Sermon Notes - Revelation 2:18-29 - Letter to Thyatira - Littleby Baptist Church - June 6, 2021

1.     Some great points from the first 3 letters.

a.      We need to Love God, our First Love, or it all is for nothing.

b.     Hold on to the fact that nothing we endure on this side of eternity will impact the Hope we have in Jesus.

c.      From the Letter to Pergamum, we were reminded:

                                                    i.     Do not let false beliefs take hold of our lives.

                                                  ii.     Stay true to the Word of God as it is our guide.

                                                iii.     If we repent from our sins, God will give us manna, strength to endure.

                                                iv.     Love White Stone with a new name on it given to those who repent. (2:17)

1.     White meaning acquitted of any and all sin in our lives.

2.     Stone being our ticket into the Grand Feast, our Eternity with Jesus.

3.     New Name that does not own the sin of our past!

2.     #4 Letter to Thyatira

a.      Starting at Ephesus we have gone 35 miles north to Smyrna, 20 miles north east to Pergamum, and now 40 miles south east to Thyatira.

                                                    i.     The roads to these 4 churches and Sardis, make up a parallelogram.

                                                  ii.     Ephesus in one of the bottom corners, we have gone all the way up one side, across the top, and about halfway down the second side. Next week we finish the second side, but then continue southeast inland for the last two churches.

b.     Thyatira today is in Turkey and called Akhisar, meaning White Castle.

c.      Smallest or least significant of the cities whose churches received a letter.

d.     Farming community, with potters, tanners, weavers, and known for making purple dye.

e.      Acts 16:11-15.

                                                    i.     Paul travels to Philippi, shares with Lydia a dealer in purple from Thyatira. Pure speculation from several sources, is that she and her family brought the Good News of Jesus to Thyatira.

f.      Center of activity for the Nicolaitans, those who say physical sin is ok.

g.     Strong presence of trade guilds who mostly worshipped a version of Apollo is part of the problem that the church is hit with in this letter.

3.     Revelation 2:18

a.      Son of God.

b.     Eyes are like fiery flame.

                                                    i.     From the description of Jesus walking among the lampstands or churches.

                                                  ii.     Fiery eyes that penetrate through our facades and see our hearts. Eyes that see what we hide from others and ourselves.

                                                iii.     Fiery eyes that could be a sign of divine anger at the sin in the world and in His churches.

c.       Feet like fine bronze, like the altar and barefoot as an Old Testament priest.

4.     Revelation 2:19 – The Good.

a.      Jesus knows what we do, He knows where our heart is, and He knows why we do what we do.

b.     Jesus is praising the Thyatira church for continuing to do good, to care for others, to love.

c.      He was praising them for the growth of the love they show for others as their caring for others grew.

d.     While we will look at things that Jesus does not like in a moment, this verse reminds us of what He does like.

                                                    i.     While we are not saved by what we do, Salvation comes only through the blood of Jesus and our repenting of our sins and following Him.

                                                  ii.     Jesus praised Thyatira for serving others.

1.     We need to serve others.

2.     Give to support other ministries, meet needs that we can meet, make sure we are looking for ways to serve inside these 4 walls and outside of them.

3.     Always looking for ideas, if you have one, please share!

5.     Revelation 2:20 – The Rebuke

a.      Jesus is rebuking the Thyatira church for their tolerance of a false teacher.

                                                    i.     A false teacher who is promoting pagan like worship instead of the worship of Jesus.

b.     Basically, this church showed love and served others, but was not clinging to the Truth. Their following of doctrine was lacking to say the least.

c.      Love is the number 1 and number 2 priorities, but we cannot lose sight of what the Word of God teaches us.

                                                    i.     We are saved by Faith but are called to live our lives following Jesus not the world.

6.     Revelation 2:21-23

a.       Does not tell us how, but Jezebel was warned to repent before it was too late.

b.     Judgement was coming to her, those who followed her, referred to as her children.

c.      Swift terrible judgement that would show that Jesus knows all, his eyes see through to our hearts and burn in indignation against the sin we embrace.

d.     The judgement would let the world know that Jesus gives according to our works.

                                                    i.     Judged not by our actions themselves, but our hearts, our motives, our faith, our love.

                                                  ii.     God sees if we are driven by our love for Him and others, or if it is something else entirely.

7.     Revelation 2:24-25 – The Encouragement

a.      Those who are not tangled up in this mess.

b.     Those who are following Jesus and not the secrets of Satan, harsh words for false beliefs.

c.      Hold on to the truth of God. Continue in what you are doing.

d.     Another reminder to hold onto the truths found in the Word of God.

e.      Another reminder that we are to Love God and to Love others.

f.      A reminder that we need to not tolerate those false teachings.

g.     An encouragement to be the Light of God – Matthew 5:16.

8.     Revelation 2:26-27

a.      Quoting Psalm 2:9

b.     The one who conquers, the one who repents, the one who chooses to follow Jesus.

c.      Not saved by works but have been told previously to keep His words. We are to hold onto His Word and follow it, which should lead to keeping His works.

                                                    i.     Ephesians 2:10

1.     We were created to carry out His will, whatever that is for our lives.

d.     2 Timothy 2:11-12

                                                    i.     Conquers – died with Christ and also live with Him.

                                                  ii.     Authority, rule, reign, Sheppard for the Millennial kingdom and maybe for all of eternity.

e.      What these verses tell us:

                                                    i.     If we follow Jesus.

                                                  ii.     If we repent of our sins.

                                                iii.     If we overcome.

                                                iv.     We will shepherd His people.

1.     Be witnesses on this side of glory.

2.     Rule alongside Christ for a time or for all of eternity.

9.     Revelation 2:28

a.      The morning star:

                                                    i.     Christ himself, which is seen in Revelation 22:16.

                                                  ii.     Others state that this verse points to triumph over the Roman government.

                                                iii.     The primary is that Christ will give Himself to those who conquer, those who repent and follow Him.

1.     Similar to how He would give manna to those conquer in vs 17.

10.  Revelation 2:29

a.      Words we have seen several times so far.

b.     Repent from the sin, turn to Jesus.

c.      Keep His Words.

d.     Keeps His works.

11.  Summary – The Letter to Thyatira

a.      Reminder to let Love be our guide as we go about God’s business.

                                                    i.     We are saved by faith, but in Loving God and Loving Others, we are to do the works we were created to do.

                                                  ii.     We need to make sure we reach beyond these 4 walls and those sitting here each Sunday as we share His Love with Others.

b.     We are reminded to not tolerate false teachers.

                                                    i.     Not tolerate them among us here at LBC, the SBC, and beyond.

                                                  ii.     We need to make sure what is taught here is to follow Jesus not the world.

c.      As we faithfully follow Jesus, as we hold onto the truths found in the Bible, we will be His witnesses.

                                                    i.     I think to often we envision this as some grandiose activity, when in most cases it is simply living our lives as God has called us to do.           

d.     As we walk the path before us, keeping His words and His works, we will receive the Morning Star… we will receive our Lord Jesus.

God Bless, 



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