Sermon Notes - Romans 6:1-14 - Littleby Baptist Church - November 3, 2024

1.        Last week we talked about how sin came into the world through Adam.

a.        One great point is found in verse 17.

b.       Romans 5:17

c.        Sin came through Adam.

d.       But the grace of God through our Lord Jesus overflowed.

e.        It more than covers the sin that we have.

f.          It is more than enough.

g.        More grace than we could ever need is given to us.

h.        Not just enough to cover our sins on the day we turn to Christ.

i.          But enough to wipe away each sin for each day.

j.          With some leftover when we stand before Christ on judgement day.

k.        Romans 5:20

l.          Grace multiplied even more.

m.     No matter what our sin ledger looks like, with faith in Jesus it is covered.

n.        Eternal life with Jesus.

o.        A promise, a Gift, that is offered to all and given to all who repent of their sins and follow Jesus.

2.        As we start this morning, Paul starts off what another question.

3.        Romans 6:1

a.        Actually, he started off with two questions.

b.       The first tying to our summary of last week.

c.        Since we have more grace than we need.

d.       How does that impact our life?

e.        Which brings us to the second.

f.          Read 2nd half of verse….

g.        If we have an overflowing of grace.

h.        More than enough to wipe away our sins each and every day with some left over.

i.          Should we choose, with an emphasis on choosing, to continue to walk in sin so that we can use more of the grace that God is giving us?

j.          If grace is available, why not use it?

k.        Kind of like, I have the money in the bank I might as well spend it.

l.          Go out and have fun with the money.

m.     But what about that rent check that hasn’t gone through yet?

n.        I think we will see that choosing to sin does not work well just like spending the rent money simply because the check has not gone through yet is not a good idea.

4.        Romans 6:2

a.        If we have become children of God.

b.       If we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.

c.        How can we continue to live in sin?

d.       2 Corinthians 5:17

e.        We are a new creation.

f.          As part of that new creation, sin is not something we should be seeking to do.

g.        It is part of our past.

5.        Romans 6:3

a.        When we give our lives to Christ we join Him in death.

b.       Our old sinful self dies.

c.        We are no longer that person.

d.       As we just read out of 2 Cor. The old has passed away.

e.        Using the symbolism of baptism as Paul is, we have been submerged or buried.

f.          The old is gone.

6.        Romans 6:4-5

a.        We died with Christ.

b.       But that was not the end.

c.        It was a necessary step.

d.       The old had to die.

e.        So that the new can be raised from the dead.

f.          By the power of God.

g.        Jesus was raised from the dead.

h.        We too have been raised from the dead.

i.          We are no longer the same person we were before we met Jesus.

j.          We are no longer lost.

k.        We have been given a new life.

l.          We have a new life now while we walk this world.

m.     And an eternal life with Jesus.

7.        It can be hard to remember the excitement of what it was like when we first accepted Jesus.

a.        For some we may have felt an overwhelming love or peace.

b.       We may have felt a forgiveness or freeness from a way of life that was holding you back.

c.        For others it was more of a normal way of things.

d.       But for each of us, it was life changing.

e.        A moment in time when our names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

f.          A moment in time when we have been called to serve God instead of ourselves.

8.        Romans 6:6-7

a.        This section started out asking if we should continue in sin so that grace may multiply.

b.       Here we see that our old way of life is meant to die.

c.        We are not to be that person anymore.

d.       That person is to be crucified on the cross with Jesus.

e.        Our sin is meant to die with Him.

f.          It is rendered powerless over us.

g.        Listen to that again.

h.        Our old self is crucified with Jesus.

i.          So that it is rendered powerless over us.

j.          In order that we will no longer be a slave to our sin.

9.        Christ died for us.

a.        When we repent of our sin and turn our lives over to Him.

b.       Our old selves die.

c.        We become new beings.

d.       With that.

e.        Our old sinful ways died with our old selves.

f.          Which means… our old sin, has no power over us.

10.   Okay, I can hear the thoughts… I have said them myself over the years.

a.        But I am still tempted.

b.       Yep, we will still struggle with sin.

c.        Behaviors are hard to change.

d.       The devil is going to do everything he can to trap us.

e.        But if we read these words, even underline them and highlight them…

f.          They tell us that we are no longer a slave to our sin.

g.        The question we have to answer is do we believe it?

h.        Do we trust what the Word of God is telling us?

i.          Do we trust that the Holy Spirit can help us?

j.          We are going to falter, but if we trust in God we can and will be freed from our sin!

11.   Romans 6:8-11

a.        A little bit of repetition here to reemphasize these critical points.

b.       If we died with Christ.

c.        If our sins died with Him.

d.       Covered by His blood.

e.        We will have a new life.

f.          A new life on this side of eternity.

g.        And a new life that lasts forever and ever.

h.        If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, you have died to your sin.

i.          It has no hold over you.

j.          Jesus is your Lord.

k.        He is in control, not that sin.

l.          Let God have control, not your past.

12.   Romans 6:12

a.        Paul is encouraging Roman believers and us with these words.

b.       Sin had control before you gave your life to Jesus.

c.        Jesus is in control now.

d.       Do not let sin reign.

e.        Do not let sin rule how you are going to live your life.

f.          Whatever sin you are dealing with…

g.        Do not let it dictate to you how you are going to live your life.

h.        Do not let it tell you how you are going to prioritize your day, spend your money, or chose who you are going to spend your time with.

i.          We cannot let sin control our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

j.          Through Jesus our sin is powerless.

k.        Instead of sin we have Hope, Joy, and Love through our Jesus.

13.   Romans 6:13

a.        Should we continue to live in or practice sin?

b.       No, we should live our lives loving and serving God and loving and serving others.

c.        If we are giving our lives to God, I think that would be a good way of offering ourselves as… read highlighted part of verse.

d.       To be used by God for His purpose.

14.   Romans 6:14

a.        If you have repented of your sin.

b.       If you have put your faith in Jesus.

c.        Re-read verse.

d.       Sin Will NOT rule over you.

e.        By the Grace of God Sin Will NOT Rule over You!

f.          We all have sin.

g.        None of us are sinless.

h.        But the Word of God is clear.

i.          Sin will not rule over us if we are offering ourselves to God.

15.   The trick is, we have to be all in.

a.        We have to mean it when we repent of our sins and give our lives to Jesus.

b.       We have to give all of ourselves to Jesus.

c.        We cannot hold back parts of lives that we want to keep the way they were.

d.       We have to jump in with both feet.

e.        No parachute allowed.

f.          Trust in Jesus.

g.        The one who died for us.

h.        The one who defeated death.

i.          The one who is offering us new life.

j.          The one who if we believe in Him will free us from our sin.

16.   As we sit here this morning.

a.        I want you to take a moment.

b.       Is there something you are still holding on to?

c.        Is there sin you afraid to let go of?

d.       Is there sin that you have tried to let go of, but it has been a struggle?

17.   The words we read today tell us:

a.        Our old self was crucified.

b.       That sin in our old life is now powerless.

c.        It has no control over us.

d.       We are free from it.

e.        I wan to encourage you to bring it before your Jesus and ask Him to help you lay it down once and for all.

18.   If there is something you need to lay down, do it.

19.   If you feel the Holy Spirit calling you to step up to a call on your life, do it.

20.   If you are feeling lead to put your trust in Jesus and give your life to Him, don’t delay.

a.        You can be freed of your sin and be given hope, peace, and love.


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