Sermon Notes - Exodus 3:1-4:17 - You are Called - Littleby Baptist Church - August 11, 2024

1.        We are going to take a break from Romans this morning.

2.        I don’t do this often, but I am loosely, very loosely, using part of an outline that they provided.

3.        At the 2023 annual meeting the MBC passed a resolution to designate August as the Calling out the Called month.

a.        This is meant to be a time each year where we spend some time to encourage people to seek out God’s calling on their lives.

b.       Every one of us has a calling on our lives.

c.        Some are called to fill pulpits, some are called to play music, lead worship…

d.       Some are called to teach classes, some become deacons, lead women’s ministry, and that is just a sampling inside the church.

e.        Outside the church some may be called to serve in the political realm, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and so many other areas.

f.          A calling is not limited to a formal ministry position.

g.        We are all called by God. 

h.        Sometimes we don’t see it.

i.          We question if we have the knowledge.

j.          The ability.

k.        The strength.

l.          The gifting.

m.     Or…. Any number of reasons that make question if we can do it.

4.        One of the greatest events in history began with someone who questioned his calling.

a.        A man who felt unworthy.

b.       That questioned if he could do it.

5.        Exodus 3:1-10

a.        Moses was going about his life.

b.       Minding his own business.

c.        And God called him.

d.       For Moses, there was no doubt.

e.        God spoke clearly to him.

f.          He was being told exactly what he was supposed to do.

g.        God was sending him to Pharoh.

h.        God was calling Moses to lead His people out of Egypt.

6.        Most of us, don’t get that clear of a calling up front.

a.        We tend to have a feeling or a gifting towards one thing or another.

b.       We may have someone tell us that they see us doing this ministry or that.

c.        We may get a nudge from someone pushing us to try something.

d.       Whatever it is, we are all called to serve God and others in one way or another.

e.        Part of the adventure we are on is to serve God and see where He leads us.

7.        Let’s look at how Moses responds.

8.        Exodus 3:11

a.        Who am I?

b.       Moses was a murderer.

c.        He was a Hebrew, raised as an Egyptian.

d.       Why would Pharoh listen to Him.

e.        He was a simple shepherd.

f.          He was a nobody.

9.        Exodus 3:12

a.        God’s answer is simply that you are not doing this alone.

b.       God will be with Moses.

c.        We may wonder who we are to do anything for God.

d.       We are flawed.

e.        We are full of sin.

f.          Our history is not pretty.

g.        But our God is with us.

h.        We are not alone.

10.   Exodus 3:13

a.        What will I say?

b.       Who will I tell them who sent me?

c.        Why will I say I am doing this?

d.       You can hear some doubts in Moses question here.

e.        He is not sure how this is going to work.

f.          He sees God is real in the burning bush before him, but how will those he is called to respond.

11.   Exodus 3:14-22

a.        God was telling Moses that God has the answers.

b.       Moses does not have to figure it out.

c.        God will provide what is needed.

d.       He will give Moses the words.

e.        He will give them the victory they need.

f.          It is the same for each of us.

g.        We have our doubts and fears about how God can use us.

h.        We may wonder if it is even possible.

i.          But with God, all things truly are possible.

j.          Scripture shows us that God has done some amazing things.

k.        God being able to use us to carry out His will is pretty easy in comparison to some of the things He has accomplished.

12.   Exodus 4:1

a.        Moses was concerned that people would not believe that God had sent him.

b.       When we are trying to determine our calling, we may wonder if we are spinning our wheels.

c.        We may question if anyone is even listening to anything we are saying?

13.   Exodus 4:2-9

a.        Moses’ job was to be faithful.

b.       Our job as those being called is to faithfully follow God.

c.        It is God who brings the results.

d.       We cannot change hearts.

e.        We cannot grow a church.

f.          As we follow God, seeking His calling on our lives, He will bring the results.

g.        We may still have questions.

h.        But as we follow, He will use us in a way that confirms that we are on the correct path.

14.   Exodus 4:10

a.        But I can’t!

b.       I have this shortcoming or that one.

c.        We all have things we can and cannot do.

d.       It is scarry to be pushed beyond our limits.

e.        Whether they be physical, mental, or financial.

f.          Whether they are real or perceived.

g.        Sometimes when answering God’s call on our lives we are pushed beyond what we expect.

15.   Exodus 4:11-12

a.        Psalm 139:13-16

b.       If God created us.

c.        If He knitted us together.

d.       If we have been remarkably and wondrously made.

e.        If our days have been written in His book.

f.          Our God made us for a purpose.

g.        He knows the challenges we will face.

h.        He knows our shortcomings.

i.          He knows how He will carry us through to the end.

j.          We need to trust in the One who made us as we follow the calling, He placed on us.

k.        Not easy.

l.          But what we need to do.

16.   Exodus 4:13

a.        Fear and doubt got the better of Moses.

b.       I am sure most, if not all of us can relate.

c.        I remember when I used to be deathly afraid of giving a 3-minute speech or even praying over the offering.

d.       I honestly enrolled in Bible college not knowing if I was going to be able to speak to a room full of people.

e.        Fear and doubt can cripple us like it did Moses.

17.   Exodus 4:14-17

a.        Even though God’s anger burned against Moses, God was with him.

b.       God provided Moses a path forward.

c.        He helped Moses.

d.       In these early days when Moses was in Egypt Aaron spoke.

e.        Later in the wilderness we find Moses speaking to the Israelites directly.

f.          God helped Moses through His fear and doubt.

g.        He can and does the same for us.

h.        The Holy Spirit works in us.

i.          Helps us grow so that we can carry out the calling that God has placed on our lives.

18.   My story is different than Mosses.

19.   Your story will be different than mine.

20.   But all of us will have similar challenges.

a.        We are going to question what we are going to do.

b.       How can we accomplish it.

c.        What are our shortcomings.

d.       Where will we struggle.

e.        Which is exactly what Moses did.

21.   That is when we need to be looking to our God.

a.        He already has a plan for us.

b.       And as crazy as it might seem, that plan includes using us.

c.        His plan uses us with all of our faults to accomplish His will.

d.       He knew who we would be right now at this moment before we were born.

e.        He knew the calling that would be on our lives before we were created.

22.   It is easy to question if we can fulfill the calling on our lives.

a.        Because of our sin, faults, fear, and doubt.

b.       As one who has all of those… don’t let them get in the way.

c.        If you feel God leading you to step out into some form of ministry.

d.       In the church or outside of it.

e.        In a role that someone is in today or one that is open.

f.          Don’t hesitate.

g.        Step out in faith and see how God can use you.

h.        Talk to me or one of the others here in the church.

23.   God has a calling on your life.

a.        I want to encourage you to pray about it.

b.       Talk to others about it.

c.        Volunteer in the area you feel led.

d.       Let God work through you.

24.   I went from a guy who could barely speak in front of a room of 10 people for a couple of mins to someone who has preached to more than 100.

a.        That is all God.

b.       If He did it in me, He is at work in you.

c.        Answer the call that God has placed on your life.

25.   It all starts with Jesus being your Lord and Savior.

a.        If you have yet to repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus I would love to talk with you.


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