Sermon Notes - Psalms 7:17 - Thankful for God's Righteousness - Littleby Baptist Church - November 24, 2024

1.        We are taking a pause from Roman’s this morning.

a.        As we head into an important time of year, it is a good time to reflect.

b.       A time to be thankful for the blessings we have.

c.        Although sometimes it is hard to see those blessings.

d.       For some this has been a rough year.

e.        The pain, the loss, or fear may be making it hard to be thankful.

f.          I want to remind you that regardless of what has happened or what might be going on, there is something that we should be thankful for.

2.        Psalms 7:17

a.        We are to thank the Lord for His righteousness!

b.       If nothing else, we are to be thankful for God’s righteousness.

3.        Our God is a righteous God, but what does that mean?

a.        We talk about pursuing righteousness.

b.       But when we get down to defining it, it is hard.

c.        We know it is not something we can achieve.

d.       We may chase it, but it is not something we will attain on our own.  

e.        God is righteous… and righteousness was credited to Abram and I would say to all who are followers of Christ.

f.          Now, God is perfect.

g.        He is Holy.

h.        He is Just.

i.          God is each of these things… we are not.

j.          We might be perfectionists, but that in itself is a fault.

k.        We pursue righteousness, but we cannot achieve perfection or holiness, and we may be just in how we handle things sometimes, but we are not consistent at it.

4.        Psalms 7:17

a.        We should be thankful because God is what we cannot be.

b.       He is righteous.

c.        He is perfect.

d.       We are not.

e.        He is worthy of our thanks and our praise.

5.        Deuteronomy 32:1-4

a.        God is stable.

b.       He is constant.

c.        His works are absolutely perfect.

d.       His works are what is needed, when they are needed.

e.        God is Righteous.

6.        Romans 12:1-2

a.        Here Paul is telling us to submit to God.

b.       Completely submit to Him.

c.        As living sacrifices.

d.       So that God can work in us.

e.        So that He can use us.

f.          According to His Perfect Will.

7.        As we continue down the sanctification process.

a.        As we are molded and shaped into who God wants us to be.

b.       As we are transformed… we become more in tune with God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will.

c.        As we become better at listening to the Holy Spirit and do what He says.

d.       We end up carrying out God’s perfect will.

e.        I love it, the closer we draw near to our God we become His instruments to carry out His perfect will.

8.        Psalms 18:30

a.        God’s way is perfect.

b.       God’s way, His plan for fulfilling His promise is perfect.

c.        His promise to Abraham has been meticulously carried out.

d.       His promises to David have been fulfilled.

e.        The prophecies about Jesus, promises that were made by God.

f.          Have been and are continuing to be fulfilled perfectly.

9.        God is perfect.

a.        Everything He has done, is doing, and will do is perfect.

b.       His will is perfect.

c.        His approach to carrying out His will and promises are perfect.

d.       The only way these can be perfect is by God being perfect.

e.        By Him being Righteous.

10.   This righteousness.

a.        This perfection.

b.       Led to the plan that ultimately provided for our Lord and Savior Jesus dying on the cross for us.

c.        If we can find no other reason to be thankful.

d.       Be thankful for His perfection.

e.        Give thanks for to our God for His righteousness.

11.   Another word we use to define Righteousness is Holy.

a.        Ezekiel 36:22-23

b.       Through the prophet Ezekiel, God is declaring His holiness.

c.        Now, we don’t always take someone at their own word for who they are.

d.       But, being that the Word of God is infallible.

e.        I think we can trust God’s Word to speak the truth about God’s character.

f.          Our God is Holy.

g.        He is incorruptible.

h.        He cannot be around sin.

i.          He cannot break His promises.

j.          Hebrews 6:18 and Numbers 23:19 tell us that God cannot lie, so His promises are true.

k.        His word is His Word.

l.          Our God is Holy.

12.   Revelation 4:8

a.        The four living creations never stop proclaiming that our God is holy, holy, holy…

b.       That He is incorruptible.

c.        That He is awe inspiring.

d.       That He is righteous.

13.   2 Corinthians 5:21

a.        Jesus knew no sin.

b.       The only person to ever walk this world without sin.

c.        His sinless life made Him the perfect sacrifice.

d.       So that when we accept His amazing gift, we can receive the grace we do not deserve.

e.        Jesus is Righteous, so that our sins can be wiped away.

f.          So that we can be made righteous.

g.        Something that we should be thankful for.

h.        The forgiveness of our debt.

i.          The wiping away of all of our sins.

j.          Because the Holy One of God, took our place on that cross.

14.   Another way to define Righteous is Awesome.

a.        Our God is truly awe inspiring.

b.       Psalms 33:8

c.        Stand in Awe of our God!

d.       I wonder if we lose sight of this sometimes.

e.        God is someone we come to church to sing about.

f.          We read His words.

g.        We study them.

h.        We talk to Him.

i.          But since we don’t see his magnificence, we don’t see the miracles, do we lose sight of how Awesome He is?

j.          Let’s look at some of these verse in this Psalm.

k.        Underlines in vs… 4-11

l.          They emphasize how Awesome our God is.

m.     How amazing He is.

n.        How powerful He is.

o.        How Great He is.

p.       How beyond our imagination and comprehension He is.

q.       He is truly Awe Inspiring.

r.          There really is not much in this world that is awe inspiring.

s.        I have hiked through Yosemite, and it is amazing, but even it would pale in comparison to our God.

t.          The Grand Canyon has a bit of a wow factor when you look out over it.

u.       But it is not awe inspiring.

15.   Our God… and the work that He does, is so much greater than the things we see today.

a.        The creation of the earth as we know it… awe inspiring.

b.       The great flood of Noah’s day… awe inspiring.

c.        The parting of the sea for Moses and the Israelites… awe inspiring.

d.       Acts 2:43

e.        The power of God working through the people.

f.          The resurrection of our Lord Jesus giving us new life!

g.        God at work is awe inspiring!

h.        He is Righteous!

16.   Our thanks is due Him for His righteousness.

17.   We are going to look at one more element of righteousness this morning.

18.   Isaiah 30:18

a.        The people had done wrong.

b.       But as they had turned to God.

c.        As they depended on Him.

d.       He desired to show them kindness.

e.        He desired to bless them.

f.          Our God is a just God.

g.        In that He gives us what we deserve.

h.        Our wages are death due to the sin in our lives.

i.          Yet our just and righteous God has provided an amazing gift for us.

j.          If we turn to Jesus.

k.        If we depend on Him.

l.          Depend on God, His Son, and the Gift He is offering.

m.     Understanding that we cannot earn it.

n.        That we are lost without God.

o.        Yet, when we repent of our sins.

p.       And follow Jesus.

q.       We are redeemed.

r.          We are saved.

s.        Because our God is a Just God.

t.          Because He is a Righteous and loving God.

19.   Some have a lot to be thankful for this morning.

20.   Some may be wondering what they are thankful for today.

21.   Psalms 7:17

a.        As Christ followers we are to be thankful that our God is Righteous.

b.       Thankful that He is Perfect, Holy, and Just.

c.        Thankful that He loves us.

d.       Thankful that His perfect plan included Jesus’ sinless life on this earth.

e.        Including Him being our perfect sacrifice.

f.          So that we can spend forever with Him.

22.   If you do not know Jesus, I want to encourage you to listen to the calling of the Holy Spirit.

a.        Jesus died for you.

b.       To forgive you of your sins.

c.        To set you free from your past.

d.       Repent and follow Jesus.

e.        I would love to pray with you.

23.   If you do know Jesus.

a.        Know that His perfect will has a perfect Plan for your life.

b.       No matter what this world throws your way, God will use you.

c.        No matter what you may be dealing with, be thankful for God.

d.       Be thankful for His Righteousness.


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