Sermon Notes - It's a wonderful life! - Littleby Baptist Church - December 18, 2022

1.     In the move It’s a Wonderful Life, the angel Clarence is sent to earth to show George that things are not as bad as they seem.

a.      There is good in his life even if he does not see it.

2.     Sometimes I think we get so focused on the here and now that we don’t see all the good that God has blessed us with.

3.     We can get bogged down and not see how glorious our future is.

4.     As a follower of Christ, we are blessed beyond measure.

5.     Last week when Dreaming of a White Christmas we touched on one and in reality the key Blessing.

a.      When our life belongs to Jesus we are bathed in His blood.

6.     1 John 1:7

a.      We are cleansed of all sin… as followers of Jesus we are clean, righteous, we are saved.

b.     Our sin will not be held against us.

7.     Romans 6:23

a.      Our wages, the ones that we earn by our choices, actions, and even our thoughts is death.

b.     But, through Jesus we are given a wonderful life, an eternal life with God.

8.     Jesus is the Way to salvation.

9.     His words show us that we need Him.

10.  His life was and death was needed to make us a new creation.

11.  One that gives us an eternal Life of Hope.

12.  He has saved us, guides us, and is preparing a place for us.

13.  It’s a Wonderful Life as a follower of Jesus because our Lord has saved us!

14.  It is a wonderful life as a servant of Jesus as our God is not done with us.

15.  Romans 6:22 (back up one verse)

a.      As one who has been set free, we are no longer a slave to sin.

b.     Instead, we are a servant or slave to God.

c.      He is our Lord, which means we are to submit to His leading.

d.     It is through His work in us that we are sanctified, changed… not because we will ourselves to do it but because our God is at work in us.

16.  Philippians 1:6

a.      Our God loves us so much that He is not done with us.

b.     He will keep working in us until we stand in His presence.

c.      In this life we have to remember to not beat ourselves up when we struggle having faith during that trial or valley.

d.     We are going to fall short.

e.      BUT, our God is not done with us.

f.      We are saved, we are holy, we are righteous, but only through the blood of Jesus because we are not perfect.

g.     Thankfully, our God is still working on us.  

17.  Hebrews 12:2

a.      We can do our best, but Jesus is the author and perfector of our faith.

b.     Where we start as a Christ follower is not going to be where we end up.

c.      The more time we spend with our Jesus.

d.     The more the Holy Spirit works in us.

e.      The more our faith will be perfected.

f.      It is not dependent on our ability or sheer will.

g.     Jesus is the source of our Faith, meaning it all comes from Him.

                                                    i.     No different than the air we breathe.

h.     He is the perfector of our faith; we cannot have the faith we need without Him.

i.       Jesus gives us the strength to believe.

j.       He gives us the Hope, that eternal Hope, that we need to trust in Him.

k.     We are being sanctified by God.

l.       Over time that is seen in the choices we make, but it is not because of those choices.

m.   We cannot do it on our own.

18.  It’s a wonderful life knowing that our God will continue to work in our lives until the moment we are with Him.

19.  It is a Wonderful Life!

20.  Another blessing we have in this life is the Holy Spirit.

21.  John 14:26

a.      The Holy Spirit comes to all who believe.  

b.     He is our counselor, our guide.

c.      He strengthens us when we are weak.

d.     He guides our steps.

e.      He gives us words to speak.

f.      He helps us to see the needs we can meet.

g.     He helps us to see the harvest that is before us.

22.  Romans 8:12-17

a.      The blessing of the Holy Spirit is that He helps us to turn from our old sinful ways.

b.     Part of that lifelong Sanctification process.

c.      As we submit to Him, He helps us to live according to the Word of God, to the Truth we have been given.

d.     Through Jesus we are God’s Children.

e.      Through the work of the Holy Spirit, we see our adoption carried out.

f.      We are not to hide in fear but are to cry out to our God when needed.

g.     We are coheirs with Christ, meaning the promise of an eternity with God is lock solid.

h.     No one can take that hope from us.

i.       As a child of God, as a follower of Christ, as one who the Holy Spirit is at work in… our eternity is guaranteed.

23.  It’s a wonderful life knowing that the Holy Spirit is with us and at work in us.

24.  How about fellow believers in Jesus?

25.  Ephesians 4:11-16

a.      When I look at these verses, I see that we all have our part.

b.     Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers… and even thought not listed here the list goes on.

c.      Piano players, worship leaders, deacons, those that clean up, those that take care of the building, those that arrange flowers… and more.

d.     Each one has a part in the family of God.

e.      We are each a part of the whole body, fitted and knit together.

f.      All the different parts are needed for the Body of Christ.

g.     All of the parts are needed for Littleby to continue to be a light in this dark world.

h.     All the parts are needed for each of us to grow.

26.  Proverbs 27:17

a.      As we live together, study together, we help each other grow in our knowledge of the Word of God.

b.     We help each other along this journey from knowing nothing about being a Christ follower to the day we stand before Him as a child of God.

27.  It’s a wonderful life knowing that we have other Christ followers to walk with.

28.  Being a child of God also gives us a sense of purpose.

29.  Matthew 22:36-40

a.      Loving God… making time for Him, studying His word, talking to Him, and following His lead for your life.

b.     These things top the list of what we were created to do.

c.      Loving Others as yourself… caring for those with physical and spiritual, needs follows closely.

30.  Matthew 28:19-20

a.      Point people to Jesus and walk-through life with them.

b.     Be that person who the Holy Spirit uses to speak truth into their lives.

c.      Be that iron that sharpens them.

31.  James 1:27

a.      Meet the physical needs of those who cannot meet them on their own.

32.  All of us will have times where we wonder what our purpose is.

a.      Are we supposed to launch a new ministry that touches thousands.

b.     We may be that person that God uses in that way, but until we know, we still have a purpose.

c.      We were created to Love God, to give our life to Him and follow His will.

d.     We are to love others, sharing the word of God with them in hopes that they become children of the Father.

e.      We are to help them grow as believers.

f.      We are to care for those in need.

33.  Part of our Wonderful Life as a follower of Jesus is knowing that we do have a purpose.

a.      A purpose that will help others grow as believers.

b.     A purpose that will care for the needs of others.

c.      A purpose that honors God in how we prioritize our calendars.

34.  It is a wonderful life knowing that our God can use us, no matter what we have done.

35.  George saw that life was worth living in It’s a Wonderful Life.

36.  For us, It’s a Wonderful Life thanks to Jesus providing a path for salvation to each of us.

a.      It is a wonderful life knowing that God is not done with us and that He is still working in us.

b.     The Holy Spirit guiding and comforting us is part this wonderful life.

c.      The fact that we have each other, and a God given purpose are other examples that show us that this truly is a Wonderful Life.

37.  As followers of Jesus, we are truly blessed!

38.  If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, you have a wonderful life on this side of eternity, and it only gets better when we join our Jesus on the other side.

39.  If He is not, it is not to late. Jesus is hoping that all will be saved.

40.  Let’s give thanks to Jesus for the Wonderful Life He has given us!


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