Sermon Notes - John 10:1-21 - Good Shepherd - Littleby Baptist Church - June 18, 2023

1.     Jesus’ encounter with the blind man led to a teaching about eyes being open to the Truth of God.

a.      The Truth that sets us free from our sin.

b.     The Truth that lets us see the reality of this world.

c.      The Truth that helps us to stand against the lies of the devil.

d.     The Truth that we are to share with others.

2.     As we read our Bible’s we will see that a lot of people are shepherds.

a.      Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were shepherds.

b.     Moses before he returned to Egypt was a shepherd.

c.      David was a shepherd.

d.     It was a common occupation at that time, but one that was considered ceremonially unclean.

e.      Yet, as we continue on our journey in John we see that Jesus uses it as an example for Himself.

3.     The events in chapter 10 take place immediately after chapter 9.

4.     John 10:1-2

a.      If we put this in our own context, someone who enters by our front door with our permission belongs.

b.     One who enters through a window, by breaking a door, or rummaging through your stuff in your yard or shed… likely not someone who has good intentions.

c.      When you have a fenced in pen with a single gate that is locked or guarded, the right way in is through the gate, our front doors.

d.     The shepherd would enter through the gate.

5.     John 10:3-4

a.      The person standing guard lets the shepherd in.

b.     In our context, it might be that the door unlocks and opens with our key.

c.      The rightful owner or shepherd enters through the gate.

d.     His sheep recognize His voice.

e.      He calls them by name and they follow Him.

f.      They shepherd knows his sheep and the sheep recognize him.

g.     For those of us who have cats or dogs, they know us and recognize our voices.

h.     They know we belong and others do not.

6.     John 10:5

a.      If a stranger breaks in and tries to lead the sheep, they will not follow him.

b.     They do not recognize his voice and will turn away from him.

c.      They understand that something is wrong.

7.     John 10:6

a.      The Pharisees did not understand what Jesus was talking about.

8.     Jesus was using a commonly understood relationship between a shepherd and his sheep.

a.      People turn to God when the Holy Spirit gets a hold of them, when He calls out to them.

b.     Jesus knows us by name.

c.      When we recognize that Jesus is God and Savior, that He is our Shepherd we follow Him.

d.     Jesus was laying the ground for the rest of this conversation.

9.     John 10:7-9

a.      Jesus clarifies what He meant.

b.     He is the gate… meaning the only way to Father God is through Him.

c.      He is the one who paid the price for us.

d.     If we enter by Him… we will be saved.

e.      He grants us this amazing gift of grace.

f.      He cares for us.

g.     He stands watch at the gate and protects us.

h.     He provides eternal security for us.

10.  Re-read vs. 8.

a.      All those who came before Jesus are the spiritual leaders of the nation of Israel.

b.     These are the leaders who did not care for the spiritual wellbeing of the people.

c.      They were only interested in their wants and desires.

d.     They were interested in taking care of themselves.

e.      Those whose rules protected the normal order of things.

f.      That set them apart from the common people.

g.     Jesus pretty much was telling the Pharisees that they were thieves and robbers.

h.     Jesus was calling them out.

i.       They were stealing from people to line their own pockets.

j.       Even worse, they were stealing their hope by denying that Jesus is God.

k.     People were following the Pharisees and being led astray.

11.  John 10:10

a.      A thief, a false shepherd, a false teacher, the devil, only cares about themselves.

b.     They want to build themselves up vs. caring for the flock.

c.      Christ, the Good Shepherd, has come for the sheep.

d.     He has come for us.

e.      He gives us life, a life overflowing with God’s abundance.

f.      The thief comes to take life, Christ comes to give us a full ever lasting life.

12.  John 10:11

a.      The life of a shepherd could be dangerous.

b.     In 1 Samuel 17, we read about David having fought a lion and a bear.

c.      He was a good shepherd in that he risked his life for his sheep.

d.     Jesus is The Good Shepherd, as He laid His life down for those of us who follow Him.

e.      Psalms 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

f.      As the sheep of Christ, when we arrive in eternity we are going to want for nothing.

g.     Christ’s gift of Salvation provides every possible need for all of His sheep for all of eternity.

13.  John 10:12-13

a.      A shepherd who owns the sheep cares for them, feeds them, protects them, and may die for them.

b.     A hired hand will only do so much.

c.      They are after a paycheck and self-preservation.

d.     A false teacher, an ear tickler, the false prophets of old, and the Pharisees standing before Jesus as he said these words were not interested in standing up for the people.

e.      They wanted safety, security, and wealth for themselves.

f.      As followers of Jesus, we belong to The Good Shepherd.

g.     We are His.

h.     He loves us, provides for our needs, protects our soul, and He died for each one of us.

14.  John 10:14-15

a.      Jesus wants to spend forever with us and has paid the price so that He can.

b.     He knows us, we cannot hide anything from Him.

c.      He knows our darkest secrets, and He still loves us.

d.     That is one of the most amazing things to realize.

e.      Even with all of our flaws, Jesus still loves us and wants to be with us.

f.      Jesus said that His sheep know Him.

g.     That is us.

h.     We are to know our Jesus.

i.       We are to talk to Him.

j.       We are to study His words.

k.     All of which help us to follow Him.

15.  John 10:16

a.      Other sheep from a different pen?

b.     Jesus is talking about us gentiles.

c.      His ministry is not for just the Jewish people.

d.     It is for all people regardless of nationality, social status, or how much money is in the bank.

e.      Ephesians 3:6

f.      We are coheirs, through our faith we have been grafted into the vine.

g.     We have a part in the blessing that came through Abraham.

h.     We are included in the amazing gift that Jesus is offering.

i.       We are His sheep.

j.       He is our Savior, our Shepherd.

k.     These words were likely not understood by most but would have been a foreign concept for them.

l.       They believe salvation belonged to the Jews because they were Jewish.

m.   The gentiles who followed the OT Law had a shot at salvation, but it was not a guarantee.

n.     Through Jesus, all who believe are saved.

o.     Jew and Gentile alike.  

16.  John 10:17-18

a.      If the bond between the Father and Son could be stronger, it would be so based on Jesus’s submittal to the Father’s will.

b.     Jesus had the power to stop the crucifixion.

c.      He could have chosen another path.

d.     But He made the choice to freely lay down His life as the perfect sacrifice for all.

e.      Matthew 27:45-51

f.      Jesus gave up His Spirit.

g.     His life was not taken from Him, it was given for us.

h.     But He also mentions His resurrection, ‘I have the right to lay it down, and I have the right to take it up again.’

i.       His coming death was not going to be the end.

j.       There is more to the story.

k.     His death paid for our sins.

l.       His resurrection gives us new life for ever and ever.

17.  John 10:19-21

a.      Some believed and some did not.

b.     Some saw that the Father was with Him.

c.      Some thought He was a demon possessed crazy man.

18.  Everyone has a choice to make, either Jesus is their shepherd, or He is not.

a.      If we think about a couple of the points made in these verses, it is amazing how much our God loves us.

b.     As a shepherd – Jesus has protected us from an eternity in agony and laid His life down for us.

c.      He provides for us by paving the way for us to spend forever with the Father.

d.     Scripture tells us that He provides for us.

e.      Matthew 6:25-26

f.      We may not always recognize it, but our Good Shepherd provides for us.

19.  We need to believe that Jesus is who He says He is.

20.  We need to put our faith in Him.

21.  If He is our shepherd we are to follow Him.

22.  Won’t always be easy, won’t always be comfortable, but we are to follow where He guides.  

23.  Listen to His voice and Follow your Shepherd Jesus.


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