Sermon Notes - John 9 - A man can see! - Littleby Baptist Church - June 11, 2023

1.     As we jump into chapter 9, we come to the Sixth Sign recorded by John.

a.      The general consensus is that the following events happen within days or weeks of the end of chapter 8.

2.     John 9:1

a.      John almost makes it sound like Jesus just happened to walk by this man by accident.

b.     But, as God, Jesus knew this man’s situation.

c.      He knew all of the details of his life and that he needed Jesus’ help.

d.     This was a God ordained moment, so that a man’s life could be changed.

e.      There are a lot of God ordained moments in our lives.

f.      Some are ways God changes our lives and some are how God uses us to change someone else’s life.

g.     Keep your eyes open and your heart in tune with the Holy Spirit so that you can see these moments.

3.     John 9:2-3

a.      The guys were under the impression that sin causes suffering in life.

b.     From a distinct Jewish upbringing this is a reasonable understanding and question.

c.      In Exodus 18 we read that sin will bring death on the sinner.

d.     In Exodus 20 it states that a father’s sin will impact his children for 3 or 4 generations.

e.      From that mindset, we can understand why Jesus disciples connected the dots as they did.

f.      Jesus’ response works to clarify in some ways but can be confusing in others.

g.     First He let’s them know that sin did not cause this blindness.

h.     Neither the parents nor the son were perfect, they were human sinners, but that is not what caused the man to be blind.

i.       In stating that this happened so that the works of God may be displayed, He is telling us that this man’s blindness was so that the power of the Son could be seen by all.

j.       The suffering and the healing would carry the message of Christ for generations to come.

k.     Lives would be changed, starting with the blindman but many are impacted by it still today.

4.     John 9:4-5

a.      While walking on this earth, Jesus was to do the Father’s will.

b.     In His response, Jesus stated, WE… meaning each of us must do the works of God.

c.      Jesus did them when He walked this earth.

d.     We are to continue along that same path of following the Father’s will and to do the works He set out for us.

e.      We are not saved by what we do, but our salvation is seen by what we do.

5.     John 9:6-7

a.      Why did Jesus use the clay?

b.     Scripture does not tell us.

c.      He did not need it, but maybe the man did.

d.     Maybe the placing and the washing of the clay helped the man believe something was being done that could cure Him.

e.      Would fit with many of the things Jesus did on earth that helped others learn how to believe, how to have faith.

6.     John 9:8-9

a.      A blind man made to see, how is it possible?

b.     It was so far out there that people struggled to believe it.

c.      Even seeing with their own eyes, they struggled to believe.  

7.     John 9:10-12

a.      The man knew it was Jesus but did not know what He looked like or where He went.

8.     John 9:13-14

a.      A blind man made to see, let’s take him to the religious leaders and see what they have to say.

9.     John 9:15-16

a.      Two opinions about Jesus.

b.     Some of them, how could a man of God violate the Sabbath even if it was to change another man’s life.

                                                    i.     Jesus had to be a sinner.

c.      Others, no sinner could perform the signs that Jesus has performed.

                                                    i.     There was something special about this Jesus.

d.     Belief in Jesus or denying His God nature.

                                                    i.     Seems to be a common theme in John’s Gospel and in the world around us today.

10.  John 9:17

a.      The formerly blind man fell into the category of that there was something special about Jesus.

b.     He did not know enough to really have an informed opinion.

c.      But he believed God was with Him, he was on the right track.

11.  John 9:18-20

a.      How could this be?

b.     How could a blind man see?

c.      There must be a mistake.

d.     The parents confirmed that it was real.

e.      Their son was born blind and that he could see now, but they did not know how it happened.

f.      People see change in those who follow Christ, but don’t always know how it happened.

g.     They can see the before and the after, but they cannot see that Jesus is at work in us.

h.     But hopefully it gets them asking questions.

i.       Gives us the opportunity to share Jesus with them.

12.  John 9:21-23

a.      Scripture states that they passed the buck.

b.     They were afraid of how the Pharisees would respond.

c.      In all fairness, the parents did not witness the miracle.

d.     They likely could not answer for how it happened.

13.  John 9:24-26

a.      The Pharisees applied pressure.

b.     They were hoping to find a flaw or contradiction in the man’s story.

c.      The man stayed true.

d.     He proclaimed that he was blind but now he sees!

e.      Jesus performed a miracle!

14.  John 9:27-29

a.      Insult after insult.

b.     First they questioned the man’s story and called Jesus a sinner.

c.      Now they ridiculed the man and elevated themselves.

d.     The hate in hearts will prevent people from seeing the Truth.

e.      They hated Jesus so much that they could not see how amazing this sixth sign was.

f.      We are to make sure we do not let hate blind us to God’s truth.

g.     We are to stand on the truth, but we are also to Love others.

h.     We cannot let anything drive us to hate another.

i.       Love people in hope that they will hear and respond to the good news of Jesus.

15.  John 9:30-33

a.      A blind, likely uneducated, man got it.

b.     He did not know about the coming sacrifice; he did not know that he had to repent of his sins… but he knew that Jesus was from God.

c.      There is no way Jesus could have done what He did as a man of sin.

d.     Jesus is man and He is God.

16.  John 9:34

a.      I think this verse emphasizes that the Pharisees’ hate was getting in the way.

b.     There are too many like this today.

c.      They, like the Pharisees, aim their hate and anger at anyone who may challenge them.

17.  This man’s faith is just budding.

a.      It could have been chocked out.

b.     It could have died before it had a chance to grow.

c.      But he held on to what he knew was true.

d.     He knew Jesus healed him.

e.      He knew that meant Jesus was more than a simple man.  

f.      We need to do the same, and to trust completely in the Word of God.

g.     It is the truth that guides our path and strengthens our faith.

18.  John 9:35

a.      Talk about highs and lows.

b.     The man could see, but now he was kicked out of the church.

c.      Probably scratching his head wondering why this happened to him.

d.     Then Jesus asks him, “do you believe in the Son of Man?”

e.      Jesus was asking the man to commit to the faith he had already shown.

f.      Faith in the Messiah.

19.  John 9:36

a.      I love this response.

b.     The man wanted to believe, but just did not know who the Son of Man was.

c.      He was ready, just needed some guidance.

d.     I wish more people would be ready to choose Jesus.

20.  John 9:37-38

a.      Once he knew who the Messiah was, the man believed.

b.     He honored Jesus by worshipping Him.

c.      The man showed his faith in how he responded to the wonderful news that Jesus is the Son of Man.

d.     We can learn a lot from him.

e.      He did not hold on to the anger or bitterness that he might have been feeling from being exiled from the church.

f.      He did not say he needed to get his life straightened out.

g.     When he heard who Jesus was, he believed.

21.  John 9:39

a.      Those that do not see will see… those that are trapped in sin will be set free.

b.     Those who do see will become blind… those who think they have the knowledge that leads to salvation will be lost.

c.      Jesus did not come to judge and make people blind to the truth.

d.     They are blind to the truth because they reject the Father and the one He sent.

e.      Their blindness results in them holding on to their sin and the judgement that follows.

f.      All are doomed, unless they are set free by the blood of Jesus.

g.     All are blind until Jesus opens our eyes.

22.  John 9:40-41

a.      The Pharisees thought they knew all that was needed.

b.     They expected Jesus to tell them that they were seeing the truth.

c.      Instead, Jesus told them that because they believe that they have all the answers, they truly were blind to the Truth of God.

d.     They were blind to the truth that Jesus was the Christ.

23.  As we sit here today, I pray that each one of our eyes are open to the truth.

a.      That we are not blinded by our sin.

b.     That we have let the Truth of our God, through Christ our Savior, set us free from our sin.

c.      I pray that God uses each of us to share that truth with others.

d.     That eyes are opened to the truth as we talk about who Jesus is and what He has done for us.

e.      Let Jesus change your life.

f.      May He use us to reach the lost souls around you.


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