Sermon - Luke 2:8-12 - Christmas Joy - Littleby Baptist Church - December 19, 2021

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7

100’s of years before the birth of the King of kings, Isaiah prophesied about the coming of little baby Jesus and how He was going to accomplish more than anyone could ever imagine.

The King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Prince of Peace, Our Messiah, the Savior of all humankind was going to be born as a simple child.

Hymn #76 – O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Hymn #86 – O Little Town of Bethlehem

Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-7

Christ the child was born in the humblest of places. The creator of all things could have easily chosen to be born in the lap of luxury. Instead, to emphasize that He came to earth for everyone, He born as the child of a poor man and his wife. The size of your bank account, the color of your skin, who you ancestors are, or really anything else does not matter. Jesus came to earth for you.

Hymn #103 – Away in the Manger

Hymn #91 – Silent Night

Scripture Reading: Luke 2:8-20

The angel and heavenly hosts burst from heaven and glorified and praised God. The shepherds went and saw the little child and they to praised God.

The angels and the shepherds were so excited about the birth of our Lord Jesus that they could not hold it in. The angels shared with the shepherds and the shepherds in turn shared with anyone who would listen.

As we celebrate Christmas this week, we should be excited that our Savior came to earth for us. We should be so excited that we cannot hold it in.

Hymn #95 – Go Tell it on the Mountain

Hymn #100 – Angels we have heard on high

Message: Christmas Joy

Luke 2:8-12

The shepherds are seeing something they have never seen before. An angel of the Lord is standing in their presence and the Lord’s glory was shining around them. They did not understand what was going on. That fear they felt, was completely understandable. Pretty confident, we would be reacting the same way.

But then the angel tells them that the news that they are about to hear is to bring ‘great joy’ for all the people.

In other words, don’t be afraid, listen to this wonderful news. A child was born for ‘you’. That alone would have given them pause. A child was born for them, for the shepherds, for a bunch of guys who were out in the field tending their sheep all day and night. For guys who were tired from their work, lonely as they missed their families, hot or cold depending on the weather, and guys who probably could use a bath. How would a child be born from them?

See, this was not some ordinary child; it was a child whose birth brings good news and great joy! A child that is the Messiah! A child that brings salvation to all people!

The shepherds could have stayed focused on their circumstances, the lives they were living, the struggles they were facing, the work they had to do, and not seen the Great Joy that night. It is easy for us to get caught up in the struggles we face. We can focus on our daily battles with medical issues, finances, family arguments, or the week we had at work. We can be distracted by the circumstances in our lives, or we can remember that there is more to life than the battles we face.

If we base our Joy on the events in our lives it is easy for a bad day to steal that Joy.

The thing is true Joy, like that which was mentioned by the angel, is not based on the day we had. It has nothing to do with the good or bad in the lives of the shepherds the angel was talking to or in our own lives.

The Great Joy has everything to do with the birth of a child, the Messiah, our Lord and Savior! The Great Joy comes from knowing who Jesus is, what He did for us, and for knowing that we will spend forever with Him. The Joy that comes from our Savior is found in knowing that He is freely offering an awesome gift. A gift what wipes away our sins and saves us from the judgement we deserve.

The shepherds went and saw Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.

Luke 2:15-20

As they returned to the fields, they were not focused on their troubles. They were touched by the Joy that came from the birth of our Messiah and they were ‘glorifying and praising God.’

Romans 10:8-13

Why was a child born from you, why was it born for the shepherds, why was it born for those of sitting here?

Because the good news and Great Joy is for all people. It is for each of us. If we believe, if we confess that Christ is Lord, if we follow Him, we are saved. The news about a little baby boy born some 2,000 years ago opened the door to a Joy that has no limits. A Joy that is not based on the good things in our life. It is a Joy that is not limited by our circumstances. The Great Joy comes from knowing that salvation is ours through the Gift that Jesus gave us.

That Great Joy that the angel spoke about is that amazing gift of salvation that is offered to us. A gift that brings a rich eternity. Whatever circumstances we are facing today, there is Joy in knowing that through our faith in Jesus our eternity is set, and it will be better than we can ever imagine.

I would expect that the shepherds struggled holding on to that Joy most days and I am sure many of us can relate. We know that Jesus has saved us, but life still gets the best of us.

Romans 15:13

Having that Great Joy is not dependent on our own strength. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that the children of God, you and me, are filled with Joy and Peace. The Joy that we need to counter the battles we are facing; our God is holding it out to us. He is offering it to us, it is part of the awesome gift He is giving, all we have to do is take a hold of it. This Great Joy comes from the power of the Holy Spirit, there is nothing on this earth that can squash it. It is a Joy that has no limits.

As we celebrate the birth of our King of kings, remember that whenever life is disheartening, the true source of our Joy is not based on what is happening around us. The source of the Great Joy, a Joy that can break through the darkest of days, is the Joy that comes from Jesus. A Joy that He is offering you.

Jesus is knocking at the door waiting for you to answer. Answer the door, accept the gift, and be filled with Joy that came from the birth of that little baby.

Hymn #87 – Joy to the World


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