Sermon Notes - Revelation 14:1-13 - A wonderful sight - Littleby Baptist Church - November 7, 2021


1.     As we start chapter 14 – we are in still in the section that tells us about some of the key players and events of the Great Tribulation, but does not advance the timeline.

a.      We have talked about the Woman, the Jewish people.

b.     The Dragon, Satan.

c.      The Child, our Lord Jesus.

d.     We looked at how Satan gets booted out of heaven by Michael.

e.      We saw the fury it causes as he goes after the Jewish people, who God protects.

f.      We are introduced to the gentile born antichrist who will be healed by Satan.

g.     We learned about the false prophet who steers people away from God.

2.     Through all of that we are reminded that it is of the utmost importance that we:

a.      Know the Word of God.

b.     Put our Faith in Jesus.

c.      Share Jesus with everyone we can.

d.     We don’t know how much time is left, but we don’t want anyone to be left behind.

3.     As we work through chapters 14 and 15, pieces start falling in place for the coming judgements found in chapters 16-18.

4.     Revelation 14:1

a.      Here we find the 144,000 who have been protected by God from Satan and his henchmen.

                                                    i.     These are the sealed of Israel.

                                                  ii.     144,000 Jewish people who believe in Jesus.

                                                iii.     12,000 from 12 tribes.

                                                iv.     They have been marked by God, with His name written on their foreheads.

b.     The 144,000 are standing with Jesus on Mount Zion.

                                                    i.     Ther are with Jesus.

                                                  ii.     They have survived the Great Tribulation.

                                                iii.     They are ready to fight by His side and rule under His leadership.

c.      But where are they? Where is Mount Zion?

                                                    i.     Hebrews 12:22-24

1.     The city of the living God.

2.     The heavenly Jerusalem.

                                                  ii.     They are with Jesus, not in the Jerusalem on earth but in the Jerusalem of the Living God.

                                                iii.     The redeemed Jewish followers of Jesus are with Him in the Heavenly Holy City.

5.     Revelation 14:2-3

a.      Cascading water – that is what Jesus’ voice sounded like when He was described in chapter 1. – Revelation 1:15-16

b.     Loud thunder – one of the four beasts in the Father’s throne room spoke and it sounded like thunder.

c.      Harpist playing their harps is a sign of the victory that is at hand.

d.     144,000 who had been redeemed by the blood of Jesus during the Great Tribulation.

                                                    i.     The same 144,000 who were protected by God during this time.

                                                  ii.     The same 144,000 who were being refined by our Lord for what was to come.

                                                iii.     They knew a song that no one else could learn.

1.     Likely a song of praise for the One True King who redeemed them, provided for them, and prepared them.

2.     I think of it this way.

a.      Many can sing the words to Amazing Grace.

b.     But until one experiences that Grace and truly understands how much of a wretch they are, only then can they really sing it.

6.     Revelation 14:4-5

a.      The 144,000 who are with our Lord, will be set a part.

                                                    i.     They will be marked by God.

                                                  ii.     They will follow Jesus.

                                                iii.     They will not defile themselves.

                                                iv.     They will be found blameless.

b.     These 144,000 Jewish Believers will not be perfect as that may sound.

                                                    i.     There is only one perfect person to have ever walked this earth, Jesus.

c.      These believers will be blameless in that they will remain faithful to the calling God places on them.

                                                    i.     They will not take the mark of the beast.

                                                  ii.     They will not defile themselves by compromising their beliefs.

                                                iii.     As Jewish men they will be ready for war, they will be ritually clean according to Mosaic law.

1.     Consecrated for battle, abstaining from women, made clean by the blood of the Lamb. 

d.     These are men who will give their lives to Jesus and are seen as the first fruits of the Tribulation.

                                                    i.     They do not represent all of the followers of Jesus who will be harvested by God, but they will be the first.

7.     What a magnificent site… Our Lord Jesus standing there with 144,000 soldiers ready for battle.

8.     Revelation 14:6-7

a.      One last chance is given to those who have yet to ‘fear God and give him glory.’

b.     We just saw Jesus and the 144,000 gathering, judgement is imminent.

c.      People who have yet to accept Jesus and who have not taken the mark of the beast, have one last opportunity to turn to Jesus before judgement hits.

d.     Hopefully no one is waiting to this final opportunity to make that choice.

e.      I would hope that those who have been sitting on the fence would jump at this opportunity.

9.     Revelation 14:8

a.      A second angel will proclaim that Babylon has fallen.

b.     Complete destruction.

c.      Revelation 18:2

d.     Not a pretty picture.

e.      The question is what or where is Babylon.

                                                    i.     Some say it is the apostate church.

                                                  ii.     Others point to it being Jerusalem under the reign of the antichrist.

                                                iii.     Then it could be Rome, the original Babylon rebuilt, or another city with that name.

f.      The important part here is that those that promoted and encouraged people to embrace pride, idolatry, immorality, and just about any other sin under the sun will fall.

g.     The angel is proclaiming what is about to happen, or maybe better said has happened spiritually already due to their choices and actions that followed… will come to a physical fruition.

h.     Woe to those that will follow the way of Babylon.

10.  Revelation 14:9-11

a.      Once a person has taken the mark of the beast, they will share in the wrath of God that is meant for Satan.

b.     Revelation 20:15 – Those whose names are not in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire.

c.      Choose the antichrist and there is no turning back.

d.     2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

                                                    i.     If people choose Satan and reject Jesus, they will be given over to their choices.

                                                  ii.     Think of some of the things in the world today, the things that are believed.

1.     Could be a strong delusion has come over them.

e.      Thankfully we know that today, there is till hope for those who have fallen away from God.

f.      People can turn from their choices and find their Hope in Jesus.

g.     After the mark of the beast, there is no turning back.

h.     One of the reasons why we need to be about God’s business of sharing the Gift of Christ.

11.  Revelation 14:12

a.      Once again, a reminder that those who believe in Jesus will need endurance and faith to make it through the persecution they will face.

12.  Revelation 14:13

a.      John is told to write these words.

                                                    i.     Re-read verse.

b.     During the Fifth Seal – Revelation 6:9-11

                                                    i.     They had to wait a while longer until the number of Tribulation martyrs was reached.

                                                  ii.     When this third angel speaks, that time is on the verge of completion.

                                                iii.     Rest is close at hand.

                                                iv.     These martyrs are close to experiencing all the amazing things that lie before them.

1.     They are truly about to spend an eternity with Jesus.

13.  What does this tell us?

a.      As we continue to draw closer to the end, Jesus is still Lord of All!

                                                    i.     Of that there is NO doubt!

b.     While we talk about the pain and suffering that will be endured by those that choose Jesus, we are reminded that after that suffering when our Lord returns is simply Awe Inspiring.

c.      It is not too late for anyone in our lives to turn to Jesus.

d.     We are to continue to Love others.

e.      Build relationships with them.

f.      Pray for the Holy Spirit to breakdown walls.

g.     Watch for a door to be opened so that we may Plant and Water.

h.     Let God bring the growth and change their hearts.

14.  I want to leave you with two questions…

a.      Who do you need to be Loving?

b.     Who do you need to be praying for?


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