Sermon Notes - Revelation 5 - The Pieces are in place - Littleby Baptist Church - July 18, 2021

1.     The stage is set.

a.      Last week we transitioned from the letters given to the seven churches by Jesus through John, to a glimpse of heaven.

b.     The Father’s throne.

                                                    i.     Made of fiery red stone – wrath of God.

                                                  ii.     Crystal clear representing his perfect holiness.

                                                iii.     Surrounded by a beautiful rainbow – God’s promises.

c.      Twenty-four thrones

                                                    i.     With OT and NT elders sitting upon it.

d.     Seven fiery torches are the different ministries of the Holy Spirit.

e.      A sea of glass.

f.      Four creatures Lion, Ox, Man, and Flying Eagle – convey who God is.

g.     We saw that those gathered, the elders and the creatures, gave constant praise to our God.

h.     The stage is set for what comes next.

2.     Revelation 5:1

a.      In the hand of God the Father sits a scroll – this is THE scroll, the one mentioned in the next couple of chapters.

b.     Like a contract, a will, or a testimony, the scroll is sealed for review at a later time.  

c.      Writing on both sides – contains all that is needed. It has the future salvation of God’s children and the judgment that will come for those who have turned their back on God. – It is complete.

d.     Sealed with seven seals – sealed tight, no one can read what the scroll contains.

                                                    i.     We will get to these in more detail in the coming weeks.

                                                  ii.     Remember Revelation is not a play by play, but a general guide.

                                                iii.     Most look at the seven seals as once one is opened, something happens.

                                                iv.     Another theory is that each seal needs to be opened before the 7 people/actions are let loose on the earth.

                                                  v.     Kind of like each seal needs to be opened before the contents can be read.

3.     Revelation 5:2-3

a.      The contract, will, or testament cannot be opened by just anybody.

b.     No man or angel is capable of opening it.

c.      Like the last will and testament of Jesus, it could not be opened before His death.

d.     It was customary that whoever sealed the scroll was to be present to open it.

                                                    i.     In some cases, it had to be opened by the one who sealed it.

e.      No one in the throne room was able to open the scroll.

f.      If Jesus sealed, He needs to be there for it to be opened.

g.     Another reason why the 4 creatures are not the manifestation of Jesus. As they are present but He was not.

4.     Revelation 5:4-5

a.       No one could open it and John was overcome with emotion and wept, because he thought he would never understand what it meant.

b.     One of the elders who sat on one of the twenty-four thrones pointed out that there was no reason to weep.

c.      Lion of Judah – The Lord Jesus – was triumphant, He already achieved victory, He defeated death, and He was the one person who could break the seals and open the scroll.  

d.     The root of David – Matthew 22:41-45

                                                    i.     Jesus created all things, including David.

                                                  ii.     From a human standpoint David was Jesus’ ancestor.

                                                iii.     From God’s perspective Jesus created David and David called Jesus Lord.

1.     Jesus is the root of David, meaning He came before David.

5.     Revelation 5:6 (Nothing like Revelation 1?)

a.      In the midst of the throne – Jesus appeared standing in the throne room.

b.     Slaughtered lamb – I can only imagine what Jesus looked like… did He have the holes in His hands, feet, and side? Was His back torn up from the beating He endured?

                                                    i.     There was something about Him that showed that as a man standing before the throne of God, that He was the triumphant Lamb of God.

                                                  ii.     The ultimate substitutional sacrifice for all of our sins.

c.      Seven = Perfection…

                                                    i.     Seven horns – Perfect power and might, all powerful, the perfect King.

                                                  ii.     Seven eyes – Perfect wisdom or discernment… Jesus can see the truth.

                                                iii.     Seven as which are Seven spirits that have been sent to the earth – emphasize that the Holy Spirit is in the world bringing understanding, counseling, strength, wisdom, knowledge, self-righteousness, and fear of God to the people of God.

6.     Revelation 5:7

a.      The Son took the scroll from the Father.

b.     In a way the baton is being passed from the Father to the Son.

c.      As the events that follow setup Christ’s kingdom.

7.     Revelation 5:8

a.      All the elders and the creatures fall in worship to our Savior Jesus.

b.     Prayers as incense – Psalm 141:2

c.      Luke 1:8-11 – angel appeared to Zechariah.

                                                    i.     Prayer is a form of worship, which is an offering unto our Lord.

8.      Revelation 5:9-10

a.      A New song… a Wonderful song of praise.

                                                    i.     Jesus is Worthy!

                                                  ii.     Jesus was slaughtered… not a word I normally use, but it does ring true.

                                                iii.     Through the shedding of His blood, Jesus purchased those that will follow Him, He purchased us!

                                                iv.     Every tribe, every language, every people group, every nation… Jesus died for every human that has ever been conceived.

1.     No one is to be left out.

2.     In God’s eyes everyone is worthy of His amazing gift.

                                                  v.     Jesus made all of His followers a Kingdom.

1.     We will share in our Lord’s inheritance; we will reign by His side.

                                                vi.     He made each of us priests, in that we are to worship our God and care for those in need.

b.     A wonderful new song is sung in the presence of our Lord.

9.     Revelation 5:11-12

a.      Some translations say ten-thousand times ten-thousand, which is one-hundred million angels, but to be honest I think that would be a low estimate.

b.     Angels from all over will be joining the elders and the creatures in praise of Jesus. Knowing that the Great Plan is one step closer to fulfillment.

10.  Revelation 5:13

a.      Simply put all of creation will praise our Lord.

b.     Triumphant entry pharisees told Jesus to rebuke His disciples for what they were saying - Luke 19:40, the rocks would cry out.

c.      Repeat the praise portion of verse…

11.  Revelation 5:14

a.      Amen… So Be it!

b.     It is time.

c.      Only the One who created all can take the next steps.

d.     Only One should get our complete worship.

                                                    i.     Our prayers and praise are like a wonderful incense to Him.

e.      Forever and ever! 

12.  Our Lord was slaughtered for us.

a.      He bought us with His blood.

b.     He has laid a path and lit the way, for any and all to follow Him.

c.      When the time comes, He is the only one worthy to take the scroll and open the seals.

13.  The stage is set and all the pieces are in place for the dramatic events that are to come.

a.      All will realize they need Jesus!

b.     Some will praise Him on this side of eternity.

c.      Others will cry out too late as judgement comes.

d.     Don’t wait… and pray for that the eyes of those who do not know Him to be opened.


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