Sermon Notes - Romans 4:1-8 - Littleby Baptist Church - October 6, 2024

 1.        Some of the verses we last covered remind us that we fall short.

a.        Read Romans 3:23

b.       Then some remind us that God took care of that.

c.        Read Romans 3:25

d.       God stepped in to take care of our sin problem.

e.        If we ever wonder if God is at work in our lives, there is the proof.

f.          If He took care of our sin problem.

g.        He can work in any situation we are dealing with.

h.        We may question how He is going to handle it.

i.          We may wish the results were different.

j.          But these words are proof that God is at work in our lives.

k.        God stepped in to take care of our sin.

l.          And He is with us through whatever we are going through.

2.        As we move into chapter 4, Paul builds on the historical faith of the Jewish people.

a.        He talks to them about Father Abraham and his faith.

b.       How it is an important part of the Jewish faith.

c.        At the same time, he is showing the Gentiles some of the history and as we will see why it is important.

3.        Paul starts out with another question.

4.        Romans 4:1

a.        What then… tying back to the conversation we ended with last week.

b.       Read red underlines.

c.        How does all that tie to Father Abraham?

d.       How does being justified by faith tie to the forefather of the Jewish people?

e.        How does God being the God of gentiles impact Abraham.

f.          How does this impact the Law?

g.        Great questions.

h.        To the Jew they would be saying Abraham was saved because he was faithful before the law was put in place.

i.          We will get our answers as we go through our verses this morning.

5.        Romans 4:2

a.        Abraham likely had a lot he could have boasted about.

b.       He amassed a lot of wealth.

c.        He won battles.

d.       But none of that could be boasted before God, because all of it came from God.

e.        When we think we are responsible for our own blessings, we may boast about what we have done.

f.          Boast about our works.

g.        When we recognize that all that we have comes from our God.

h.        All that we accomplish is because of what He does in us.

i.          We realize we have nothing to boast about.

6.        Romans 4:3

a.        This is Genesis 15:6.

b.       Genesis 15:1-6.

c.        Abram believed that God would fulfill the promise of an heir.

d.       He had faith in God.

e.        God made Abraham righteous.

f.          That is how we are seen with the blood of Christ.

g.        Through our faith in Jesus we are cleansed, redeemed, and made righteous.

h.        Jesus did it, not us.

7.        Romans 4:4

a.        So, if you work you are paid what you are owed for what you did.

b.       What you are given is not a gift.

c.        It is your pay.

d.       When applying this to salvation it would mean if we could pay our way, it would not be a gift.

e.        We could earn our way into eternity.

f.          We could redeem ourselves.

g.        We would not need Jesus’ gift.

h.        A gift that was credited to Abraham.

i.          A gift that was credited to us through our faith in Jesus.

j.          But if we look back at Romans 3:28 (read).

k.        We are not justified, saved, redeemed, made righteous by works of the law or any works at all.

l.          It is a gift.

m.     Something we cannot earn.

8.        Romans 4:5

a.        Paul is not encouraging us to quit our jobs.

b.       Or that we are never to do anything for God.

c.        What he is telling us is that our salvation is not dependent on what we do.

d.       If we focus on the works for just a moment.

e.        They should be the outpouring of our faith.

f.          They should be the result of Jesus getting a hold of our lives and us never being the same.

g.        The works should be how we respond to the Holy Spirits leading.

h.        Salvation though, going from being ungodly to righteous is based on believing in the one who paid the price for us.

i.          We have to believe that Jesus is God.

j.          That He came to earth and lived a perfect sinless life.

k.        That He died on that cross taking on our sin.

l.          That He rose from the dead in turn granting those who believe a new life.

m.     If we believe in the one who can change our eternal destination from horrible to wonderful, then we are changed from ungodly to righteous.

n.        Our faith is credited for righteousness.

o.        Our faith saved us.

p.       Just like Father Abraham.

9.        I doubt the similarity in these words got past the Jewish people.

a.        How could they and the gentiles be saved by faith like Abraham.

b.       Even with Jesus, there had to be something different.

c.        I would suspect the gentiles were liking the connection.

d.       Seeing how their young faith and a letter written roughly 25 years after Jesus’ death ties all the way back to Abraham.

e.        Connects some dots and helps to build a foundation for them.

10.   Romans 4:6

a.        Paul is following standard Jewish practice of having a secondary source or witness to what he is trying to prove.

b.       He started with Abraham and now pulls in David.

c.        Two well-known and highly respected and honored people for the Jews and likely others.

11.   Romans 4:7-8

a.        Quoting from Psalms 32:1-2.

b.       Let’s turn there.

12.   Psalms 32:1-2

a.        The Lord does not charge us.

b.       He covers our sin.

c.        He forgives our transgression.

d.       It is all His work, not ours.

e.        It is not our doing; it is all due to His wonderful gift.

f.          We should respond with joy.

g.        We should be joy filled.

h.        For it is a wonderful gift that we have received.

13.   Psalms 32:3-5

a.        Whether David was sick, in pain, or poetically describing the conviction one might feel before turning to God… we don’t know.

b.       Either way, God was working on him.

c.        Sound familiar?

d.       God works on us.

e.        The Holy Spirit works to open our hearts so that we will hear the truth.

f.          Then once we do and we repent, Jesus forgives us for our sin.

g.        He redeems us.

14.   Psalms 32:6-7

a.        David is encouraging others to seek God.

b.       To turn to God before trouble hit.

c.        It won’t stop it from coming, but with God it will be easier to stand during the storm.

15.   Psalms 32:8

a.        Go to the Lord now.

b.       Don’t delay.

c.        Don’t wait until things are bad.

d.       Don’t wait until it is too late.

e.        There is an urgency.

f.          There is a limit to how much time we have.

g.        We need to be encouraging people to turn to God before it is too late.

h.        Before they run out of time.

i.          Before they face the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

16.   Psalms 32:9-11

a.        Don’t resist God.

b.       Trust in the Lord.

c.        Let His Love surround you.

d.       Be filled with His Joy.

e.        Sing His Praises.

17.   All of this ties back to Paul’s message in Romans.

a.        We are justified by our faith in Jesus.

b.       Just like Abram was justified by his faith in God back in Genesis 15.

c.        Believe in Christ.

d.       Believe that He is God.

e.        That He came to this earth.

f.          Lived a sinless life.

g.        Died on a cross to pay for your sins.

h.        Then rose from the dead defeating death to give you a new life.

i.          Simply believe.

18.   The rest is up to Jesus.

a.        He did the work.

b.       He does the redeeming.

c.        He sets us free.

d.       He justifies us.

e.        He paid our debt in full.

19.   If you need to ask Jesus for forgiveness, today is the day.

a.        He is ready to forgive you.

b.       If you feel the Holy Spirit guiding, you to give your life to Jesus.

c.        I would love to talk and pray with you.


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