Sermon Notes - Matthew 21:1-11 - Palm Sunday - Littleby Baptist Church - April 10, 2022


1.     If we go all the back to the beginning of the book.

a.      In Genesis 3 the serpent struck.

b.     He twisted God’s words and led Adam and Eve astray.

c.      Genesis 3:13-15

d.     The serpent is being told what to expect going forward.

e.      There will be hostility, a severe struggle between the offspring of the serpent, demons, fallen angels, those who pursue what is evil in this world.

f.      And the offspring of the woman which ultimately points to Jesus.

g.     The serpent will strike the heel, meaning he will cripple mankind.

                                                    i.     The serpent will cause men to fall into sin.

                                                  ii.     But that is not where it ends.

h.     ‘HE,’ meaning Jesus, will strike the serpent’s head.

                                                    i.     The serpent will be crushed by Jesus.

                                                  ii.     Satan will be defeated.

                                                iii.     We have looked at the end of the story and know that Satan will be cast into the lake of fire forever and ever.

i.       But there is another point where we see Jesus is striking the serpent’s head and that is the first Palm Sunday.

j.       From Satan’s perspective he may have been thinking that he was going to strike Jesus down and maybe pull off a surprise win.

k.     But that is not how the events played out.  

l.       Jesus turned to Jerusalem.

m.   He knew what His limited time on earth was going to be like.

                                                    i.     He knew the pain He was going to endure.

n.     He chose to take the difficult path before Him.

o.     He knew the path He was taking would ultimately crush the serpent and bring salvation to humankind.  

p.     Jesus’ choice on Plam Sunday to turn to Jerusalem is one of many that led to the fulfillment of God’s words in Genesis 3.

                                                    i.     Satan will be crushed.

2.     While the exact events are not described in Daniel 9, it does point to Palm Sunday.

3.     Daniel 9:24-26

a.      Seven weeks and Sixty-Two weeks, meaning 7 and 62 seven-year sabbatical cycles, meaning 49 years and 434 years.

b.     From the point king Artaxerxes issues a decree to rebuild the city and its walls, it would take 7 weeks or 49 years to be rebuilt.

c.      62 weeks or 434 years later our Lord rode a donkey into Jerusalem a mere handful of days before He, the Anointed One, was cut off.

                                                    i.     Palm Sunday fulfills prophecy with Jesus heading into Jerusalem know that He would die on that cross for us.

4.     Matthew 21:1

a.      Jesus is entering Jerusalem by the way of Mt. of Olives.

b.     This isn’t prophetic but the Mt. of Olives has been a significant location throughout history and will be in our future.

c.      Ezekiel 11

                                                    i.     We find that God is going to bring judgement to the city of Jerusalem, but He also tells Ezekiel that there will be a time of restoration.

d.     Ezekiel 11:22-23

                                                    i.     The glory of the Lord has left Jerusalem. Judgement has been passed on them.

                                                  ii.     The Glory of the Lord stopped on the mountain east of Jerusalem.

1.     That mountain is the Mt. of Olives.

                                                iii.     The same mountain that Jesus turned to Jerusalem on as He was heading towards His death.

e.      Jump ahead to Ezekiel 43:1-5

                                                    i.     God brings restoration.

                                                  ii.     His Glory returns to Jerusalem form the East, from the direction of the Mt. of Olives.

5.     Jesus being the creator of the universe could have orchestrated any path to the cross He wanted.

a.      On the day that we are celebrating, He chose to follow that same route as He enters Jerusalem.

b.     The glory of the Lord passed through the Mt. of Olives when it brought restoration to the people.

c.      Jesus, knowing that He was about to bring true restoration to the people of Israel and the entire world.

d.     He took the same path.

6.     After Jesus did what only He could do.

a.      After giving all who believe in Him eternal life.

b.     He ended up on that same mountain once again.

7.     Acts 1:9-12

a.      Our Jesus ascended to heaven from the Mt. of Olives.

b.     Prophecy tells us that He will return and stand on the Mt. once again.

c.      Zechariah 14:3-4

d.     When Jesus returns, He will stand on the Mt. of Olives once again.

8.     Jesus being there on Palm Sunday may not have been prophetic, but we can see a pattern.

9.     Matthew 21:2-7

a.      These events were prophesied to happen.

b.     The quote is from Zechariah 9:9.

c.      The King is coming!

d.     He is righteous, there is only one who fits this description.

e.      He is victorious, some translations mention having or bringing salvation.

                                                    i.     Our Lord Jesus is the only one who can save us. He is the Only way.

f.      He is gentle or humble and riding on a donkey.

                                                    i.     Jesus did not lead an army to subdue the people and force them to follow Him.

                                                  ii.     He came to Jerusalem in Peace prepared to offer all an incredible gift.

                                                iii.     There was no stick and carrot, it was all carrot.

g.     Jesus fulfilled this prophecy as He rode that donkey into Jerusalem humbly offering Himself as they ultimate sacrifice.  

10.  Matthew 21:8-9

a.      As foretold in Psalm 118:25-26.

b.     The crowd was praising God.

c.      They believed that Jesus was the prophesied Son of David who will save the people of Israel.

d.     They may have not fully understood it.

e.      Many were expecting that triumphant King who was going to bring judgement on the world as seen in Zechariah.

f.      Zechariah 14:4-5

                                                    i.     The Triumphant King that we are still expecting to return.

g.     The people may not have understood it at the time, but Jesus riding into Jerusalem fulfilled the words proclaimed in Psalm 118.

h.     He was bringing salvation to the people.  

11.  Matthew 21:10-11

a.      The crowds did not understand, as they thought Jesus was a prophet.

b.     Some thought that Jesus was the prophet Moses told them to expect in Deuteronomy 18:15-19.

                                                    i.     A prophet like Moses. A prophet who could commune with God.

                                                  ii.     A prophet who provides deliverance for His people.

c.      Jesus is the only one who could bring true deliverance to the people of Israel, and to the rest of the world.  

12.  John 1:11-13

a.      Jesus came and His people did not understand.

b.     All who accept Jesus are born of God and become His children.

13.  Jesus brough the possibility of new life to All.

a.      Those that choose to follow Jesus are granted that eternal Hope.

b.     They are given the amazing gift of Grace.

c.      They are shown overwhelming Mercy.

d.     They will live with Jesus forever.

e.      Are you one of them?


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