Sermon Notes - Micah 2 - Judgement and Restoration - Littleby Baptist Church - February 11, 2024

1.        Comparing verses in the first chapter to historical records in 1 Kings shows us that Micah was a prophet.

a.        The people had turned their back on God.

b.       Then God used Assyria to bring judgement upon them.

c.        A pretty severe judgement on Israel and Judah.

2.        We saw that God’s plan was set.

a.        It was not going to be pretty.

b.       It hit Micah hard.

c.        He mourned, read vs. 8.

3.        A reminder for us.

a.        Let our love for others drive us to pray for the lost.

b.       Knowing what they will face without Jesus and our love for them should push us to share the gospel with them.

c.        If Jesus wishes that none would perish, we need to do what we can to reach the lost.

d.       The lostness of those in our lives should burden our hearts.

e.        It should drive us to act.

4.         Micah has painted a bleak picture so far.

a.        Judgement was coming.

b.       People were going to be taken away.

c.        Those they thought they could depend on, were also going to be judged.

d.       When judgement came the people had no hope.

5.        Chapter 2 wraps up the first prophetical cycle, let’s see how it plays out.

6.        Micah 2:1

a.        Woe… judgement is coming to those who desire to do evil.

b.       Based on what Micah prophesied, the people of Judah would lay awake at night and come up with evil things to do.

c.        Then they would do them.

d.       Their wickedness was a choice.

e.        They chose to defy the Mosaic Law.

f.          The judgement of God was deserved.

7.        It is hard to comprehend that people would seek to hurt others.

a.        A lot of the bad things that happen in this world are accidents or caused by a bad unintentional act.

b.       But sadly, reading what Micah has said reminds us that there are evil people out there.

c.        I would think they are few and far between.

d.       But the severity of the coming judgement tells me that there was more than I think.

8.        Micah 2:2

a.        Greed.

b.       Theft.

c.        Pride.

d.       Behaviors that tell us these people thought they were better than others.

e.        That they had a right to take what they want.

f.          OT Law prohibited taking ancestral lands from others.

g.        Morally wrong behavior that demonstrated a complete disregard for the Law of God and for fellow man.

9.        Micah 2:3

a.        As we saw in chapter 1, the judgement was coming.

b.       They cannot free themselves from it, it is incurable.

c.        The time is coming, and as we know it hit hard.

d.       They were unable to prevent it.

e.        They were unable to save themselves.

f.          The arrogance and pride they had would be replaced with complete loss.

g.        They were going from being wealthy and influential.

h.        To having nothing and being displaced from their homes.

10.   We may not be laying up at night thinking of ways to do evil, but we are sinners.

a.        We cannot live perfectly righteous lives.

b.       We cannot live good enough, sacrifice enough, or give enough to save ourselves.

c.        We are lost.

d.       If left to our own, we will live a life that separates us from our God.

e.        Thankfully our Jesus came down to earth to offer us a path to salvation.

11.   Micah 2:4-5

a.        They were stripped of their land.

b.       They were mocked by others.

c.        Those that treated others evilly will get a taste of how they treated others.

d.       “no one in the assembly of the Lord”

e.        The sacrificial system, the priests who judge between people… none of them would be there, none of that structure would remain.

f.          The sacrificial system they corrupted would be taken away.

g.        The priest, the people, and the whole system was not honoring God.

12.   Micah 2:6-7a

a.        There were true prophets, Issaih, Ezekiel, Daniel, Micah, and others.

b.       Then there were false prophets.

c.        We see them throughout scripture.

d.       They tell the people what they think they want to hear.

e.        They are not God’s messengers, but ear ticklers.

f.          The false prophets are telling Micah to stop all this talk about the coming calamity.

g.        They were claiming that God would never be angry with the people.

h.        They were the chosen people and God would never do what Micah was saying.

i.          Yet, we know judgement fell on them.

13.   Sounds like something we might hear today.

a.        A loving God would want me to be happy.

b.       How could God punish good people.

c.        There are people who tell us we should not talk about Jesus or what the Bible teaches.

d.       Some twist the Word of God into a hateful message.

e.        Micah was speaking to Judah, but some of these words speak to us today.

14.   Micah 2:7b

a.        God sees all and judges correctly.

b.       Those who walk uprightly, those who are righteous will be blessed.

c.        God knows all and will judge accordingly.

15.   Micha 2:8-9

a.        Micah is painting a bleak picture of what things were like in those days.

b.       Stripping off the splendid robe… People were robbed.

c.        They were betrayed when they trusted that their fellow sons of Abraham would honor the law of God.

d.       They stole from innocent bystanders as if they were enemies.

e.        Drove widows from their homes instead of caring for them.

16.   Some wicked behaviors, but maybe the last half of vs. 9 is the worst of all.

a.        Re-read last half of vs. 9.

b.       The false prophets had taken away God’s blessing from His children.

c.        They did not listen to God.

d.       They did not call the people to repent.

e.        Those who should have been guiding the people to repent, were leading them to the slaughter.

f.          If we as parents are protective of our children.

g.        Imagine how much more our God is protective over His children when someone leads them astray.  

17.   Micah 2:10

a.        The false teaching from the false prophets.

b.       The wicked ways of the people.

c.        Both contributed to the defiling of the land.

d.       Part of the coming judgement is the coming exile; the people would be removed from the land.

e.        They were losing their inheritance because they turned their back on God.

18.   Micah 2:11

a.        Ouch.

b.       If a man were to come and preach lies to the people.

c.        God says, he would be a perfect match for the people of Judah at this time.

d.       2 Timothy 4:3-4

e.        There are some similarities between the years of 750-700 BC and today.

f.          People then and today would willingly choose those who tell them lies.

g.        To listen to people who will make them feel good instead of hearing the truth.

19.   Things were bad for Judah, but there is Hope.  

20.   Micha 2:12

a.        A time will come.

b.       God will restore the remnant.

c.        He will bring them back together.

d.       He will shepherd them once again.

e.        It will be noisy… a great number of people will return.

f.          The nation of Israel will be restored.

g.        Hope based on the promise made by God to Abraham.

h.        A hope based on what is still to come.

i.          History shows us that God did bring a remnant back from Babylon.

j.          He did what He said He was going to do.

k.        “I will indeed gather all of you.”

l.          Points to a future gathering that is still to come.

m.     Pointing to a time of being shepherded by the true King, the coming Millennial Kingdom.

n.        Restoration is coming.

21.   Micah 2:13

a.        The One who breaks open the way… the Messiah.

b.       Will come and break through every obstacle before them.

c.        He will bring restoration.

d.       Zechariah 14:8-11

e.        The sons of Abraham will be returned to their rightful place.

f.          Jesus will lead them as the One True King.

g.        Restoration will come and promises fulfilled.

22.   The first two chapters are Micah’s first message to the people.

23.   Micah has not been winning any friends with his nice entertaining stories.

a.        Instead, he has been true.

b.       Honest.

c.        He has shared what God gave him to share.

d.       He has mourned for the devastation that was coming.

e.        The people did not listen.

f.          God’s judgement was coming.

g.        But there is Hope.

h.        The Messiah will bring restoration.

i.          He will be the Good Shepherd for His flock.

24.   No matter what we have done.

a.        Regardless of the sin.

b.       There is Hope in Jesus.

c.        Forgiveness of all of our sins through His death.

d.       Hope for an eternity with Him and the Father through His resurrection.

e.        If you believe in Jesus and follow Him, you are forgiven.

f.          Your debt has been paid.

g.        The chains of sin are broken.

25.   Turn to Jesus the one who breaks open the way.

a.        Who breaks open the path to restoration.

b.       And be restored to your rightful place with God.


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