Sermon notes - John 14:1-14 - Believe - Littleby Baptist Church - August 27, 2023

1.     Jesus is pouring into His disciples.

a.      Not all of what they have heard is what they were expecting.

b.     There were a lot of confusing things being said.

c.      Emotions were likely high.

d.     They did not know what to think about all of this.

2.     The guys were confused… their Lord, who is to set them free, was about to die?

3.     They likely could not balance what Jesus was saying with what they had been taught about the Messiah when they were younger.

4.     They have confessed complete belief in Jesus but were struggling to believe what they were hearing from Him.

5.     Confused, deflated, depressed… how could this be?

6.     Jesus knew what was in their hearts.

7.     John 14:1

a.      Believe in God the Father.

b.     Believe in the Son.

c.      Belief in God can help relieve our troubles.

d.     Does not make them go away, but easier to handle.

e.      Emotions are strong, but in most cases, they are temporary, they are situational.

f.      Our God is not temporary or situational in nature.

g.     If we anchor our emotions on our God, the things of this world will impact us less.

h.     If we look up to Jesus when we faced with despair, uncertainty, fear, doubt… He can set us free.

i.       Our Hope of a Glorious future is found in Jesus.

j.       Our Joy is made complete when we focus on Him.

k.     It is easy to let the things of this life wear us down.

l.       When we do, we need to stop, reflect, and turn our attention back to Jesus.

m.   Believe in what He has done in us and what He is still going to do.

n.     When we look to Him, it helps us to look past those negative emotions we carry with us.

o.     Take active steps to look to Him, talk to God, read Scripture, listen to or sing a song, or list what God has done for you.

p.     Believe in the Father and the Son and remember their promises and how they are faithful to continue to work in you.

8.     John 14:2

a.      He is preparing a place for us.

b.     Don’t let this place, earth with all its fallenness, pull you down.

c.      The time will come when we will be with Jesus.

d.     This is a promise to all who believe in, who love, Jesus.

e.      God’s promises give us something to hold on to.

f.      He promises He is preparing a place for us.

g.     He promises to never leave or forsake us.

h.     There are many amazing promises in scripture from our God to each one of us.

i.       Hold on to them.

9.     John 14:3

a.      A time will come when our Lord will come back for us.

b.     1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

c.      Those who have died, will be taken up.

d.     Followed by those still living during that time.

e.      Jesus will take all who believe from this world to be with Him.

10.  John 14:4-5

a.      The guys are not understanding what Jesus is saying, but they do know the way.

b.     That have already declared that Jesus is the Holy one of God.  

c.      Once the truth is unfolded for them, they will know the way and teach the way.

d.     The truth that Jesus shares and that He will reenforce in the verses that follow.

e.      They know this truth, they just don’t understand it yet, but will when the Holy Spirit comes.

11.  John 14:6-7

a.      Jesus is the Way, because He is the Truth and Life.

b.     These is no one else who is the giver of life.

c.      Jesus gave each of us life.

d.     He has also given each of us New Life through His amazing gift.

e.      Jesus speaks the truth.

f.      He gives life and His truth sets us free.

g.     Jesus is the one and only way to the Father.

h.     The guys know this, they just may not realize it yet.

12.  John 14:8

a.      They have yet to receive the full revelation from God, so they wished to see the Father.

b.     They knew they were missing something.

c.      They were looking for the Truth to hold onto as they faced the challenges that were coming.

13.  John 14:9

a.      With these words, Jesus is making a claim that is stronger than what He has said in the past.

b.     Stronger than that He was doing the will of the Father or even that He and the Father are connected.

c.      Seeing the Son being the same as seeing the Father, means that they are truly of the same nature.

d.     Jesus is not just a reflection of the Father; He is the perfect revelation of the Father.

e.      They are the same nature and essence.

14.  John 14:10-11

a.      Jesus is encouraging them to believe in one of several ways.

b.     Whichever truth gets them there does not matter.

c.      I am in the Fater and the Father is in me… believe because you see the Father in Jesus.

                                                    i.     We see this in how Jesus lived Righteously.

                                                  ii.     Following through with the Father’s Plan regardless of how hard it was.

d.     Another being.

e.      The words He speaks are from the Father… believe because what has been spoken can only come from God.

                                                    i.     The ultimate truth being shared.

f.      The final listed here.

g.     If nothing else, believe because of the works the Father gave Jesus to do.

                                                    i.     Jesus did things that proved He was more than a man.

h.     Believe in Jesus because of who He is as seen in how He lived, because of the truth that He spoke, or the miracles that proved He is who He says He is.

i.       Whichever of these truths opens a person’s eyes, they all lead to salvation.

j.       They all lead the way to the Father, to go where Jesus is going.

k.     Multiple ways to see the Truth of who Jesus is.

l.       Multiple ways to see that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

15.  John 14:12-14

a.      We don’t get a real count on how many believed and followed Jesus before His death, but we see Peter preach and 3,000 believe.

b.     The Father had Jesus do some mightily amazing miracles.

c.      The same could be said for the faithful followers of Jesus.

d.     None of it was in the power of the disciples, it was through the power of the Holy Spirit.

e.      The sharing of the Gospel message through the work of the Holy Spirit is what changes hearts.

f.      Pray in the name of Jesus, the one who died for us.

g.     Ask Him to work according to the Father’s will.

h.     Trust that it will be done according to His will.  

16.  God continues to work in His sheep, those of us who are following Him.

a.      We have the Gospel message, which is the most life changing story that can be shared today.

b.     We have the Holy Spirit at work in us.

c.      We are to pray in the name of Jesus.

d.     When we pray in our Lords name we are praying in belief and in His power.

e.      When we say In Jesus Name we Pray, we are praying for our Lord to intervene as only He can.

17.  This is not a name and claim it thing where we get what we pray for what we want.

a.      1 John 5:14-15

b.     Prayer asked for and in accordance with the Lord’s will are answered according to His will.

c.      We may not want the answer we get or even understand it.

d.     But our God is faithful to answer the prayers of those who follow Him.

e.      We need to trust in Him and trust in His will.

18.  Look at John 14:13

a.      Why does Jesus answer prayer?

b.     So that the Father will be glorified.

c.      Not to convince us of who He is… which would be a good thing for some, but not the reason.

d.     Not to provide for those in need… something we may be praying for, but not the reason.

e.      Not even to strengthen our faith… something we would all benefit from.

f.      These things are the byproduct of answered prayer.

g.     But not the reason.

h.     Prayer is answered to honor the Father!

19.  As this night continues, the guys don’t get it and are likely feeling lost.

a.      They have had some highs and some lows.

b.     Some things that they would be struggling with.

20.  Our lists will be different, but the range of emotions are the same.

a.      Fear, doubt, anxiety, humility, uncertainty, with some hope and joy sprinkled in.

21.  Scripture tells us to:

a.      Believe in God.

b.     Believe in Jesus.

c.      He is faithful and His love is complete.

d.     He hears our prayers.

e.      He has not left us alone.

f.      He will never leave us or forsake us.

g.     He is preparing a place for us.

h.     If we repent and follow Him, we will spend forever in His presence.

22.  If life has you down, turn to Jesus.

23.  If you have yet to give your life to Jesus, don’t delay.

a.      He wants to hear from you.


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