Sermon Notes - Colossians 4:7-18 - Littleby Baptist Church - July 24, 2022

1.      Last Recap

a.      Prayer is an important part of our faith; it is one way we stay focused on our God.

b.      We need to pray for God to work in the lives of others.

c.      We are to act wisely, as people are watching.

d.      They will look to see if we are different than the rest of the world or do we ‘act’ one way at church and another with our buddies.

e.      Paul challenges that our speech is to be gracious and full of salt.

                                                    i.     Do we speak in love, but also with truth?

                                                   ii.     Both grace and truth are needed when talking to people who do not know Jesus as well as each other as iron sharpens iron.

3.      Colossians 4:7-8

a.      Tychicus (Tik uh Kus) has been mentioned in several of Paul’s letters, which helps confirm that he has been a regular friend and supporter of Paul’s.

b.      He is a dear brother, he is someone that Paul has come to value.

c.      A faithful minster, one who preaches the Word, guides those in need, and does what he can to help others.

d.      A fellow servant, a man who has served alongside Paul.

e.      One who has likely given of himself in one way or another

f.       Someone who has demonstrated Loving Others in words and deeds.

g.      He is being sent to encourage the hearts of the Colossians.

h.      Imaging being given the task to encourage someone’s heart…

i.       Sharing what God is doing can be encouraging at times, but it can also be eye opening.

j.       Paul is in prison; he is dealing with hardships that most of us will never deal with.

                                                    i.     Yet Tychicus is to tell Paul’s story and it is to encourage the Colossians.

k.      Hearing that they are facing difficulty and persecution in the name of Jesus could be encouraging or discouraging.

l.       To those living in times like that, they may find joy, peace, and encouragement knowing that they are not alone.

m.    They may be encouraged by hearing how Paul and others are still sharing the Word in spite of their circumstances.

n.      They would be encouraged by learning how the Holy Spirit has strengthened them during their struggles.

o.      We may never want to hear about others going through something negative, but it could still be encouragement.

p.      That is what a testimony is… showing how God has worked through our lives, changes us, carried us through this or that… all of that can be an encouragement to others.

4.      Colossians 4:9

a.      Onesimus is Philemon’s slave who has turned from his sinful ways.

b.      He was the one that the letter to Philemon is about.

c.      One thing that is great by how Paul describes Onesimus is that we see that a Jew, a Pharisee, saw a slave as a dearly loved brother.

d.      Worldly labels do not matter.

e.      Who he was before Jesus did not matter.

f.       What mattered to Paul and should matter to us is that a person is a member of the family of God.

g.      A child of the One True King.

h.      One who has been grafted into the family by the blood of our Lord.

i.       A brother and sister in Christ.

5.      Colossians 4:10

a.      Aristarchus (Aris tar chus) who is mentioned in Acts several times, a Macedonian brother from Thessalonica, is imprisoned with Paul.

b.      A fellow worker, which tells us that he may be imprisoned with Paul for preaching the Gospel.

c.      Then there is Mark.

d.      A long-time partner but one that was estranged for a period of time.

e.      Acts 15:37-39

f.       The past being the past, Paul is mentioning Mark here to show that their relationship has been restored.

g.      Mark deserted him, and Paul could have turned his back on Mark for good, but he did not.

h.      Instead, Paul has embraced him as a brother.

i.       He is encouraging others to do the same.

j.       When someone has wronged us, it can be hard to forgive them.

k.      Forgiveness like this, can only be achieved with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

l.       Even in this closing section of this letter we see a great example of loving someone in a way that honors God.

6.      Colossians 4:11

a.      Aristarchus, Mark and Justus were Paul’s Jewish companions.

b.      They were fellow workers, those who loved others and pointed them to Jesus.

c.      Guys who brought comfort to Paul.

d.      Hard to know what they did for Paul while he was in prison, but the word comfort is also translated as relief or consolation.

e.      Could speculate they helped to relieve some of the burden on Paul.

f.       Helped to make sure he had what he needed.

g.      Carried messages to others.

h.      They guys modeled for us to be there for others in need.

7.      Colossians 4:12-13

a.      Wrestling in prayers… this would be more than remembering someone in their prayers.

b.      This would be a passion filled prayer, excitement, tears…

c.      Epaphras wanted the Colossian church to stand mature.

                                                    i.     To understand the word of God.

                                                   ii.     Not to be easily swayed.

                                                  iii.     To grow in Godly wisdom and knowledge.

d.      He wanted them to be fully assured.

                                                    i.     Romans 4:20-21

e.      To fully trust in the promises of God.

f.       To know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus’ salvation is complete.

g.      To be in God’s will.

h.      He wanted them to resist the false teachings.

i.       That they will begin to understand the Lord’s will for them.

j.       That their faith would be perfected in Jesus, the author and perfector of faith.

8.      Colossians 4:14

a.      Luke, another dear friend, the author of the Gospel according to Luke and the Book of Acts.

b.      A gentile who is thought to be one of the 72 that Jesus sent out.

c.      One that is seen as a pillar of the faith.

d.      A faithful witness.

e.      A friend who has devoted time to care for Paul.

9.      Colossians 4:15

a.      Greetings to others outside of the Colossian church.

10.   Colossians 4:16

a.      The letter to Laodicea may be what we know as Ephesians or may be a letter that was lost or was not determined to be part of Cannon.

b.      This verse lays out the concept that letters written to one group can be beneficial to others.

c.      Nothing in this book states that it was written to Littleby Baptist Church in 2022, but we get a lot out of it.

d.      Each letter was written for a specific time and to a specific group, but they still speak to us today.

11.   Colossians 4:17

a.      As Paul is wrapping up this letter, this is one last warning.

b.      This one is specific to Archippus.

c.      He needed to watch out and pay attention to the task before him.

d.      Paul is warning him to return his focus to what God has called him to.

e.      Follow God’s will for his life.

f.       Be strong in the faith, so that he may be complete in Jesus.

g.      Look up to Jesus.

h.      A warning for Archippus that applies to all of us.

i.       Stay focused on the path God has laid before us.

j.       If unsure what that is, start by Loving God with all that we are and Loving Others.

                                                    i.     It will be part of or in support of, being witnesses and making disciples.

                                                   ii.     God will give us individual tasks, but when in doubt focus on these until the path forward is clear.

                                                  iii.     Following what God has for us, starts where we are at and then it only God knows where it will take us.

12.   Colossians 4:18

a.      Paul used a scribe in his letters, but personally signed them.

13.   Remember my chains

a.      In closing Paul is asking for prayer.

b.      Prayer for his imprisonment.

c.      Prayer for the challenges he faces.

d.      Prayer for Jesus to be glorified through all that is happening.

14.   He ends with ‘Grace be with you!’

a.      May the Grace of Jesus be with you.

b.      May you remember the amazing gift you have been given.

c.      May you trust in the promise of everlasting Hope.

d.      May the grace of Jesus fill you!

15.   Colossians has been a great letter to study.

a.      A letter that challenged the false teachings of its day, but the truth shared also challenges the false teachings we see today.

b.      A letter that reenforced who Jesus is and what He did for us.

c.      A letter that has reminded us that salvation comes from Jesus and it changes who we are.

16.   May we take these words and live our lives for Jesus.


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