
Showing posts from August, 2024

Sermon Notes - Romans 2:17-29 - Salvation by Faith - Littleby Baptist Church - August 25, 2024

  1.         In the first half of chapter two we see a couple of main points from Paul. a.         God sees all and knows all. b.        Which means His judgement is based on absolute truth. c.         We talked about how ancestry does not make it easier or harder for someone. d.        For some God was revealed through the OT and some He was seen in creation. e.         Regardless of how we were exposed to God, we have all fallen short of God’s standard. f.           We have rejected His truth as found in Scripture and in creation around us. g.           But thankfully Jesus died for us. h.         He saved all who repent of their sins and turn to Him. i.           Our job as Christ Followers is to point people to Jesus. j.           We are to guide, with compassion. k.         Love them as we help them see the truth. l.           Point them to Jesus with kindness. m.      It does not mean we cover up sin. n.         But it also doesn’t mean we beat them up

Sermon Notes - Romans 2:1-16 - God Judges - Littleby Baptist Church - August 18, 2024

1.         Looking back at the last half of Romans chapter 1, it was not pretty. a.         We see Paul talking about how people suppressed the truth of God. b.        Turning away from what Jesus has done for us. c.         Embracing the sin of the world. d.        Letting that sin become more important than anything else. e.         Sin can become an idol and sometimes sneaks in and does not seem too bad. f.           It is just an occasional distraction… but it still something that we allow to separate us from our God. g.         Anything we put between us and our God is an idol. h.         These idols lead to destruction. i.           As we choose these idols, we are choosing to reject God. j.           That may seem harsh. k.         But it is reality. l.           When we choose something over our God, we are ultimately rejecting Him. m.      There is no middle ground. n.         We have to choose Jesus every time. o.         Holding on to His truth.