Sermon - Revelation 10 - A mighty angel and a small scroll - Littleby Baptist Church - September 19, 2021

1.     Recap

a.      Read – Revelation 9:20-21

b.     We have covered the 7 Seals.

c.      We have talked about the devastation caused by the first six Trumpets.

d.     In spite of all of that, people continued to turn their back on God.

e.      A dark time, but Scripture continues to show us that God is in control.

2.     Here we find a pause before the final Trumpet.

3.     Revelation 10:1

a.      This is a mighty angel, Michael, Gabriel, or some other angel who is carrying out the will of God.

b.     Wrapped in a cloud – sent as a special messenger for God.

c.      Rainbow over his head – a complete full circled rainbow, similar to the one that surrounds the Father’s throne.

                                                    i.     The rainbow is a symbol of God’s mercy to His people.

                                                  ii.     The judgement has been and will be harsh, but God’s mercy to those who follow Him has no end.

d.     Face like the sun – a reflection of the righteousness of God, similar to how Jesus’ face was shinning like the full strength of the sun when He was walking amongst the lamp stands.

e.      Legs were like pillars of fire – representative of God’s mercy, protection, and provision as in the time when the pillar of fire and smoke guided the young nation of Israel in the wilderness.

                                                    i.     A symbol of hope to those who are following God.

4.     Revelation 10:2

a.      The angel was holding a small scroll in his hand, which we will get into later.

b.     Right foot on the sea, his left on the land points to the power that he has been given to carry out the Lord’s will for the whole earth.

5.     Revelation 10:3-4

a.      The angel calls out and the Seven Thunders respond.

b.     Knowing that we are looking at Seven Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls… makes one wonder what part the Thunders play?

                                                    i.     What did they say?

                                                  ii.     How will it affect those who are on the earth at that time?

                                                iii.     How do they play into the End of Days?

c.      Scripture does not answer that for us as John was commanded to not record what the Seven Thunders had to say.

d.     While this book of prophecy gives us an insight to what to expect during the end of times, the fact that what the Thunders said is not revealed to us, is a reminder that not every detail is written for us.

                                                    i.     Revelation is a guide, but there are things we are not meant to know.

6.     Revelation 10:5-6a

a.      The angel who stood on the land and the sea took a posture of praise and raised his right hand to heaven.

b.     Colossians 1:15-16 – the angel is swearing on Jesus.

                                                    i.     The mighty angel is swearing by our Creator Jesus.

7.     Revelation 10:6b-7 – Let’s read that declaration.

a.      Let’s break this down a bit.

b.     There will no longer be a delay – For thousands of years, people have wondered how much longer.

                                                    i.     From the OT prophets to the martyrs under the altar, people have questioned when the end will come.

                                                  ii.     The angel swears by Jesus that the time has come.

c.      In the days when the seventh angel will blow his trumpet – with the Sixth trumpet having passed, the next will bring to fruition God’s plan.  

d.     The mystery of God will be completed – Not some hidden truth, but the complete fulfillment of many many prophecies that foretold of the glorious return of the Son of God. Prophecies that tell of the establishment of Jesus’ kingdom.

e.      As God had announced to and through his servants the prophets…

                                                    i.     All those prophecies will unfold as He had said.  

8.     Revelation 10:8

a.      Go take the little scroll from the angel.

9.     Revelation 10:9

a.      Words John was likely familiar with… Ezekiel 3:1-3

b.     The Word of God is sweet as honey to those who believe.

c.      We know that they are God’s Word and were written to guide us.

d.     The message may be hard to deal with.        

                                                    i.     Think of prophets of Old who knew they were God’s messengers but had to proclaim judgements on those who they were speaking to.

                                                  ii.     The Word also cuts deep into each of us as our sins are brought to light.   

10.  Revelation 10:10

a.      The angels’ words were true.

b.     Sweet as honey as John understand that God was using him to reveal His words to those who will listen.

                                                    i.     Whatever the message held, John found joy in being used by God.

c.      Bitter because the burden that John was carrying included a message of suffering that will impact God’s people.

d.     Bitter as it hurts to share the message of wrath to those who continue to reject God.

e.      There is Joy is sharing the Word of God with others, but there is a burden that comes with it.

                                                    i.     Knowing that that who do not respond are facing an eternity without God.

11.  Revelation 10:11

a.      The task is not complete.

b.     John is told that he must continue to be God’s mouth piece, sharing what is to come, what is going to impact ‘many peoples, nations, languages, and kings.’

c.      John has tasted the message.

                                                    i.     He knows the sweetness of being used by God.

                                                  ii.     He is aware of the bitterness it will cause.

                                                iii.     He knows that he will carry God’s messages to those who will listen.

12.  What does all of this tell us?

a.      We saw a mighty angel swears by Jesus, proclaiming that the end is coming.

b.     We are reminded by the Seven Thunders, that everything is not recorded in the Bible.

                                                    i.     There are things we are not meant to know. Things we will not understand.

                                                  ii.     We must trust that God is in Control!

c.      We see John charged with continuing to carry the message of God to ‘many peoples, nations, languages, and kings.’

13.  The prophecies we are looking at are not pleasant.

a.      The challenges are more than we would wish on anyone.

b.     But our God is in Control.

c.      Our Hope is in Jesus, not in this world.

d.     Our Joy comes from knowing we get to spend an eternity with God.

e.      If you are a follower of Jesus, your future address is already set.

f.      Your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.  

14.  Psalm 30:4-5

a.      Sing to the Lord, you his faithful ones, and praise his holy name. For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor, a lifetime. Weeping may stay overnight, but there is joy in the morning.”

b.     No matter what the future holds, our Joy comes from Jesus.


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