
Showing posts from July, 2024

Sermon Notes - Romans 1:18-25 - God's Truth - Littleby Baptist Church - July 28, 2024

1.         We ended last week with a great reminder. a.         One that I pray daily or close to it.           2.         Romans 1:17 a.         ‘The righteous will live by faith.’ b.        We as followers of Jesus. c.         Those that would be included in who Paul has called Saints in his letter to the Romans. d.        Not because we are perfect, but because of the power of our God. e.         It is through His power that salvation is offered to each person who walks this earth. f.           It is through the work of Jesus that we have the Hope of a life eternal that is beyond anything we can imagine. g.         It is because of this Hope that we are righteous and that we are to live by faith. h.         That we are to trust in our Jesus. i.           Remembering that He is in control. j.           It is humbling to realize that we bring absolutely nothing to the table. k.         It is all God. l.           Which is why we are to live by faith. m.  

Sermon Notes - Romans 1:8-17 - Living by Faith - Littleby Baptist Church - July 21, 2024

1.         We have barely dipped our toe in the water of Romans so far. a.         Paul is obviously the author. b.        He states that he has been called to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles. c.         Including those who are in Rome. d.        It is believed that the church that Paul is writing to is a mix of Jewish and Gentile believers. e.         Paul will tie in Old Testament teaching to engage the Jewish believers but to also help educate the Gentle followers of Christ in the background of the faith they now belong to. 2.         We were reminded that: a.         We are to be Servants of Christ Jesus, going and doing wherever and whatever Jesus wants us to do. b.        We are to serve God and others. c.         We have been set apart to share the Gospel 3.         All fits with our… Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples, and Be Witnesses. a.         It may look different for each of us, but the mission is the same. 4.         Let’s pick up where we lef