Sermon notes - John 14:1-14 - Believe - Littleby Baptist Church - August 27, 2023
1. Jesus is pouring into His disciples. a. Not all of what they have heard is what they were expecting. b. There were a lot of confusing things being said. c. Emotions were likely high. d. They did not know what to think about all of this. 2. The guys were confused… their Lord, who is to set them free, was about to die? 3. They likely could not balance what Jesus was saying with what they had been taught about the Messiah when they were younger. 4. They have confessed complete belief in Jesus but were struggling to believe what they were hearing from Him. 5. Confused, deflated, depressed… how could this be? 6. Jesus knew what was in their hearts. 7. John 14:1 a. ...