Sermon Notes - Revelation 17 - The Woman and the Beast - Littleby Baptist Church - November 28, 2021

 1.     The wrath of God has been poured out on those who have taken the mark of the beast.

a.      The Bowls were horrible and with the Seventh, God Said ‘It is Done!’

b.     The wrath of God falls on the earth.

2.     As we move on to chapter 17, we see more detail behind the destruction of Babylon, which was part of the Seventh Bowl.

3.     Revelation 17:1

a.      One of the angels who poured out the bowls on the earth, came to John.

b.     Makes it feel like these events follow the bowls.

                                                    i.     After all, the vision is given after the vision of the bowls, but…

                                                  ii.     The events are things that happen during the bowl judgements.

                                                iii.     Another one of those times that can make it hard for our linear minds to follow what is happening in Revelation.

c.      Great prostitute symbolizes Babylon, whether it is a ‘religious system’, Rome, Jerusalem, or some other city filled with vile behavior.

                                                    i.     It being referred to as a prostitute is pretty damming.

1.     Spiritually bankrupt.

2.     Moral relativism in extreme.

3.     Flat out evil.

4.     Those associated with the ‘great prostitute’ did whatever they wanted to do without thought of if it was right or wrong.

d.     The prostitute sitting on ‘many’ waters points to ‘people, multitudes, nations, and languages.

                                                    i.     Babylon’s horrible influence will reach around the world.

4.     Revelation 17:2

a.      The rulers of the world will be intertwined with the depravity found in Babylon.

b.     If you were to come up with just about any sin or unethical behavior, it would fit.

                                                    i.     The worst being that people have chosen to worship ‘idols’, make other things priority and have turned their back on God.

5.     Revelation 17:3

a.      John had another ‘out of body experience’, meaning that he was taken to another place to see the events that follow.

b.     The woman, is not Israel from before, this woman is the prostitute, Babylon.

c.      She sits on a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns.

                                                    i.     The beast is the same as seen in Revelation 13:1, the antichrist.

                                                  ii.     It is covered in sacrilegious names, which fits with the antichrist declaring that he is God.

                                                iii.     Seven heads does not help us identify exactly who the prostitute is, Revelation 17:9 tells us they are seven mountains and seven kings.

1.     Seven mountains are believed to point to Babylon being Rome, as it was known as the ‘city of seven hills.’

2.     Seven kings tell us that 7 leaders of seven kingdoms. Points more to the belief that Babylon is not a single place.

                                                iv.     The 10 horns are not as ambiguous.

                                                  v.     Revelation 17:12 states they are kings who will follow the antichrist and turn over their power to him.

                                                vi.     The woman is sitting on the scarlet beast, Babylon is tied to the antichrist.

6.     Revelation 17:4

a.      At first glance there is nothing wrong with the attire of the prostitute. Purple is the color of royalty, and the high priest wore a breast plate of precious stones.

b.     When you couple this with what is in her golden cup, it paints another story.

c.      This woman, Babylon, led people down the wide rode to destruction.

                                                    i.     She led people towards a false religion.

                                                  ii.     She corrupted the truth so that people would turn their back on Jesus.

d.     A woman dressed splendidly and a golden cup, beautiful on the outside.

                                                    i.     The inside is another story.  

e.      The angel declared in Revelation 14:8, those who follow the prostitute will bring wrath upon themselves.

7.     Revelation 17:5

a.      Mother of prostitutes, the source of idolatry and evil, the one who leads people to worship things other than God.

                                                    i.     It is a lot easier to distract someone with something, to sneak idols into peoples lives, than it is to turn them 180 degrees in another direction.

                                                  ii.     We see it today, in our own lives and in those around us.

1.     There are a lot of things that keep people from making Jesus a priority.  

2.     Things that are prioritized over reading His Word each day, talking to Him, or that interfere with regular fellowship with fellow believers.

b.     The mother of detestable things of the earth, Babylon is the hub of the evil in the earth at that time.

                                                    i.     Fits for both Babylon being a ‘great’ city that people follow or a movement that leads people away from God.

8.     Revelation 17:6

a.      The wickedness shows through.

b.     The apostate church and what follows it will be filled with people who do not know Jesus.

c.      A city or way of life that celebrated the persecution of true followers of Jesus.

9.     Revelation 17:7-8

a.      A reminder of a few things we have looked at.

b.     The beast, the antichrist, gets his power from the ruler of the Abyss, Satan.

c.      Power that will let him survive the sword.

d.     People will be astonished; they will follow him and worship him as if he is god.

10.  Revelation 17:9

a.      We have been told several times we need faith and endurance.

b.     Not surprising that those who live during this time will need Wisdom, it is the only way to see the truth.

c.      We touched on the seven mountains and seven kings when we looked at verse 3.

11.  Revelation 17:10-11

a.      A lot of effort has been put in to figure out who the 5 kings were who had gone before and who was the one now, and who will be the one to come.

b.     They have tried tying to Nero, Nebuchadnezzar, and others but no consistent understanding of who is being talked about here.

c.      This could be the way John understood it based on his historical position, could be that the 7th brings completeness, or one of a number of possibilities.

d.     The antichrist is headed to destruction.

e.      He will be the eighth king but part of the seven, not very clear.

f.      What I believe John is telling us is that the eighth king will come from the seven.

g.     He will rise up out of the seven and take his place as the final earthly ruler.

12.  Revelation 17:12

a.      The ten kings have power for just a short time.

13.  Revelation 17:13

a.      The ten kings exist for a single purpose, which is to give their authority to the antichrist.

14.  Revelation 17:14

a.      The antichrist, the ten kings, those that follow them will wage war against Jesus.

b.     We know the outcome; The Lord of lords and King of kings will be triumphant over all!

15.  Revelation 17:15

a.      If the prostitute is sitting on ‘many waters’, it is sitting with peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages.

                                                    i.     Fits with Babylon being a corrupt religion more than it being a single city.

                                                  ii.     If you combine the city on seven hills and this, you can see why some point to Rome and the Catholic church being Babylon.

16.  Revelation 17:16-18

a.      Some debate on if this is the middle of the tribulation or the end.

b.     But, if Babylon is destroyed by God during the Seventh Bowl it cannot be a mid-Tribulation event. It is part of the wrath.

c.      What we see here is that God is in control. He uses the antichrist and the ten kings to carry out His will.

d.     Whether he is turning on a wayward church, a wild city, those who are following him, or those who are living ‘freely.’

e.      Either way the antichrist turns on them.

f.      Here is the important part – Revelation 17:17

                                                    i.     God’s will, will be done when the antichrist turns on other evil people.

17.  Even as we look at this wickedness that will be about the earth, we see that Our God is in control.

18.  His will, will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!


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