Sermon Notes - Romans 2:1-16 - God Judges - Littleby Baptist Church - August 18, 2024

1.        Looking back at the last half of Romans chapter 1, it was not pretty.

a.        We see Paul talking about how people suppressed the truth of God.

b.       Turning away from what Jesus has done for us.

c.        Embracing the sin of the world.

d.       Letting that sin become more important than anything else.

e.        Sin can become an idol and sometimes sneaks in and does not seem too bad.

f.          It is just an occasional distraction… but it still something that we allow to separate us from our God.

g.        Anything we put between us and our God is an idol.

h.        These idols lead to destruction.

i.          As we choose these idols, we are choosing to reject God.

j.          That may seem harsh.

k.        But it is reality.

l.          When we choose something over our God, we are ultimately rejecting Him.

m.     There is no middle ground.

n.        We have to choose Jesus every time.

o.        Holding on to His truth.

p.       So that we are not led astray.

2.        Let’s take a look at where Paul is taking us in chapter two.

3.        This is one of those sections that is believed that Paul is targeting the Jewish audience.

a.        Specifically, those who were acting more Jewish than Christian.

4.        Romans 2:1

a.        If we judge others, we are ultimately judging ourselves because we do the same things.

b.       But that person is an adulterer or a drunk and I don’t do those things.

c.        But if we look at the list in Romans 1:29-31 (read).

d.        Do we do any of these?

e.        Are we just as unrighteous as those we are judging?

f.          The answer is yes.

g.        Left to our own we are guilty of sin.

h.        There is no way around it.

i.          We are sinners.

5.        Romans 2:2

a.        God’s judgement is different.

b.       He knows all.

c.        He knows our hearts.

d.       He knows our motives.

e.        He judges based on the absolute truth.

6.        Romans 2:3

a.        This was likely a message targeting Jewish believers who thought they were given a pass because of their heritage.

b.       Paul is saying the playing field is now even.

c.        They will be judged the same as the gentile or Greek.

d.       Our ancestry, history, upbringing, etc.... has no bearing on if we will be judged.

e.        All fall short of the glory of God.

7.        Romans 2:4

a.        God’s Love.

b.       His compassion.

c.        Jesus’ sacrifice.

d.       His gift of eternal life.

e.        All of it… is not so you can embrace your pride, your sin.

f.          Instead, it is in hope that you will see that you too need to repent.

8.        God’s beauty around us is in hope that we see how amazing He is.

a.        The blessings He bestows upon us is in hope that we will realize He loves us.

b.       So that we will repent of our sins and turn to Him.

9.        Romans 2:5

a.        Because you have rejected the love of God.

b.       God’s judgement is coming.

c.        It will be deserved.

d.       It is Just.

e.        For Jew and Gentile alike.

f.          There is debate on if Paul was talking about upon death or upon judgement day, but either way the result is the same.

g.        Reject God and you will face His judgement.

h.        You will be found among the goats who will be cast into the lake of fire.

10.   Romans 2:6

a.        Judgement and salvation are personal things.

b.       I am not going to be saved or judged based on what my grandfather or father did.

c.        My children are not impacted by what I do.

d.       We each must choose our path.

e.        Our actions, our works, decide our fate.

f.          Now to be clear this is not ‘works’ as in doing more good than bad.

g.        This is still part of the conversation about a person suppressing the truth of God or not.

h.        If you suppress the truth of God, you are choosing an idol and rejecting God.

i.          That would not be a work you want.

j.          Choosing to follow Jesus, is the only work that matters.

11.   Romans 2:7-8

a.        Judgement and salvation are decided based on if one rejects God or accepts the truth about Jesus and trusts in Him.

b.       It is an either-or-situation.

c.        It is black or white.

d.       You are either following God or following the world.

e.        Eternal life in glory or the wrath and anger of God.

12.   Romans 2:9-10

a.        When we look at these verses, we see Paul reenforcing what he has been saying.

b.       But there is a bit more to it.

c.        We need to remember that every human has sinned and deserves the affliction and distress mentioned in these verses.

d.       We have all done evil.

e.        But through our faith in Jesus.

f.          Through His redemptive work on the cross.

g.        We are redeemed.

h.        We receive glory, honor, and peace.

i.          We receive them because we are co-heirs with Jesus.

j.          We get a piece of what is His.

k.        We don’t get what we deserve.

l.          Which is the affliction and distress.

m.     Instead, we get an awesome gift.

13.   Romans 2:11

a.        No favoritism, but we see repeatedly in these verses first the Jew and also to the Greek.

b.       God’s promises were first given to the Jewish people.

c.        The truth of God had been revealed to them.

d.       They knew about God.

e.        As long as they honored God they were going to be blessed.

f.          As they were blessed, God would bless the world through them.

g.        Blessings would come to the Jew and then the Greek.

h.        Judgement will be the same way.

i.          Blessing or Judgement will fall first to the Jew and then to the rest of the world.

j.          Both would fall to the Jew first because they knew about God first.

k.        Thankfully through Jesus it does not matter what our heritage is.

l.          We are saved through faith.

m.     Jew or Gentile, the end result is the same.

14.   Romans 2:12-13

a.        Those without the law, Greeks and gentiles, who sin will be judged according to their sin.

b.       Those under the law, the Jewish people, will be judged based on their ability to adhere to the whole law.

c.        No human other than Jesus can adhere to the law perfectly.

d.       Basically, all of us are sinners.

15.   Romans 2:14

a.        There are people who know what is right, moral, and Godly without having God’s revelation.

b.       People who did not have God revealed to them through the OT prophets.

c.        But who saw God through creation and lived as best as they could.

d.       They were not saved without Jesus.

e.        But they were not second-class citizens because they did not have the OT Law.

f.          We are all children of God through our faith in Jesus.

16.   Romans 2:15-16

a.        Those who did what was right without God’s Word being revealed to them, proves that God’s truth is revealed to all through creation.

b.       The same as He is revealed through the grass growing in the field as He is in our hearts, our minds, and in our conscience.

c.        If they follow the truth that is on their hearts it will lead them to God.

d.       It won’t save them, but it will guide them.

e.        When the time comes, our thoughts and actions will be judged.

f.          By the righteous judge.

g.        By the only one who can judge us and save us.

17.   When we judge someone, we are just as guilty as they are.

a.        Our sin may be different, but we are still sinners.

b.       We are guilty.

c.        Our judgements are based on our perceptions, which are just as flawed as our actions.

d.       But Jesus on the other hand is perfect.

e.        He is sinless.

f.          He judges without error.

18.   Colossians 3:12-17

a.        There’s a lot in here, but I want to pull out just a couple of points.

b.       We need to show people compassion, regardless of where they are in life.

c.        They may be a lifelong saint who is struggling with something.

d.       They may be someone who has never turned to Jesus and does not realize what they are doing is sin.

e.        They may be a dear brother or sister in Christ who needs a gentle reminder.

f.          We need to show compassion when we come along side someone and show them the error of their ways.

g.        Each one of those situations should be handled differently.

h.        Someone you are discipling; you might be a bit more direct with.

i.          A lost person who is a friend might take patience and several conversations over a period of time.

j.          That lifelong saint may take extended gentleness to help them work past their guilt.

19.   God’s judgements are true.

a.        Our Job is to help people see His truth.

b.       Showing them the correct path with patience, gentleness, and compassion.

c.        It all starts with turning to Jesus.

d.       If you don’t know Him, I would love to talk to you.


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