
Showing posts from July, 2022

Sermon Notes - Colossians 4:7-18 - Littleby Baptist Church - July 24, 2022

1.       Last Recap a.       Prayer is an important part of our faith; it is one way we stay focused on our God. b.       We need to pray for God to work in the lives of others. c.       We are to act wisely, as people are watching. d.       They will look to see if we are different than the rest of the world or do we ‘act’ one way at church and another with our buddies. e.       Paul challenges that our speech is to be gracious and full of salt.                                                     i.      Do we speak in love, but also with truth?  ...

Sermon Notes - Colossians 4:2-6 - Littleby Baptist Church - July 17, 2022

1.       Recap a.       The letter to the Colossians has been a great reminder of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. b.       If we keep that in mind, it can shape all aspects of our lives. c.       Guides us on how we are supposed to live our lives as husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, employees, bosses, coworkers, and friends. d.       Some of these roles we live have verses that give us direct guidance, and some are implied. e.       The reality is whatever we do, we are to do it from our hearts. f.        We are to do it in honor of Jesus. g.       Hard to do, but if we follow the greatest of the commandments to Love God with all that we are – we should strive to live as God has called us. h.       If we do what we ca...