Notes - Thoughts on SBC Annual Meeting - Littleby Baptist Church - June 20, 2021

Wisdom – James 3:13-18

 1.      Some Great messages were given.

a.      Tony Evans on Sunday night of the Pastor’s Conference.

b.     JD Greear’s Presidential message on the 14th

c.      Willey Rice’s Convention Sermon.

d.     All called out the division, the need for us to unite on the Word of God.

                                                    i.     Directly called out need for racial reconciliation.

                                                  ii.     Need to protect victims of sexual abuse.

e.      Watch them if you can.

3.     Strong stance on abolishing abortion.

a.      Sadly, the resolution committee did not put forth the resolution on abolishing abortion, they felt we had taken a significant pro-life stand.

b.     A Resolution is a statement made by the Messengers at that convention, it is not binding on future Conventions.

c.      Thing is, 2021 is the 50-year anniversary of when the SBC had a resolution supporting abortion. Resolution stated, ‘to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of sever fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother.’

d.     Believed SBC support of abortion helped make it legal in the USA.

e.      In the eyes of the Messengers, it was time to take a stand, symbolically for the 50th anniversary and to publicly reenforce that the SBC is behind the abolishment of abortion.

f.      Resolution committee did not put forth the resolution.

g.     One of the authors asked for them to reconsider and they did not.

h.     He asked for a vote of the messengers, which would require 2/3rds to vote to override the committee to bring it to the floor.

i.       Overwhelming support.

j.       When brought to the floor the only concern was all or nothing approach.

                                                    i.     Single word added.

k.     Passed overwhelmingly.

l.       Proud of those who took a stand for abolishing abortion.

4.     Executive Committee

a.      EC had stated that they would have Guidestone investigate the ECs handling of the sexual abuse claims and accusers.

b.     Guidestone would report out to the EC and the EC would disclose what actions were needed. Would fall under attorney client privileges.

                                                    i.     Meaning we would never know what was in that report.

c.      From the floor a Messenger made a motion to appoint a task force to receive the report, determine actions needed, and report to the Convention.

d.     EC spoke against the motion.

e.      Messengers overwhelming supported and passed the motion.

5.     EC #2

a.      EC knew that current Vice Chairman was not nominated by the nominating committee. That was something published in 2020 before the last meeting was canceled.

b.     The EC still re-nominated Vice Chair Tucker to the Vice Chair position.

                                                    i.     Essentially tried to self-nominate a member of their committee.

                                                  ii.     Really did not help their image of trying to control the SBC verses being servants of the SBC.

c.      A motion was made from the floor to try to support the ECs self-nomination of the Vice Chair.

                                                    i.     The messengers took a stand and said no.

d.     At times if felt like the ‘leaders’ acted like the rank and file needed to just go along with what they wanted.

                                                    i.     Evasive in answering questions.

                                                  ii.     Some came across angry that they were even being asked to justify the resolutions or recommendations.

e.      I think we saw messengers take a stand.

6.     EC #3

a.      Tried to take more financial control over the other entities.

b.     Would have likely put Seminaries at risk with oversight issues.

                                                    i.     The EC would control the money for the other entities.

                                                  ii.     The EC would have had the purse strings for the seminaries.

c.      This would have given the EC authority beyond their charter.

d.     They are to serve the SBC and the entities, not control them.

e.      Soundly defeated by the messengers.

7.     CRT and Racism

a.      Acceptance of CRT from 2019 Resolution #9.

b.     Was passed without understanding and trusting in those who presented the resolution.

c.      While I do not like CRT as it paints race as a primary issue and does not unites us.

d.     2021 Resolution #2

                                                    i.     Did not call out CRT specifically.

                                                  ii.     But clearly rejected any theory or worldview that finds our ultimate identity in ethnicity, any other group, or that says that our primary issue is anything but sin.

                                                iii.     It also rejected anything theory or worldview that would state that racism does not exist.

                                                iv.     Was not accepted by some, but in my opinion clearly states that we stand on the Word of God, sin is the root issue and Jesus is the answer.

                                                  v.     I think the SBC messengers took a solid stand against racism by debating and accepting this Resolution.

                                                vi.     I honestly believe some good came out of the passing of Resolution #9 in 2019.

1.     It brought the conversation of racism to the forefront.

2.     It opened many eyes to the fact that it still exists.

8.     Presidential Election

a.      4 men ran.

b.     Ed Litton Pastor of Redemption Church in Saraland, Alabama won.

                                                    i.     Don’t know much about him.

                                                  ii.     Has stated he supports CRT and women preachers?

c.      What bothered me about this whole election process… it was politics by some.

d.     For example: Al Mohler was attacked because he did not back President Trump.

                                                    i.     I have no opinion on who should be President of the SBC, but which candidate they backed in our last POTUS election is not a reason to support or not support them.

                                                  ii.     Trump was a divisive candidate and if I was his pastor, we would have a major heart to heart conversation.

                                                iii.     JE Greear said it best, “Anytime the church gets in bed with politics, the church gets pregnant, and the offspring does not look like our Father in heaven.”

                                                iv.     As followers of Christ, we need to vote our beliefs and be involved in politics if we can.

1.     But politics do not belong inside of our church, our association, or the convention.

9.     The Good

a.      Pastor’s Conference

                                                    i.     IMB Commissioned 64 Missionaries.

                                                  ii.     The Conference sent them out to do the work of our Lord bathed in prayer.

b.     The average messengers by far wants to do what is right.

                                                    i.     Love and serve God.

                                                  ii.     Love Others.

                                                iii.     Trust in the Word.

10.  Ephesians 6:10-12 – Within the SBC there has been a lot of ugliness. We need to remember that our battle is not against our bothers and sisters, who many think they are doing the right thing. Our battle is ‘against rulers, against authorities, against cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.’

a.      We fight this battle through Prayer. We fight this battle by being strengthened by the power of God.

b.     It is not a battle that will be won by trying to force our brothers and sisters to our way of thinking.

c.      It is a battle that is won by standing on the Word of God and depending on our God.

11.  Mixed feelings

a.      It appears that the majority of the SBC is focused on right things.

                                                    i.     Stand on the Word of God.

                                                  ii.     Want to do what is right for sexual abuse victims.

                                                iii.     Want to have real conversations about racism.

                                                iv.     Want to abolish abortion, but understand the battle will be won one step at a time.

b.     I honestly don’t know about some leadership.

                                                    i.     Entitlement.

                                                  ii.     Want control.

c.      The message was clear.

                                                    i.     The EC, NAMB, and others… need to work hard at showing the people that they serve, that they are striving for the best interest of the SBC.

1.     Large and small churches alike.

12.  Daniel 2:20-23

a.      God is in absolute control.

b.     We have to trust that what happened this week and those who are in control, are there because it is part of God’s plan.

c.      We may not know what the future of the SBC holds, but we do know that our God is Triumphant.

d.     We know that through our faith in Jesus we have all the Hope we need.

e.      We need to offer God thanks and praise for all He has done, is doing, and will do for those that follow Him.


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