Sermon Notes - Micah 4 - What is to come - Littleby Baptist Church - February 25, 2024

1.        The start of Micah’s second cycle of sin, judgement, and restoration is not pretty.

a.        We see a lot of the same behaviors that resulted in Assyria attacking in 722 BC.

b.       Their behavior was wicked.

c.         The leaders did not call them to repent.

d.       Instead, they took advantage of them.

e.        They lied to the people.

f.          At some point after 722 BC, Micah is talking about a second judgement.

g.        Jerusalem was to be wiped out.

h.        The first temple of God was going to be destroyed.

i.          A prophecy that was carried out in 586 BC.

2.        False teachers had a significant impact on this second judgement.

a.        It is a reminder that we are to test those who teach us.

b.       We are to read and study Scripture as individuals.

c.        We need to invest time in the Word of God.

d.       That is the only way we can know if someone is teaching the Word or tickling our ears.

e.        If we know the Word, our chances of spotting false teachings increase.

3.        As we pick up in chapter 4, Micah is telling us about the coming kingdom.

4.        Micah 4:1a

a.        In the last days, when Jesus sets up His millennial kingdom.

b.       Mountain of the Lord’s house will be established at the top of the mountains – The temple of God in during the 1,000-year reign will not only be the religious center of the world but also the political center.

c.        The religious and political systems will be intertwined.

d.       Raised above the hills… Jesus as the Messiah-King will be raised above both and rule over the earth.

5.        Micah 4:1b

a.        When Jesus reigns, people will see that Jerusalem is the place to be.

b.       They will flock to Jerusalem.

c.        To see Jesus and to worship Him.

6.        Micah 4:2a

a.        Jesus will be sought.

b.       People from all over the world will want to learn from Him.

c.        To learn how they are to live their lives.

d.       To learn to be righteous.

e.        Today we have the opposite, it would be great to see people hungry for Jesus and His teaching.

7.        Micah 4:2b

a.        The Law will start in Jerusalem and the Revelation of Jesus will be shared.

b.       It will all flow from where Jesus reigns.

8.        Micah 4:3a

a.        When Jesus reigns in His millennial kingdom, people will seek His judgement.

b.       Nations will come to hear His wisdom.

c.        They will recognize that Jesus knows all and is always right.

d.       Not just those countries that may be considered ‘Christian’, but all countries.

e.        Countries that today hate Judea-Christian values will seek the wisdom of the One True King.

9.        Micah 4:3b

a.        Swords and spears, weapons, will not be needed.

b.       Armies will not be needed.

c.        The 1,000-year reign will be a time of peace.

d.       People will be focused on living rightly instead of trying to take advantage of others.

e.        A complete opposite to what is bring the judgement that Micah has been prophesying about.

f.          A stark contrast from today.

10.   Micah 4:4

a.        No one will be afraid.

b.       They will not be attacked, robbed, or tricked.

c.        People will feel safe.

d.       Peace will reign.

e.        Because God has spoken.

11.   Micah 4:5

a.        The fake gods of Micah’s day will no longer be.

b.       The gods of the world today will not exist.

c.        People of the millennial kingdom will walk in the name of the Lord.

d.       They will go to Jerusalem to learn about the One True God.

e.        It will be a time when people want to talk about Jesus and to pursue righteousness.

f.          What an amazing change that will be.

12.   Micah 4:6

a.        At the beginning of the millennial kingdom, Jesus will gather His people.

b.       Those that were exiled will be restored.

c.        Those who were considered outcasts, the lame and injured.

d.       They will be brought to Jesus.

e.        Restoration will be complete through the work of our God.

13.   Micah 4:7

a.        Those cast aside will be restored.

b.       The people of God will become a strong nation.

c.        Under the leadership of Jesus.

d.       He will rule for the millennial kingdom and for the rest of time.

14.   Micah 4:8

a.        Watchtower for the flock = the people of Jerusalem, will watch over the nation.

b.       God’s chosen people, the Jewish people, will be restored.

c.        Luke 21:24

d.       Tells us the time of gentiles, the days we live in, will be fulfilled, they will come to an end.

e.        The Church is God’s tool to reach the world during the time of gentiles.

f.          A time is coming when the Jewish people will be God’s tool, not us.

g.        Does not mean we are not saved, but during His 1,000 reign the Jewish people will be restored to their rightful place.

15.   Micah transitions here to talk about some events that are going to happen before Jesus reigns for 1,000 years.

16.   Micah 4:9-10a

a.        The first is that Israel will be exiled to Babylon.

b.       They will shout or cry out in panic and in pain.

c.        There is no king to lead them, Zedekiah was a wicked king.

d.       No counselor to comfort them, the priests were not honoring God.

e.        They will be in anguish like a woman in labor… there is nothing you can do but go through the pain.

f.          They will be taken out of the city.

g.        They will live in open fields.

h.        They will be taken to Babylon.

17.   What happened in 586 BC?

a.        2 Chronicles 36:15-21

b.       Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon invaded Israel.

c.        Jerusalem was destroyed.

d.       The Temple of God was destroyed.

e.        The people were transplanted all around the kingdom.

f.          People like Daniel were taken.

g.        As we saw in Micah’s earlier prophecy, there was nothing they could do about it.

18.   Micah 4:10b

a.        The second thing that happens is that they will be restored and return to the land given them by God.

b.       History shows us that the people of God returned 70 years after they were taken into captivity.

c.        2 Chronicles 36:21-23

d.       The people will return to their land.

e.        Restoration will come.

19.   Micah 4:11

a.        Many nations will stand against Israel.

b.       They had many enemies in Micah’s day, or pretty much every time throughout history.

c.        This verse could be pointing to our past, but it could be pointing to some future event.

d.       When coupled with the next couple of verses and prophecies in Ezekiel, I tend to think Micah is pointing to events that are yet to come.

20.   Micah 4:12-13

a.        He, God, has gathered them.

b.       Them being those who stand against Israel.

c.        He will treat them like sheaves…

d.       Zechariah 14:3

e.        Those who stand before Israel will be squaring off against Jesus.

f.          Revelation 19:11-21

g.        Jesus will fight for Israel.

h.        The battle of Armageddon will take place before the establishment of the millennial kingdom.

21.   What a change in events!

22.   Micah is talking about the coming judgement and then in the 4th chapter he pivots and is pointing to the coming Messiah.

a.        He talks about how the millennial kingdom will be established.

b.       People will seek Jesus for His wisdom and knowledge.

c.        They will flock to Jerusalem to learn all they can.

d.       Jesus will rule as the Messiah King.

e.        War will be a thing of the past.

f.          People will feel safe and secure.

23.   What a wonderful thought!

a.        At some point in our future, Jesus will establish His 1,000-year reign.

b.       Micah told us there were a few things that have to happen.

c.        Israel will have to be exiled – history.

d.       Israel will return to the land – history.

e.        Nations will stand against Israel – likely still in our future but seems like it could be any day.

f.          Didn’t touch on it today, but the whole tribulation period and the wrath of God being poured out on the earth still needs to happen.

g.        The battle of Armageddon must take place, still in our future.

24.   We have already seen several of the things prophesized by Micah come true.

a.        We should trust that the remaining events will happen as foretold.

b.       The Messiah will return.

c.        The question we have to answer is, do we want to be with Him or against Him?

d.       If we stand against Jesus, we will be treated like the sheaves on the threshing floor.

e.        We will end up spending forever in the lake of fire.

f.          If we stand with Jesus, we will have an eternity with no fear, anxiety, sorrow, pain, or death.

g.        If you don’t know Jesus, don’t wait until it is too late.


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