Sermon Notes - John 12:37-50 - Littleby Baptist Church - August 6, 2023

1.     In the 12th chapter of John…

a.      We have seen that there can be a lot of unknowns in this world.

b.     Judas looked like a faithful disciple who was passionate about the poor.

c.      The Pharisees thought their plans had failed as it appeared the people were following Jesus.

d.     We need to count on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to help us navigate these unknowns.

2.     We followed that up with Jesus being very clear when He stated that those that serve Him must follow Him.

a.      We are lost without Jesus.

b.     We are stumbling in the darkness if Jesus is not the Lord of our Lives.

c.      With Jesus we are God’s Children.

d.     As followers of Jesus, we are to do as He did, which is following the will of God.

3.     John 12:37

a.      John 1:11

b.     His local community and much of His family did not believe in Jesus.

c.      Those who saw the many awe-inspiring signs, did not believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

d.     Matthew 11:20-24

e.      Hard to understand how people could not believe in Jesus after witnessing even one of His miracles.

f.      Another one of those things we have to chalk up to sin.

g.     Sin blinds us to the truth, blinds us from seeing Jesus for who He is.

4.     John 12:38

a.      Isaiah prophesied that the people of Israel would not see Jesus for who He is.

b.     Isaiah 53:1-6

c.      Some amazing things stated about our Savior in this chapter.

d.     Yet, who believed what they heard? Very few.

e.      Who was it revealed to? A small number confessed Jesus as Lord before His death and resurrection.

f.      Jesus’ people did not recognize that He is the Son of God.

5.     John 12:39-40

a.      John quotes Isaiah once again.

b.     They were unable to see and believe.

c.      They rejected God’s messenger.

d.     They refused to see the truth of Jesus being the one the Father sent.

e.      This had become a way of life for the religious leaders.

f.      They had been rejecting the work of the Father for years before Jesus showed up.

g.     Romans 1:24-25

h.     God will allow us to chase and embrace our sin if we continue to turn away from Him.

i.       He hardened Pharoh’s heart after he continued to reject the will of God.

j.       He hardened the hearts of those who had repeatedly rejected Him.

k.     Even today, if people continue to reject God their sin will blind them.

l.       Their hearts may be hardened.

m.   As we draw closer to the end of days, a strong delusion will fall on those who reject the gift of Christ.

n.     Rejecting Christ traps us, but belief in Jesus sets us free.

o.     He is the Light, the Resurrection, the Life… we are saved by His blood.

p.     We are lost without Jesus, but a life in glory awaits for those that follow Him.

q.     We need to repent and follow Him!

6.     John 12:41

a.      Isaiah 6:1-5

b.     Isaiah saw the Lord Almighty.

c.      John is saying that Isaiah saw the glory of Jesus.

d.     Jesus is Yahweh, Jesus is God.

e.      John is working to connect the dots for his readers.

f.      He wants them to see that Isaiah prophesized that Jesus is God.

7.     John 12:42-43

a.      There is good and bad in these verses.

b.     There were people who believed that Jesus is the one the Father sent.

c.      But, they were more concerned about what people would say than what God was saying.

d.     They were worried about their earthly positions of authority, then they were about spending forever with the Father.

e.      All was not lost.

f.      People believed.

g.     Some, like Jesus’ disciples laid it all on the line.

h.     Others, kept it personal and hid their faith.

8.     We are called to be witnesses to the world.

a.      We cannot do that by keeping our faith small and to ourselves.

b.     We need to share it.

c.      We are to be witnesses, which can only be done by living our faith.

d.     We are to be willing to risk it all so that others can hear about Jesus.

e.      We need to openly live our faith.

9.     John 12:44

a.      Jesus and John have already established that Jesus was sent by the Father.

b.     If we believe in Jesus our faith is in the Father.

c.      Hebrews 1:3

d.     The Son is a reflection of His Father.

e.      He is the perfect manifestation of God.

f.      Belief in Jesus automatically connects to the Father, we become His children.

10.  John 12:45

a.      Colossians 1:15

b.     Jesus is the image of the Father.

c.      They are connected.

d.     To see one, to believe in one is to see and believe in the other.

11.  John 12:46

a.      Jesus is the light.

b.     He came to this earth, He died on that cross, He defeated death… so that He could be our light.

c.      What does that mean?

d.     It means that Jesus carried out the master plan so that He could guide us out of this world.

e.      It is His light that will show us the narrow path that leads to the Father.

f.      It is His light that shows us that there is a better way than what Satan is offering.

g.     John 1:4 (in him was life, and that life was the light of men.)

h.     Jesus gives us His light when we follow Him.

i.       He guides us away from the sin that traps us and to an eternity in glory.

j.       If we follow Him we will not remain in the darkness.

k.     If we follow Him we will spend forever in His presence.

12.  John 12:47

a.      John 3:16

b.     Hear His Word… Believe in Jesus… and be saved.

c.      When Jesus came as the sacrificial Lamb, He did not come to bring judgement.

d.     He came to provide the path to salvation.

e.      As we hear and respond to the message of Christ we are saved!

f.      Our sins are wiped away.

g.     That is the gift we have received and the gift we are to share with others.

13.  John 12:48

a.      The truth has been spoken, we have the Word of God as proof.

b.     Those that accept it will be saved.

c.      Those that reject it, have rejected God, and will face the same eternal destiny as the devil.

d.     We either believe or we don’t.

e.      There is only one way to the Father and that is through Jesus.

14.  John 12:49

a.      Not the first time we have heard these words form Jesus.

b.     He came to carry out the Father’s plan.

c.      He spoke what the Father wanted said.

d.     He did what the Father empowered Him to do.

e.      Jesus is connected to the Father and carried out His will.

15.  John 12:50

a.      Jesus has said what the Father wanted spoken.

b.     Words that bring life eternal.

c.      Jesus came to this earth to offer Salvation to all humankind.

d.     It is a gift that is freely given to all who believe.

16.  The gift of life eternal.

a.      Repent of your sins and believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and you receive the most amazing gift ever offered!

17.  John’s letter reminds us that Jesus is God.

18.  This morning, we have looked at some OT prophesies and saw that Jesus is the fulfillment of them.

19.  We have looked at some other NT verses that carry the same message.

20.  They are all clear.

a.      Jesus is the Christ.

b.     He is the Son of God.

c.      He has brought salvation to all who believe.

d.     An eternity in Glory with the Father.

e.      Forever and ever in a place of pure peace, love, and joy.

21.  The choice is before all of us.

a.      If you have yet to repent of your sins and chosen to follow Jesus, there is no day like today.

b.     Jesus died for you.

c.      He is offering you an amazing life with Him.

d.     I encourage you to choose Him today.

e.      If Jesus is your savior, continue to seek Him in all things for He is the one and only Savior for all of humankind.


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