
Showing posts from July, 2021

Sermon Notes - An Introduction to the Seals - Littleby Baptist Church - July 25, 2021

1.      Setting the stage a.       God the Father is sitting on His throne holding the scroll. b.      24 elders and 4 creatures are praising God constantly. c.       The Holy Spirit is there in the form of 7 fiery torches. d.      John thought no one could open the Seals on the scroll. e.       But… then Jesus appears.                                                     i.      Not in His glorious form described in chapter 1.                         ...

Sermon Notes - Revelation 5 - The Pieces are in place - Littleby Baptist Church - July 18, 2021

1.      The stage is set. a.       Last week we transitioned from the letters given to the seven churches by Jesus through John, to a glimpse of heaven. b.      The Father’s throne.                                                     i.      Made of fiery red stone – wrath of God.                                                   ii.      Crystal clear representing his perfect holiness...

Sermon Notes - Revelation 4 - Setting the stage - Littleby Baptist Church - July 11, 2021

1.      Quick Refresher a.       We have looked at John and his vision of Jesus walking among 7 golden lampstands. b.      We have reviewed verses that describe Jesus in all of His resurrected Glory!                                                     i.      Eyes of fiery flame that sees the truth.                                                   ii.      A double-edged sword coming ...