Sermon Notes - Romans 4:9-25 - Faith - Littleby Baptist Church - October 13, 2024

 1.        In the first part of the fourth chapter of Romans, Paul was driving home the point that we are saved by faith.

a.        He was using historical heroes of the Jewish faith to make his point.

b.       Father Abraham was saved by faith, before the sacrificial system.

c.        Before Jesus died on the cross.

d.       This would have been easily accepted by the Jewish people.

e.        It probably helped them to accept what Paul was telling them.

f.          Might have shocked them that Paul was saying that the gentiles could have that same faith.

g.        But by making the connection between Abraham and then David, it would have become easier for many to accept what he was teaching.

h.        That we are justified by repenting of our sins and following Jesus.

i.          The Son of God, who died on the cross for us.

j.          A message that he continues to drive home throughout most of this letter.

2.        Romans 4:9

a.        Paul starts with another question.

b.       Is this a blessing for those of the Law or for everyone?

c.        We have answered this in previous weeks, but Paul answers in the coming verses.

3.        Romans 4:10

a.        Abram was seen as righteous by faith 29 years before he was circumcised.

b.       Faith came before the circumcision.

c.        The blessing, being declared righteous, is for those who are circumcised and uncircumcised.

4.        Romans 4:11a

a.        Circumcision was the sign of his faith.

b.       Abrham’s circumcision was part of the covenant.

c.        But it was also a recognition of faith he had already demonstrated.

d.       In a way, it was almost like our baptism.

e.        We are baptized after we declare are faith in Christ.

f.          Faith comes first.

5.        Romans 4:11b-12

a.        Since Abraham was found as righteous before he was circumcised.

b.       He is the father of those who come to faith who are not circumcised.

c.        He is the father of those gentile believers who are grafted into the vine, who is Jesus Christ.

d.       He is also the father of those Jewish people who followed in his footsteps and are circumcised and believe that Jesus is their Savior.

e.        Abraham is the spiritual father of both Gentiles and Jews.

f.          We are part of his family.

6.        Romans 4:13

a.        The OT law was given 430 years after God gave the promise to Abrham.

b.       The OT law had absolutely no impact on the promise.

c.        The promise from God was in response to Abraham’s faith in God.

d.       His trust that God would do what He said He would do.

7.        Romans 4:14-15

a.        Not one single person has been or can be saved by following the law.

b.       It is not possible for a fallen human to adhere to the law perfectly.

c.        Attempting to do so will result in sin, in failure, in judgement, in wrath.

d.       So, if one were to believe that you can be saved by the law you would be saying that the faith of Abrham, and all who have come since is worthless.

e.        Saying that our faith is empty.

f.          That it has no value.

g.        That the promise given to Abrham by God because of his faith is invalid.

h.        This would be counter to everything that Paul has been teaching in his letter so far.

i.          Counter to what we know that Jesus taught.

8.        Romans 4:16

a.        Paul is expanding on what he has said in the previous verses.

b.       The previous verses were talking about how the law nullified the promise and brought wrath.

c.        His focus was on the negative.

d.       Here he is focusing on the positive.

e.        The promise is by faith.

f.          According to grace.

g.        For all descendants.

h.        Not just of the law… not just those who are of Jewish descent.

i.          But also, those who have faith like Abraham had faith, like us who believe.

j.          Who trust in God.

k.        When we sing about Father Abraham, we are singing about our faith father.

9.        Romans 4:17

a.        Paul is quoting Genesis to reenforce that God stated that Abraham would be the father of many nations.

b.       Not just the Jewish nation.

c.        Nations that did not exist at that time.

d.       Some would be direct descendants.

e.        Some would be grafted in through faith.

f.          Nations like ours.  

10.   Romans 4:18-19

a.        Abraham was an old man.

b.       Sarah was an old woman who had been baren all her life.

c.        They did not think they would have children.

d.       It was not logical.

e.        Not medically possible.

f.          Yet Abrham had hope.

g.        He believed.

11.   Romans 4:20-21

a.        Abraham believed that God would fulfill His promise.

b.       The opposite of this is seen in James.

c.        James 1:6-8.

d.       When we compare these two, we see a solid rock and a surging sea.

e.        One thing we have to be careful of is to not to put Abraham on a pedestal here.

f.          He is a man.

g.        A man who on more than one occasion was afraid for his life and had his wife say that she was his sister.

h.        A half-truth.

i.          Something he did after God told Abraham that he would be made into a great nation.

j.          So, while Abraham had faith, we also see examples of him taking matters into his own hands.

k.        Not trusting God and being tossed around like a surging sea.

l.          We see Abraham being human.

12.   But we see that overtime his faith grew.

a.        As you read from Genesis 12 with his initial calling to chapter 22 you see a man going from questioning God to one who trusts God fully.

b.       Going from how is this possible…

c.        To the point of being inches away from sacrificing his son.

d.       Abraham was convinced that God would do what He said He would do.  

13.   A reminder for us that the more time we spend with our God, the stronger our faith becomes.

a.        The more we learn to trust Him today.

b.       The more we will be able to trust Him in the future.

c.        We may be tossed a bit today by the surging sea, but as our faith grows we will be able to handle it better.

14.   Romans 4:22

a.        Because Abraham put his faith in God.

b.       Because time and time again he trusted that God would do what He said He would do.

c.        It was created to him for righteousness.

d.       He was found faithful.

e.        He has paved the way for all who believe.

f.          He is example for you and I.

15.   Romans 4:23-24

a.        Normally we talk about our faith in Jesus as being the focal point.

b.       Here Paul is talking about how we believe in the One who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.

c.        Paul is recognizing that Jesus is our Lord, but the emphasis is on the One who did the raising.

d.       In doing so, Paul is tying the faith of Christians to the faith of Abraham.

e.        He is strengthening the connection for those who have honored Abraham all their lives and have only recently believed in Jesus.

f.          Helping them and us see that faith in God, faith in Jesus is all that is needed.

g.        Faith saved Abraham.

h.        Faith in Jesus and His atoning gift saves us.

16.   Romans 4:25

a.        Jesus was delivered up for our trespasses…

b.       The Father gave up His Son for our sin.

c.        Then He was raised up on that cross to shed His blood to pay for our sins.

d.       To pay our debt in full.

17.   Faith in Jesus is all that is needed.

a.        His death sealed the deal.

b.       If we put our faith in Him.

c.        Repent of our sins and trust in Jesus, righteousness will be credited to us.

d.       Seems too easy.

e.        In a way, it is very easy.

f.          But it also can be very hard.

g.        It requires us to keep our eyes on Jesus every day.

h.        Spending time with Him.

i.          Growing in our faith.

j.          So that we are not tossed like a surging sea.

18.   Trust in Jesus.

19.   If you don’t know Him, don’t delay.

a.        He is your path to being set free from the sin in your life.

b.       He is your path to forgiveness.

c.        He loves you.

d.       If you want to turn to Jesus, I would love to pray with you.


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