Sermon Notes - Romans 1:1-7 - The Gospel for Rome - Littleby Baptist Church - July 13, 2024

1.        Time for our next series.

2.     We are going to walk through one of Paul’s letters that was called “the quintessence and perfection of saving doctrine.” By a seventeenth century English Puritan Thomas Draxe.

a.        Luther called it the “purest Gospel.”

3.        But like all letters:

a.        It is rooted in history.

b.       The letter is full of theology.

c.        But it was written for a specific situation.

d.       With specific purposes.

e.        The truths taught in it do apply to us, but we need to understand the context.

f.          We need to remember why it was written.

g.        We need to remember what the author intended for his audience to get from the letter.

4.        We know Paul wrote Romans.

a.        Based on what he states in the second half of chapter 15 they are about to head to Jerusalem.

b.       They have completed gathering the offering from the Gentile churches and are ready to deliver it.

c.        Romans was written towards the end of Paul’s third missionary journey.

d.       Puts it roughly in 57 AD.

5.        The church in Rome likely started by those who came to faith in Jesus as the Messiah on the day of Pentecost or shortly their after.

a.        They shared their faith with those in Rome and the Roman church began.

b.       At one point Claudius expelled all the Jews from Rome, roughly 41-49 AD but they had returned by the time the letter was written.

c.        We see proof of that in chapter 16 when Paul mentioned Priscilla and Aquila who are Jewish friends we read about in Acts.

6.        When we read the letter, we see mixed signals about who the primary audience is.

a.        At times it looks like Paul is writing to the Jews, such as those he mentions by name.

b.       He talks about Mosaic law.

c.        So, the Jewish audience seems obvious.

d.       The statements to the Gentiles are not as direct.

e.        Paul talks to them, but in a more roundabout way.

f.          Some would take this to mean that the letter was written to the Jewish followers of Christ.

g.        But then why include any direction to the Gentiles at all?

h.        That would be an insult to the Jews.

7.        The better view would be that the audience is to the Gentile believers.

a.        Yes, there were Jewish believers among them.

b.       Paul was trying to teach them how things fit with the Jewish Old Testament that pointed to the coming Messiah.

c.        He was trying to explain the roots of their faith.

d.       No different than us studying the Old Testament today.

8.        Paul’s audience was the Christian church of Rome.

a.        Which at that time was heavily Gentile with a strong Jewish influence.

9.        One last tidbit before we get into the letter to the Romans.

a.        Some have referred to it as Paul’s Gospel.

b.       It is the longest of his letters.

c.        And arguably is where Paul lays out the most complete understanding of Jesus and the theology surrounding what Jesus did for us that Paul ever wrote.

10.   There is a lot in this letter and I for one am looking forward to digging into it.

11.   Romans 1:1

a.        If there was any doubt Paul is letting us know that He is the author.

b.       Followed by a few key statements or titles.

c.       Servant of Christ Jesus.

d.       Some translations state slave.

e.        Either way, Paul is stating that he is at the mercy of Jesus.

f.          Paul is willing to go wherever, do whatever, and at whatever cost in service of Jesus.

g.        We know Paul went through a lot in his life.

h.        He was a slave to Jesus Christ.

i.          An Apostle.

j.          Paul was clear from the very beginning that he was called by God.

k.        He did not elevate himself.

l.          He did not train himself.

m.     Jesus met him on the road to Damascus.

n.        Jesus helped him to see the truth.

o.        Jesus is the one who called Paul to share the gospel message with the gentiles.  

p.       Set apart for the gospel of God.

q.       Paul is saying that his life is dedicated to God through Jesus.

r.          He believes whole heartedly in the work that Jesus has done in him.

s.        And he is going to carry the message everywhere he goes.

t.          Paul is all in for Jesus.

12.   Those three points tell us a lot about how Paul lived his life.

a.        It should encourage us to remember that all that we have comes from God.

b.       He gave us the skills and knowledge we have to serve Him.

c.        He has called us so we should be willing to serve wherever He calls us.

d.       And our job is to carry forth the Gospel message of Jesus.

13.   Romans 1:2

a.        Here is the first step in Paul laying out the foundation that the message of Jesus has ties to the Jewish Old Testament.

b.       He is building a connection to the Jewish Christians.

c.        But at the same time working to help the Gentile believers learn that there is some history behind the faith that they have been grafted into.

d.       There is nothing pointing to a specific prophet or message.

e.        But we know that Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection were prophesied by the OT prophets.

f.          They were promised beforehand.

14.   Romans 1:3

a.        The Gospel… was a promised about Jesus through the OT prophets.

b.       In the flesh, Jesus’ human ancestry was tied to David.  

c.        If we looked at Matthew chapter 1, we could see the full lineage from Abraham to Jesus.

d.       David is in there.

e.        There are 28 generations between them, but David is a great great…. Grandfather to Jesus.

f.          To be clear, I did not count the greats.

15.   Romans 1:4

a.        At the same time as Jesus is the descendent of David, He is the Son of God.

b.       Jesus is both.

c.        Fully human who walked this earth.

d.       Fully God who reigns over all.

e.        A man who lived a perfect sinless life.

f.          God who has the power to bring salvation to all who put their trust in Him.

16.   Romans 1:5

a.        Here Paul comes back to the calling placed on his life.

b.       That through Jesus he has received grace and apostleship.

c.        He has received the favor of God.

d.       Paul received a blessing that he did not deserve.

e.        Two blessings that we have seen so far in this letter, salvation and being an apostle.

f.          Neither are deserved.

g.        Both granted by the grace of God.

h.        For a reason…

i.          To bring about…

j.          ‘Obedience of faith’ among the Gentiles.

k.        Paul was saved and called to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles.

l.          A learned Jew, a Jew of Jew’s, was being sent to share the Good News with people that he would normally not associate with.

m.     God was at work.

n.        God was using Paul to carry out God’s will in a way that would not make sense to man.

o.        Sounds like something God would do.

17.   Romans 1:6

a.        Paul is writing to fellow Christ followers.

b.       He is saying that he has been called to them.

c.        To help them grow in their faith.

d.       So that they can obediently follow Jesus.

e.        So that they can follow God’s will.

18.   Romans 1:7

a.        To the people of Rome.

b.       Loved by God… could and should mean everyone.

c.        Called as saints… those who follow Jesus.

d.       May God’s Grace and Peace be upon you.

e.        May God’s blessings be upon you.

f.          May you feel His comfort in your time of need.

g.        May you know that He is with you.  

19.   There is a lot in this 7-verse introduction.

a.        A little history tied with a reminder that the OT Prophets foretold of the coming of Jesus.

b.       A reminder that we need to study the whole Bible.

20.   We also see that Paul is following God’s will and calling on his life.

a.        He is carrying forth the Gospel of Jesus to the Gentiles.

b.       In this case, to those who are in Rome.

21.   Now we are not called as apostles like Paul.

a.        I believe that is a unique calling for those who have spent time with Jesus.

b.       But we have each been set apart by God.

c.        As believers we are new creations.

d.       Called to carry forth His message to the world.

e.        We are to Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples, and Be Witnesses.

f.          It will look different for each of us, but the mission is the same.

g.        We are to be a slave to Christ and carry the Gospel to others.

22.   If you don’t know Jesus this morning.

a.        If you are wondering what we mean by Grace and Peace.

b.       If you would like to know how Jesus died to pay for your sins.

c.        I would love to talk to you.  


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