Sermon Notes - An Introduction to the Seals - Littleby Baptist Church - July 25, 2021

1.     Setting the stage

a.      God the Father is sitting on His throne holding the scroll.

b.     24 elders and 4 creatures are praising God constantly.

c.      The Holy Spirit is there in the form of 7 fiery torches.

d.     John thought no one could open the Seals on the scroll.

e.      But… then Jesus appears.

                                                    i.     Not in His glorious form described in chapter 1.

                                                  ii.     He appeared as a slaughtered Lamb.

                                                iii.     He took the scroll from the Father’s hand.

f.      Revelation 5:13 - All of Creation praised Jesus.

2.     The Seals of Revelation.

a.      When:

                                                    i.     Not the day or time that no man can know, but more of in what order do these events play out?

b.     Daniel 9:27

                                                    i.     The verses leading up to verse 27 talk about the 69 of 70 weeks that are required for full restoration of the Kingdom of God.

                                                  ii.     Week 69 is said to come to an end on that first Palm Sunday before our Lord becomes the perfect sacrifice for us.

                                                iii.     It is believed that week 70 is the final 7 years before our Lord’s second coming.

                                                iv.     This verse tells us that there will be a 7-year covenant, but it will be cut short with the antichrist desecrating the Lord’s temple.

                                                  v.      Halfway through the 70th week the antichrist strikes.

c.      So, does the book of Revelation support a 7-year period?

1.     Which is a common interpretation of the Tribulation.

                                                  ii.     The book of Revelation never points to a 7-year period of time.

1.     Revelation 13:5 – 42 months

2.     Revelation 7:13-14 – Those in white robes came out of the great tribulation.

3.     Would point to the Seals being part of the Great Tribulation and I would argue that they are not part of the time leading up to it.

4.     That would mean that the Seals are part of the final 3 ½ years, not the final 7 years.

5.     I think life will get hard for those who truly follow Jesus in the first 3.5 years of the final week as leaders try to control our actions, thoughts, and beliefs.

a.      But I do not think that is part of the Great Tribulation.

                                                iii.     1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 Peace and security and then sudden destruction will come… a time of peace will be on the world and then destruction will come.

1.     If I were to weave a tale about this, I would say that people will be content with world peace, but some will see the writing on the wall and start to build up opposition to the antichrist. Then on the day the antichrist desolates the temple he will attack many places throughout the world. Sudden Destruction of those who do not support him.

                                                iv.     Matthew 24:15-21 – the abomination followed by a time of great distress.

1.     The antichrist asserting his control over the earth which will ultimately be followed by the judgement of God.

d.     Lots of opinions on what this means, but in looking at these verses I would say that as we look at the Seals, we are looking at the Great Tribulation that starts at the halfway point, after the antichrist desecrates the temple.  

3.     The Bible does not use the word Rapture.

a.      Revelation 3:10-11 – tells us that those who are faithful will be kept from a time of testing.

b.     From Revelation 6 on, there is no mention of the churches Jesus wrote to and no mention of them being kept or taken away.

c.      1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – those who are left will be caught up together, does not give us timing.

d.     1 Corinthians 15:51-52, not all will fall asleep, meaning face death, but will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. Some followers of Christ will not die but will be called to be with Jesus. Nothing on timing.

e.      2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, the day that Jesus gathers those who follow Him will not happen unless the temple is desecrated.

4.     When?

a.      One of the most popular opinions is that followers of Jesus will never see the tribulation, but I honestly do not believe Scripture supports that.

b.     While we will never know the day or hour, these verses seem to tell us that believers will be on earth until the temple is desecrated and then will be taken away.

c.      If we are alive during the first 3.5 years of the final week, I believe we will know who the antichrist is and that He claims to be God.

5.     Chronological?

a.      As we study Revelation, we are going to look at the 7 Seals, the 7 Trumpets, and the 7 Bowls.

b.     We tend to read them in that order, chronologically.

c.      Most theologians agree there is some overlap, but they do not all agree on how much they overlap.

6.     Matthew 24:29 – Jesus talking about the end of days.

a.      Sun is darkened, stars will fall from the sky.

7.     Isaiah 13:10

a.      Stars, sun, and moon will go dark.

8.     Revelation 6:12-14 – The Sixth Seal

a.      Violent earthquake, sun turned black, stars fell to earth, every mountain and island was moved from its place.

9.     Revelation 11:19 – The Seventh Trumpet

a.      Lightning, thunder, earthquake, and severe hail.

10.  Revelation 16:17-21 The Seventh Bowl

a.      Lightning, thunder, severe earthquake, islands and mountains disappeared, and enormous hail stones.

11.  What this sounds like is the Sixth Seal, the Seventh Trumpet, and the Seventh Bowl could all be describing the same event.

12.  When we look at prophecies of the future it can be hard to understand exactly how things will play out.

13.  Many have strong opinions, but if we are truly honest with ourselves, there is no way we can be certain.

a.      Maybe no way we can be 75% or 50% certain that we have the events of the Tribulation period mapped out.

14.  What we can be 100% certain of is, that the more we study God’s Word the closer we draw to Him.

a.      Even challenging verses such as we are covering will help strengthen our faith in Jesus.

b.     Even ambiguous lessons can help us see God’s ultimate plan to not only save those who follow Him, but to redeem all of creation.

c.      Verses like this remind us of the importance of Loving God with all that we are and Loving Others.

d.     Remind us to reach out to those who do not know Jesus.

e.      These prophecies of Jesus were given to strengthen our faith, encourage us, and to bring comfort.

15.  Finish with Revelation 5:13


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