in the child who would become the man who paid the debt we owe.

b.       The hope we have through Jesus when He returns to establish His kingdom.

c.        Our Wonderful Counselor who holds our Hope securely for us.

d.       All we have to do is turn to Him.

2.        Last week we saw Gabriel appear to Mary and let her know what was about to happen.

a.        Mary was overwhelmed by Gabriel appearing to her.

b.       Let alone by everything that she was being told.

c.        She may have understood the prophesies, but why her?

d.       It likely did not make much sense.

e.        Gabriel tries to get her to not be afraid, but I suspect she understood the risks and it weighed on her.

f.          But she also heard the angel’s words.

g.        The child would be Jesus.

h.        He will be the Son of the Most High.

i.          He will be given the throne of his father David.

j.          He will reign forever.

k.        His kingdom will have no end.

l.          Gabriel was telling Mary that her child would be the promised Messiah.

m.     The one who would bring the future hope to all.

3.        Mary submitted to God.

a.        For His will to be done.

b.       She had faith in the promised Hope.

c.        We need to do the same.

d.       We need to trust that God will work in us.

e.        That if we give our lives to Him, that His will, will be done in us.

f.          That He will use us to touch others.

g.        That it is part of his plan to give hope to all.

4.        We are picking up where we left off last week.

5.        Luke 1:39-40

a.        Shortly after hearing the news from Gabriel, Mary departed for Zechariah and Elizabeth’s house.

b.       Maybe looking for some form of confirmation.

c.        Which would be a human thing to do.

d.       Maybe looking for someone who would understand.

e.        Again a human thing to do.

f.          To hide from people who knew her.  

g.        The reasons why are speculation at best.

h.        But the reality is Mary was in a unique situation and Elizabeth would likely believe her.

i.          She would likely offer a place to rest without judgement.

6.        Luke 1:41

a.        Baby John in Elizabeth heard Mary who had baby Jesus in her, he leaped, and the Holy Spirit filled Elizabeth.

b.       Last week we talked briefly about how both Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous in God’s sight.

c.        The Holy Spirit filling Elizabeth likely helped her to understand and believe all that Mary was going to tell her.

d.       She even knew some of it so that she did not need to be told.

e.        God was at work in this situation.

f.          Maybe it was an answer to a prayer of Mary’s as a way to confirm what the angel told her.

g.        Speculation on my part, but it would not surprise me.  

7.        Luke 1:42

a.        Words of encouragement that I would suspect were sorely needed.

b.       Whether Mary’s belly was showing now or not, she was likely concerned about how people would react.

c.        While she knew the future hope that would come from her child, the near future would have her concerned.

d.       God was using Elizabeth to bring her some peace.

8.        Luke 1:43-44

a.        No doubt that God revealed exactly who was alive in Mary.

b.       Elizabeth had all the pieces of the puzzle.

c.        She knew what was happening.

d.       The Holy Spirit was working in this situation.

e.        Working to reassure a young lady.

f.          To bring her peace and hope.

9.        Luke 1:45

a.        Elizabeth ends by stating that Mary is blessed because she believes in what the Lord said.

b.       Mary was blessed because she believed what Gabriel said to her.

c.        We are blessed by reading and believing the Word of God.

d.       Learning it and trusting in it as The truth.

e.        Which helps our faith grow.

10.   Luke 1:46-47

a.        Mary is praising the greatness of the Lord.

b.       She is rejoicing that God is her Savior.

c.        She knows that God is in control.

d.       Regardless of what concerns she had when she was traveling to Zechariah and Elizabeth’s, she has received confirmation.

e.        The Holy Spirit revealed to Elizabeth who was alive in Mary’s belly.

f.          Mary is at peace.

g.        She is holding onto the future hope.

h.        She has seen that God is at work.

i.          God revealed the truth to Elizabeth.

j.          She is trusting in God’s greatness.

11.   A quick reminder here.

a.        We need to remember to praise our God simply for who He is.

b.       He is an awesome God.

c.        We need to praise Him for His greatness like Mary did.

d.       Regardless of the outcome of our days or our prayers.

e.        He deserves our praise and worship because of who He is.

f.          We need to honor Him each day.

12.   We may not get the obvious confirmation that Mary received.

a.        But we do have ways to validate things.

b.       Pray about it, but sometimes it can be hard to know if we are getting a confirmation or not.

c.        Research what the Word of God has to say about the topic.

d.       That works sometimes, but for other topics the Bible may be vague on them.

e.        That is when we talk to a brother or sister in the Lord.

f.          Praying, studying, and talking all serve their purpose.

g.        None of them are perfect.

h.        We should be using all of them to help us understand how to walk through this life.

13.   Luke 1:48

a.        Mary is Praising God.

b.       She is Rejoicing.

c.        Because God has found favor on her.

d.       Her fears are gone.

e.        She is being reassured.

f.          She is honoring God as best as she can.

14.   Future generations will see her as blessed.

a.        I will say the Catholic church has gone too far with this one.

b.       But obviously Mary is an important person in our Christian heritage.

c.        Mary is one of the few women mentioned in the linage of Jesus.

d.       She is a vital part of Jesus time on earth.

e.        I would hope that many would call her blessed for as long as humans walk this earth.

15.   Luke 1:49

a.        Mary is not taking credit for anything that has been done.

b.       It is all God.

c.        He has done great things.

d.       The Might one of God.

e.        His name is Holy.

f.          She is clearly giving the credit to God.

g.        He deserves the honor and the glory.

h.        A good example for us to remember.

i.          We need to make sure we give God the honor and glory for the work He does.

16.   Luke 1:50

a.        His mercy is from generation to generation…

b.       The mercy we need, the grace that wipes away our sin, is given to each of us.

c.        It is offered from person to person.

d.       Generation to generation.

e.        Because God is who He is.

f.          This mercy is what offers us Hope.

g.        Hope from our sins today.

h.        Hope for those future generations that come after us.

i.          All leading to a future hope of spending an eternity with our God.

17.   Luke 1:51-52

a.        God will punish those who are wicked, those who are proud.

b.       Those who are after their own interests.

c.        Those who will suppress others.

d.       At the same time God will lift up those who have been pushed down.

e.        Put another way.

f.          Our God will judge those who embrace their sin.

g.        And He will give grace to those who repent and follow Him.

18.   Luke 1:53

a.        God will provide for those in need.

b.       He will punish those who take advantage of others.

c.        God will provide salvation to those who are hungry for His truth.

d.       And those who think they have all that they need will be sent away.

e.        All are offered hope, some will accept it, some will not.

19.   Luke 1:54

a.        The coming child was going to be a blessing to Israel.

b.       A fulfillment of prophecy.

c.        He would bring Hope to the people.

d.       A future hope that people have been waiting for.

e.        A future hope that provides salvation from one’s sins.

f.          And a future hope for an eternity with God.

20.   Luke 1:55

a.        The coming child was a promised future hope.

b.       Genesis 12:1-3

c.        These 3 verses start with Abram stepping out in faith.

d.       Trusting that God will do what He is saying.

e.        But in turn, God is making seven promises.

f.          None of them are very specific.

g.        But all of them are listed here.

h.        All of them point to an amazing future.

i.          But they require trust in God.

j.          They require faith.

k.        *walk through verses 2 and 3

l.          Blessed through you… meaning Jesus will be a descendent of Abram.

m.     Jesus is the ultimate blessing.

n.        The Future Hope that we all should be looking forward to.

21.   As we head into Christmas where are you on your journey with Christ?

a.        Are you running good and ready to step out and serve?

b.       There are a lot of ways to be used by God if you are ready to let Him use you.

22.   Have you repented and believed, but are struggling?

a.        You are not alone.

b.       We all go through that.

c.        Connect with a brother or sister.

d.       Engage with others and study the Word.

e.        Talk to one of us.

f.          The only way we grow is by doing it together.

23.   Have you yet to make a commitment to Jesus?

a.        Don’t delay.

b.       Jesus died on His cross out of love for you.

c.        He would willingly do so again.

d.       We are all sinners, and Jesus paid our sin debt so that we can be with Him forever.

e.        Repent of your sins and give your life to Him and you will be saved.

f.          You will spend forever with Him.

g.        If that is you, I would love to talk and pray with you.


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