Sermon Notes - Colossians 4:2-6 - Littleby Baptist Church - July 17, 2022

1.      Recap

a.      The letter to the Colossians has been a great reminder of who Jesus is and what He has done for us.

b.      If we keep that in mind, it can shape all aspects of our lives.

c.      Guides us on how we are supposed to live our lives as husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, employees, bosses, coworkers, and friends.

d.      Some of these roles we live have verses that give us direct guidance, and some are implied.

e.      The reality is whatever we do, we are to do it from our hearts.

f.       We are to do it in honor of Jesus.

g.      Hard to do, but if we follow the greatest of the commandments to Love God with all that we are – we should strive to live as God has called us.

h.      If we do what we can to love others as ourselves, we should be living with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

2.      Colossians 4:2

a.      Jesus is a great example of one who made talking to His Father a priority.

b.      Paul talks about his prayers for others throughout his letters, showing us, that prayer is a priority.

c.      Prayer is our conduit, our direct line to our God.

d.      It is that personal connection to God that is given to His children.

e.      It is our way to express our needs, concerns, and worries.

f.       It is how we are to lay all of it at the feet of Jesus.

g.      It is something special that all who believe in Jesus have access to, you might say it a luxury we have been given.

h.      It is something special offered to us, but it is NOT optional.

i.       Prayer is a necessity.

j.       It is essential for our growth as followers of Jesus.

k.      You might say prayer is as vital to our spiritual health as oxygen is to our physical health.

l.       Paul states we need pray, and we need to ‘stay alert’.

m.    1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray Constantly”

n.      Prayer is to be something we keep after.

o.      We cannot let our worries stop us from praying.

p.      When we don’t see the answers that we are hoping for, we need to make sure we don’t let the lies of the devil deter us from praying.

q.      We cannot listen to the lies that tell us that our prayers are ineffective or not needed.

r.       We must stay alert, we must be watchful, and we cannot let ourselves be deceived.

s.      This verse ends with, ‘with thanksgiving.’

t.       It is a reminder when we pray we are to thank God for all that He has done for us.

u.      Taking time to thank Him for what He has done can help us stay alert as we remember what He has already accomplished in our lives.

                                                    i.     The people He has brought into our lives.

                                                   ii.     The sins He has wiped away, and the ones that He has helped us walk away from.

                                                  iii.     The blessings we see before our eyes.

                                                  iv.     And the blessings we have yet to experience.

v.      We need to pray with thanksgiving.

3.      Colossians 4:3-4

a.      Paul is asking the Colossian church for prayer to carry out what God has called him to do.

b.      The Gospels tell us that Jesus told us to be His messengers, and that is exactly what Paul is asking prayer for.

c.      He wants a door to be opened so he can share the wondrous, miraculous, mystery of how God became man in order to pay for our sins.

d.      He is asking for prayer so that he communicates the gospel in a way that many will hear and understand.

e.      He wants to speak clearly so that lives are changed.

f.       Most of the time when we pray, we are asking for a person specific need.

                                                    i.     Strength for what we are dealing with.

                                                   ii.     A healing touch for someone battling cancer.

                                                  iii.     Salvation for a loved one.

g.      Those are things we are to pray for, we need to be lifting each other up in prayer.

h.      What Paul is pointing out to us is that we need to also pray for opportunities to talk about Jesus.

                                                    i.     The words we are to say.

                                                   ii.     To have an impact on the lives of others, as individuals as well as Littleby Baptist.

                                                  iii.     We should be praying for Jesus to help us speak His message loudly and clearly as we go about our days.

                                                  iv.     We need to be praying for the Holy Spirit to help us share the amazing grace we have been given in a way that touches lives.

4.      Colossians 4:5

a.      ‘Act wisely towards outsiders’… the way people see us act really does matter.

b.      If we are acting one way at church, but another at work or out with our friends… we are not acting wisely towards others.

c.      People are looking to see the faith driven change in us.

d.      They want to see if Jesus has really had an impact on us.  

e.      If we look like the world, people will question what is the point? Why would they bother?

f.       What does acting wisely mean?

                                                    i.     Thinking before we speak or act, the whole slow to speak thing.

                                                   ii.     The choices we make.

                                                  iii.     The way we respond to the challenges in our lives.

                                                  iv.     Even the way we respond to the good news we receive.

1.      Did we shove the Roe v Wade decision in people’s faces, or do we look for opportunities to talk with those who are upset about it?

                                                   v.     Think about the list of behaviors we saw in chapter 3; some would be seen as wise responses, and others are the opposite.

                                                  vi.     We could respond to things in this world with anger that will ultimately result in division… that would not be a wise action.

                                                vii.     A better choice, a wise choice, would be to respond with compassion and humility.

                                               viii.     One of these responses honors God and builds bridges, the other does not.

g.      Acting wisely is acting righteously.

h.      Making the most of the choices we make, the words we speak, that allow us to be a living witness to others.

i.       Acting in a way that may ultimately open up an opportunity for us to share the Gospel of Jesus with that lost family member or friend.

5.      Colossians 4:6

a.      ‘Let your speech be gracious’

b.      Let our responses be full of grace.

                                                    i.     Let our words show love, compassion, kindness, humility, forgiveness…

                                                   ii.     Remember that people are dealing with things we are not aware of.

                                                  iii.     People may be battling something that they have not been able to let go of.

                                                  iv.     Respond with kindness and grace.

c.      At the same time, may our speech be ‘seasoned with salt’.

d.      Our words are to be full of kindness, but they need to be salty, meaning they need to be filled with truth.

e.      Showing someone grace, pure love without ever sharing the Truth of Jesus and His Word does them no good.

f.       People need to hear the truth; they need to hear that sin is sin before it is too late.

g.      Hebrews 4:12

h.      Our words need to be loving words, but there is a time that they need to cut deeply.

i.       Sugar coating what the afterlife will be like to those who choose the devil over Jesus, will do them a great disservice.

j.       Even being soft on how critical it is for people to repent of living a life this is ‘more good than bad’ will still lead them to an eternity of agony.

k.      We need to show love and grace, but the truth must be shared with it.

l.       ‘So that we know how to answer each person’

                                                    i.     We need to be praying for wisdom on how to share truth with others.

                                                   ii.     With that wisdom and the work of the Holy Spirit we can find that balance of Grace and Truth.

m.    So that when the Holy Spirit brings people into our lives, we are ready.

n.      If we are following Paul’s letter here, we should already be living in a way that honors God and shows that our faith has changed us.

o.      We should know God’s Word, the Truth that has changed who we are.

p.      We let the Holy Spirit guide us.

q.      This helps us to speak to each person God brings to us, with an understanding of who they are and where they are at.

r.       Helps us to speak with Grace and Truth so that God can use our words to touch their lives.

6.      1 Peter 3:15

a.      Devote time to prayer.

b.      Act wisely, so that your life speaks of the amazing change God has made in us.

c.      Be full of grace and salt, speaking the truth in love.

d.      Be ready to share Jesus as God brings people into our lives.

e.      Sharing the Hope that Jesus has given us.

7.      That is how we reach people in our lives.  

8.      That is how we are used by our God.


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