Sermon Notes - Good Friday - Luke and Isaiah 53 - Littleby Baptist at Bethel - April 15, 2022

    Good to be with the Family of God in this joint service of Bethel and Littleby this evening.

a.      Thank you for having us!

2.     If you have your Bibles open them to Luke 23.

3.     We are here to celebrate Christ Crucified!

a.      If you don’t know the story, the thought of celebrating the death of our Lord and King can seem weird to your ears.

b.     But that is what we are doing.

c.      We are celebrating that He willingly climbed on that cross to die for us.

4.     Luke 23:34

a.      Jesus was in the worse agony of His life… and His thoughts are not on ending the pain, they are on the needs of others.

b.     Those that are casting lots for his clothes – Forgive Them for they do not know what they are doing.

c.      But it is so much more than that.

5.     Luke 23:33

a.      Jesus was asking for forgiveness for those who had a hand in crucifying Him.

b.     Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.

6.     Luke 23:18-20

a.      They chose Barabbas over Jesus.

b.     They shouted Crucify Him!

c.      Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.

7.     Jesus stood before Herod Antipas.

a.      Luke 23:10-11

b.     They mocked our Lord.

c.      They disrespected the one who is dying for their sins.

d.     Jesus was asking for the Father to forgive them.

8.     Luke 22:63-65

a.      Those serving the High Priest beat their King.

b.     They mocked Him, they made fun of Him.

c.      Yet our Lord asked for them to be forgiven.

9.     Peter was warned by Jesus that he would deny Jesus that night.

a.      Peter refused to believe it.

b.     Luke 22:56-62

                                                    i.     Peter denied his friend and Lord.

                                                  ii.     Peter wept bitterly.

                                                iii.     Even though Peter was warned and should have known better.

                                                iv.     Jesus was asking for Peter to be forgiven.

10.  Luke 22:47-48

a.      Judas betrayed the man He spent years with, the Man the Apostles believed was God incarnate.  

b.     Judas’ guilt ate him up to the point that he hung himself.

c.      I would venture that Jesus wanted to forgive Judas, but as far as scripture shows Judas never repented and took his own life.

11.  Luke 22:1-6

a.      The death of Jesus was pre-meditated and in today’s terms would mean that Judas, the chief priests, and the scribes would be deserving of capital punishment.

b.     They sought the death of the person who came to save them.

c.      Jesus wanted them to be forgiven.

12.  Luke 20:1-2

a.      This may seem small to the other things we have looked at.

b.     A group of men, flawed as all of us are, challenged the authority of the Lord of lords.

c.      Jesus asked that they be forgiven because they obviously did not understand.

d.     Jesus was asking for us to be forgiven as there are times we do not understand.  

13.  Luke 19:45-46

a.      Most of those in the temple that day, did not know any better.

b.     Jesus wanted them to be forgiven.

c.      Jesus even wanted those who knew what they were doing was wrong to be forgiven.

14.  Luke 23:34

a.      While Jesus was on that cross, He wanted all of them to be forgiven.

b.     He wants all of us to be forgiven.

15.  He died so that the sins of the world can be forgiven.

16.  Isaiah 53:3

a.      He was despised and rejected… He was not valued, they sought His death.

17.  Isaiah 53:4

a.      Jesus became our sickness, and He took on our pain… which was all part of the painful process so that we would have the opportunity to be forgiven.

18.  Isaiah 53:5

a.      Pierced and crushed… in order for all who are forgiven to be granted His perfect Peace that is beyond all understanding.

19.  Isaiah 53:6

a.      Jesus took the punishment of all to be forgiven.

b.     He took on the punishment that each one of us deserve.

20.  Isaiah 53:7

a.      Think of the will power our Jesus had!

                                                    i.     With a single word from His mouth, all the pain He was enduring could have been taken away.

                                                  ii.     With a single word He could have called down angels to free Him and take control of the world.

                                                iii.     But not a word was uttered.

                                                iv.     Not a word was uttered so that forgiveness could be found for all those who did not know what they were doing.

                                                  v.     So that forgiveness could be found for each one of us.

21.  Isaiah 53:8

a.      Struck down, Jesus died for you and me.

b.     He died to bring forgiveness.

22.  Isaiah 53:9

a.      Those crucified were to be buried in a mass grave.

b.     Jesus was buried in rich man’s tomb, points to the fact that He was and is Righteous.

c.      Without blame.

23.  Isaiah 53:10

a.      As The Perfect guilt offering, He made it possible for ours sins to be wiped away.

24.  Isaiah 53:11

a.      Our Lord paid our dues.

b.     Our Savior took our place.

c.      He justified the many.

d.     He did all this so that forgiveness could be had by all who believe in Him.

25.  Isaiah 53:12

a.      The one who became sin for us, will be raised to His rightful place as King of kings and Lord of lords.

b.     He will rule for all of eternity.

c.      Due to His sacrifice, He will be given all who believe in Him.

d.     If we repent of our sins and follow Him, we will be with Him forever!

26.  Jesus did this out of Love for us.

a.      He wants to spend an eternity with us.

27.  1 Peter 2:24

a.      Jesus bore our sins and died on that cross so that our sins can be forgiven.

b.     So that we can be seen as righteous in the Father’s eyes.

28.  1 John 1:9

a.      Jesus said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.”

b.     All you have to do is confess with your mouth that you are a sinner and that you need Jesus.

c.      Once you do, you are cleansed from ALL unrighteousness.

d.     You are not to far gone.

e.      If Jesus could forgive the high priests, the Roman soldiers, and all of those others.

f.      He can and will forgive you.

g.     Come to Jesus before it is too late.

29.  If you want to make that commitment this evening, please come forward and one of us will gladly pray with you.  


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