Sermon Notes - Why we are to pray - Littleby Baptist Church - December 26, 2021

   I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

2.     Before we jump back into Revelation, I want to pause and talk about something that is very important to our lives.

3.     1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us that we are to ‘pray constantly.’

a.      As people of God.

b.     As followers of Christ.

c.      Prayer needs to be part of who we are. Not just something we do, but part of who we are.

4.     1 Peter 2:21

a.      As children of God, we are to follow in the footsteps of our Savior.

b.     If we scan through the Gospels, we are going to find examples of Jesus praying.

c.      Mark 1:35 – Jesus got up early and spent some alone time praying.

d.     Luke 5:15-16 – Jesus ministered to the large crowds but would withdraw away from the large crowds and pray.

e.      Matthew 26:36-46 – Jesus cries out to God in prayer while in the garden of Gethsemane. 

f.      Those are just a couple of examples and there are many more in the Bible of our Lord praying and ultimately encouraging us to take time to pray.

g.     Our words do not need to be fancy.

h.     They do not need to be spoken in front of a large group of people.

i.       When and where are not what is important.

5.     What is important is that:

a.      That we take the time to pray.

b.     That we follow our Lord’s example.

c.      That we make it a priority.

d.     That we share what is on our hearts.

e.      That we cry out to our God when that is what is needed.

f.      Simply put, Prayer is important because Jesus told us to pray.

6.     Matthew 6:5-8

a.      Before Jesus gets into His model of prayer for us, he points out that we are to Pray.

b.     Vs. 5 whenever, vs. 6 when, and vs. 7 when.

                                                    i.     There is no if you are going to pray.

                                                  ii.     It is all about when you pray.

                                                iii.     When you take the time to talk to your God.

                                                iv.     When you follow our Lord’s example of crying out to the Father.

c.      When you pray. When you give time to God. When you share what is on your heart.

d.     We are to pray.

7.     Why do we need to pray?

a.      First, I would say because Jesus modeled it for us.

b.     Second, because He told us it is something that we are supposed to do.  

c.      The list does not stop there.

                                                    i.     We know people who have yet to turn to Jesus… a great reason to pray.

                                                  ii.     The abundance of needs on our prayer lists…

                                                iii.     Ephesians 6:18

1.     Praying for each other is very important.

2.     Intercede for those in need.

3.     Pray for each person sitting here.

4.     Pray for those who used to once darken these doorways that we have not seen for a while.

5.     Pray for those carrying the Good News to the far corners of the world.

6.     Pray for those who are ministering to people in need.  

d.     It does not stop with praying for saints.

                                                    i.     Pray for those who have yet to see Jesus.

                                                  ii.     Pray for those who persecute you.  

                                                iii.     We need to trust in God to handle the results and just keep praying.

8.     Isaiah 56:7 ‘… my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.’

a.      Littleby Baptist is to be a house of prayer.

b.     Prayer is what every church needs to be known for.

c.      But it cannot stop there.

d.     Anywhere Christ followers gather, study, of fellowship… we are to be praying.

e.      Home, at a coffee shop, work, you name it… All of them can and should be places of prayer for followers of Jesus.

9.     Recently read:

a.      In 2007 almost 80%, 4 out of 5 Americans would say they were Christians.

                                                    i.     Today, it is down to 63%.

                                                  ii.     A 20% reduction in the number of American Christians.

b.     Over the same time period, 58% of Americans would pray every day.

                                                    i.     Today it is down to 45%.

                                                  ii.     More than a 20% reduction.

c.      25% of Americans attend church weekly.

                                                    i.     Number goes up to 31% if asked if they go to church on a monthly basis.

                                                  ii.     There are 27% who say they never attend.

d.     Those are some disheartening numbers.

10.  Why do we need to be praying?

a.      1 Timothy 4:1-2

                                                    i.     People are turning away from God.

                                                  ii.     They are embracing the things of this world.

                                                iii.     They are embracing the lies of Satan.

b.     Depravity is not just tolerated, it is celebrated.

c.      Just look at the news, it is hard to believe at times that there is a debate on if people should be allowed to kill unborn children.

d.     We need to be praying for the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of people in this world before it is too late.

11.  We may wonder if it does any good…

a.      Ephesians 3:20

b.     The Bible tells us that God is able to do so much more than we can ever imagine.

c.      If we are praying for the Lord’s will to be done.

d.     If we are praying for lives to be changed.

e.      If we are praying for the Truth to be spread.

f.      Our God is listening to us when we pray.

g.     We need to trust in Him and let Him work.

12.  Pray for God to intercede.

13.  Pray for God to work in the lives of those around us.

14.  Pray that God changes hearts before it is too late.

15.  Colossians 4:2

a.      Devote yourselves to prayer... make it a priority.

b.     Stay alert… don’t fall into the trap of complacency.

c.      Don’t let repetition replace passion.

d.     Remember to thank God for all that He has done and all He is going to do.

16.  Ask everyone to take a couple of minutes to pray.

17.  Finish with Matthew 6:9-12 and close in prayer.


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