Sermon Notes - Romans 1:8-17 - Living by Faith - Littleby Baptist Church - July 21, 2024

1.        We have barely dipped our toe in the water of Romans so far.

a.        Paul is obviously the author.

b.       He states that he has been called to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles.

c.        Including those who are in Rome.

d.       It is believed that the church that Paul is writing to is a mix of Jewish and Gentile believers.

e.        Paul will tie in Old Testament teaching to engage the Jewish believers but to also help educate the Gentle followers of Christ in the background of the faith they now belong to.

2.        We were reminded that:

a.        We are to be Servants of Christ Jesus, going and doing wherever and whatever Jesus wants us to do.

b.       We are to serve God and others.

c.        We have been set apart to share the Gospel

3.        All fits with our… Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples, and Be Witnesses.

a.        It may look different for each of us, but the mission is the same.

4.        Let’s pick up where we left off.

5.        Romans 1:8

a.        Paul is thankful that the faith of the Roman church is known.

b.       People are hearing about it.

c.        It says here that people in all the world know about their faith… I might be mistaken but this was before social media.

d.       They were living out their faith in a way that people noticed.

e.        And then it got them talking about it.

f.          For it to impact people that much.

g.        It is more than how they conduct themselves.

h.       It had to be how they are touching others’ lives.

i.          How they showed that they loved others.

j.          Loving Others in a way that is noticed, not because it gets us noticed.

k.        But because it is dynamically different than how the world treats people.

l.          When Jesus told us to that the second greatest command was to Love your neighbor as yourself, it was meant to be sacrificial love.

m.    How do we need to love others differently?

6.         Romans 1:9-10

a.        Paul does mention what is one of his primary missions in life.

b.       To serve God by telling the good news about His Son Jesus.

c.        But the primary point here is that Paul is praying for the Roman church.

d.       He ‘constantly’ remembers them in his prayers.

e.        He prays that he may be successful in finally coming to them.

f.          Paul feels led to go to Rome and it is his desire to fulfill that calling.

g.        He is praying for God to open that door.

h.        So that he can faithfully do what he was created to do.

7.        Romans 1:11

a.        Paul believes that if he is able to spend time with the Romans, he will fulfill his calling.

b.       Look at verse 5.

c.        When God allows Paul to share with the Roman church it will strengthen their faith.

d.       They will grow as followers of Christ.

8.        Romans 1:12

a.        Through their common faith, they will build each other up.

b.       They will encourage each other.

c.        Think about when you have done something for someone.

d.       You went out of your way to meet the need of another.

e.        You may have provided money, a ride, helped do a chore, or provided a meal.

f.          You helped them.

g.        At the same time, you were blessed by being able to be a blessing.

h.        Paul believed that he and those in the Roman church would be able to build each other up through fellowship and sharing faith stories.

i.          It would be mutually beneficial.

j.          They both would grow through it.

9.        Romans 1:13

a.        Paul tells us that he has been trying to get to Rome, but his plans have not come to fruition.

b.       Things kept happening.

c.        He needed to deliver the offering to Jerusalem, which he was about to do as he is writing this letter.

d.       Basically, I would say that God knew what needed to happen and when.

e.        Paul felt he was to go to Rome, but God was controlling the when and how.

f.          We have to remember to let God lead the way.

g.        We tend to want to do things in our own time.

h.        Yet, it is supposed to be His will on earth as it is in heaven.

10.   We also see that Paul was expecting to have a fruitful ministry as he has among the rest of the Gentiles.

a.        Paul was being sent to carry out the mission he was given.

b.       A mission that we could say would result in a two-fold harvest.

c.        A harvest of faith as the believer’s faith grew in strength.

d.       And A harvest of new believers as people heard about Jesus and began to trust in Him.

e.        As missionaries in this world, we need to remember that we should be looking for both spiritual growth in ourselves and others as well as sharing the Gospel with the lost.

f.          Both result in growth.

g.        Both are fruitful.

11.   Romans 1:14

a.        I am obligated…

b.       1 Corinthians 9:16

c.        Paul was called to preach the Gospel… nothing was going to stand in his way.

d.       Greek and barbarians…This would be similar to the Jews saying Jews and Gentiles.

e.        Greeks and Barbarians… Romans and the lower classes and foreigners.

f.          Paul was stating that the message he was going to share was valuable for everyone.

g.        It did not matter if they were Roman citizen or foreigners living in Rome.

h.        They needed to hear about Jesus.  

i.          Whether they were Wise and foolish…

j.          If they spent time studying the ancient philosophers to gain wisdom or not.

k.        The message of Jesus is for everyone.

l.          We have to make sure we do not eliminate people from whom we want to share it with.

m.     People from that group don’t want to hear, but that person we are talking to is still a lost soul who needs Jesus.

12.   Romans 1:15

a.        Paul is eager to preach the gospel to the Roman Christians.

b.       He wants to help build their faith.

c.        He is eager to teach and disciple them.

13.   Romans 1:16

a.        The cross was a sign of shame, a curse.

b.       Which would cause some to question the gospel.

c.        Romans in general were believed to be suspicious of the Gospel.

d.       So Paul hit it straight on.

e.        He was not ashamed of the gospel.

f.          It is important and goes on to explain why.

g.        The good news of Jesus is salvation.

h.        It is through His life, death, and resurrection that we may be saved.

i.          It is through our faith in Jesus that salvation is found.

j.          We do not want to be ashamed of the message of Christ.

k.        This amazing gift of salvation is available to Jew and Greek… simply put to all who believe.

l.          Does not matter who you are, where you came from, or what you have done.

m.     There is no limit to what is in your past.

n.        Believe in Jesus and what He did for you and salvation is yours.

14.   Romans 1:17

a.        As the Gospel of Christ is being preached.

b.       As people are choosing to turn to Jesus.

c.        As their faith is growing.

d.       The righteousness of God is being revealed.

e.        As our faith is growing God is at work in us.

f.          Think of the sanctification process.

g.        The more time we spend with God the stronger our faith becomes.

h.        That is not of our own doing.

i.          It is all because God is growing our faith.

j.          Because the Holy Spirit is at work in us.

k.        From day one when we first turn to Jesus until the day we stand before Him.

l.          We tend to see it as our patience grows, or as we become slow to anger, or maybe as we use a bit more wisdom.

m.     As we draw closer to God, it is Him revealing His righteousness in us.

15.   “The righteous will live by faith:

a.        Those who have turned their lives over to Jesus.

b.       Paul.

c.        The Roman church.

d.       Followers of Christ.

e.        Us.

f.          We are to live by faith.

g.        If Jeus is our Lord and Savior, we are to trust in Him.

h.        Remembering that He is in control.

i.          That He has our best interest at heart.

j.          That He is guiding our steps.

k.        That He will never leave us or forsake us.

16.   Our God is with us… we need to live by faith.  

a.        As we close this morning.

b.       Is there something you are not living by faith with?

c.        I want to encourage you to take a moment and pray about it.

d.       Ask God to help you.

e.        You, as a righteous follower of His, to live by faith.

f.          To trust, to abide, to depend, to rest, in Jesus.

17.   If you would like to pray about it, I am here.

18.   If you don’t know Jesus and want to be found as righteous in the eyes of God.

19.   I would love to talk to you.


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