Sermon Notes - A Christmas Story - Littleby Baptist Church - December 25, 2022

 1.     In the move A Christmas Story, Nine-year-old Ralphie wanted one thing and one thing only for Christmas.

a.      His heart was set on a Red Ryder Range 200 shot BB Gun.

b.     It seemed like a hard sell as many were telling him that he would shoot his eye out if he had one.

2.     On Christmas morning Ralphie was opening his presents and it did not look like he was going to get his wish.

a.      But after everything was opened, he was told he had one more gift.

b.     Ralphie got his BB gun and then got hit in the face with a ricochet.

c.      As an adult Ralphie looked back and thought that was one of his best Christmases ever.

3.     Many of us probably have a memory of one of our favorite presents from Christmas, birthday, or some other occasion.

a.      When we think about that gift, it might bring a smile to our face.

b.     We have likely given and received some really nice gifts over the years.

4.     As wonderful as those have been, the best present ever given is Jesus.

a.      Jesus gave of Himself.

b.     He freely offered His death to all of humankind.

c.      He is offering His gift to any who will receive Him.

d.     A gift that keeps on giving.

5.     A gift of love that has no limits.

6.     1 John 4:7-12

a.      Jesus’ gift demonstrates His love for us.

b.     A gift that resulted in Him being the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

c.      A gift of love that covers a multitude of sins.

d.     A gift of love that results in the gift of our Salvation.

7.     Ephesians 2:8

a.      We are saved by our faith in Jesus.

8.     1 John 1:7; 9

a.      All we must do is believe that Jesus is capable of completely forgiving us.

b.     We are saved by faith, because of His amazing gift.

c.      A gift that not only wipes away the sin we had before pledged our faith to Jesus.

d.     But a gift that wipes away sin after sin, day after day, until we stand before Him forever.

e.      Jesus is offering a gift that keeps on giving.

f.      The best gift possible.

9.     Jesus gift to us is a gift of Hope.

10.  1 Peter 1:3-4

a.      Jesus has gifted us Living Hope.

b.     Our future inheritance.

c.      A future that is has already been given to us.

d.     A future that is imperishable, it cannot be corrupted by our sin.

e.      Its value will not deteriorate because of what we do.

f.      A future that is undefiled, these is not a single spot, smudge, or stain on it.

g.     Out Hope is as perfect today as it was when we received it and will continue to be that way for all eternity.

h.     Our future is unfading.

i.       It is not like a new BB Gun that will get worn with use.

j.       Our Hope is perfect on day one and is perfect when we stand before Jesus.

11.  When we stand before Jesus, we are not going to hear that we almost used up the gift that He gave us.

12.  The gift is perfect today, tomorrow, and forever.

13.  Jesus’ gift to us is also a gift of Peace.

14.  John 14:27

a.      Jesus’ gift of Peace does not have limits like the gifts of this world.

b.     God’s Peace is greater than our deepest and darkest fears.

c.      There is no trouble that our God’s Peace cannot comfort us through.

d.     Jesus’ gift of Peace has no limits.

15.  Jesus’ gift to you also includes His Joy.

16.  John 15:9-11

a.      As an extension of the gift of love our God has given us, we are given Joy.

b.     Not happiness that is based on our circumstances or our emotions.

c.      But a Joy in the fact that we belong to our Jesus.

d.     A Joy that is based on us being God’s children.

e.      Joy in knowing that our salvation is secure in Jesus.

f.      A Joy that is beyond complete because our Hope is secure in our Lord.

17.  The Gifts of Salvation, Love, Hope, Peace, and Joy from our Jesus are greater than any gift that is from this world.

a.      His gifts are not limited by what we can do, what we can acquire, or by anything else.

b.     His gifts keep giving, you might say they are renewed each morning.

18.  If Jesus is your Lord, I encourage you to accept the gifts He HAS given you.

a.      Ask God to help you to recognize and use the gifts He has given you.

19.  If you have not accepted Jesus’ gifts, today is the day.

a.      As we celebrate His birthday, the gift is free for you to accept.

b.     If that is you, I would love to talk to you about Jesus and His gifts.


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