Sermon - Revelation 11:1-14 - Two Witnesses - Littleby Baptist Church - September 26, 2021

1.     Recap

a.      The pause between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpets continues.

b.     The first part of the pause we saw a mighty angel came down to earth and Revelation 10:6-7.

                                                    i.     He swore on Jesus that the delays were coming to an end.

c.      John then took a scroll that was sweet to the taste but bitter to the stomach.

                                                    i.     Like the Word of God is sweet to those of us who Love Him.

                                                  ii.     It can also be bitter as we share with others as they continually turn away.

d.     John was then told that he will continue to be used to carry God’s message to ‘many people, nations, languages, and kings.’

2.     Revelation 11:1-2

a.      Let’s layout a few things.

b.     John is not in God’s throne room, he is on earth.

                                                    i.     He saw the angel in chapter 10 with one foot on land and one in the water.

                                                  ii.     And a voice from heaven spoke to him.

c.      John is told to go and measure the temple of God.

                                                    i.     This prophecy is coming to John roughly 95 AD.

                                                  ii.     The temple of God that Jesus walked through was burned down in 70 AD.

                                                iii.     If John is on the earth, and we are looking at the future between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpets, the temple must get rebuilt at some point in our future.

                                                iv.     Has not happened yet but plans on being made.

                                                  v.     The Temple Institute has the architectural plans.

                                                vi.     The alter has been made as well as most if not all of the tools needed.

                                               vii.     From what I have heard, they have the money.

                                             viii.     It is truly a matter of when and where it will be built again.

d.     John is told to exclude the courtyard as it will be given to the nations.

                                                    i.     They will trample the holy city, Jerusalem, for forty-two months.

1.     The second half of the Tribulation period.

                                                  ii.      Daniel 9:27 – Middle of the week, middle of the Tribulation period the antichrist will desecrate the temple of God.

                                                iii.     2 Thessalonians 2:4 – could be viewed as trampling on the Holy City.

3.     Revelation 11:3-6

a.      Two witnesses, who are never identified in Scripture but lots of speculation on who they are.

b.     Most common thought is Moses and Elijah who joined Jesus on the mountain when He was transfigured.

                                                    i.     Other thoughts are Enoch and Elijah as they did not die.

                                                  ii.     Even read one source interpreting as Peter and Paul, but no explanation why.  

c.      The Bible does not tell us who they are, so let’s focus on what it does tell us.

d.     Messengers who will prophesy for 1,260 days, or 42 months, wearing sackcloth.

                                                    i.     They will call people to repentance for 3 ½ years dressed in sackcloth, which was traditionally what people wore when they repented.

e.      Two olive trees – Two witnesses who have been anointed by God to carry out His will.  

f.      Two lamp stands – Two faithful witnesses who will carry God’s messages to all who will hear it.

                                                    i.     Think of lights on a hill.

g.     They are not defenseless, with fire coming out of their mouth that will consume those who try to harm them.

h.     Authority to close up the sky, as God had done through Elijah.

i.       Turn water into blood and strike the earth with plagues, as God had done through Moses.

j.       Can see why that is a common interpretation.

4.     Revelation 11:7-10

a.      The beast that comes up out of the abyss is the antichrist.

b.     The antichrist wages war against these two witnesses.

                                                    i.     He threw a lot of resources at them to conquer them and kill them.

                                                  ii.     The antichrist must have really wanted them to stop prophesying.

c.      A great city, where our Lord was crucified, aka Jerusalem.

                                                    i.     Called Sodom and Egypt, because of the way the people there were living.

                                                  ii.     In those days, Jerusalem will become a place filled with people who reject God and embrace the murders, sorceries, sexual immoralities, and thefts like listed in chapter 9.

d.     People around the world celebrated the murder of God’s Two Witnesses.

e.      A sad state of things, when people celebrate the death of others.

                                                    i.     It is horrible that people will celebrate this, celebrating evil.

                                                  ii.     I wish I could say that is something that is unique to the Tribulation period.

1.     People celebrate sin today, they celebrate evil.

2.     The expansion of abortion rights in NY was celebrated by many.

3.     People in this world do celebrate when a terrorist attack takes the lives of innocents.

4.     Some even celebrate when criminals are killed. While justice may be served, I cannot see celebrating their death.

                                                iii.     If I can be blunt, this is flat out love of Evil.

                                                iv.     Whether it is during the Great Tribulation or today, this type of behavior is not of God, it is pure evil.

5.     Revelation 11:11-12

a.      The antichrist kills them.

b.     As usual, God has the final say.

                                                    i.     He will breathe life into them once again.  

                                                  ii.     And then He will call them home.

c.      Imagine one minute celebrating the death of these two people who kept talking about Jesus and the next minute watching them stand up and then be taken into heaven.

d.     Fear will grip those who belong to Satan.

6.     Revelation 11:13

a.      Jerusalem gets hit with an earthquake and many die.

b.     Judgement for those who celebrated the death of God’s messengers.

c.      Survivors in the city referred to as Sodom and Egypt for how wicked it is, realize that God is real.

                                                    i.     The judgements did not do it.

                                                  ii.     The message from the Two Witnesses was not enough.

                                                iii.     But their resurrection and ascension changed their opinion.

                                                iv.     They recognized that God was real.

                                                  v.     Did they repent?

1.     Scripture does not tell us.

2.     They may recognize that God is real, but might not go any farther.

3.     They may have repented, but it is not recorded.

                                                vi.     They recognize who God is, but it is unclear if it was too little too late.  

7.     Philippians 2:9-11

a.      There will come a time that all will recognize that Jesus is Lord.

b.     Some on this side of eternity and some on the other.

c.      We are called to be witnesses and to make disciples so that people have the chance to hear the Good News of Jesus before it is too late.

d.     Keep praying for people in your lives who have yet to accept Jesus.

e.      Keep praying for those who have walked away.

f.      Keep praying for the Holy Spirit to show you how you can be a missionary as you live your life.

8.     Let’s pray that people will confess that Jesus is their Lord before it is too late.


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