
Showing posts from June, 2021

Sermon Notes - Revelation 3:7-13 - Letter to Philadelphia - Littleby Baptist Church - June 27, 2021

  1.      Five letters so far and we see re-occurring themes. a.       Love God more than anything else. b.      As followers our Hope is in our Jesus and our Name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. c.       Trust in the Word of God, make it a priority. d.      Let our Love for God and His Word, drive us to serve Him and Others. e.       Sounds like what we would call a normal Christian walk. 2.      Philadelphia a.       With Sardis we finished 3 sides of a rough parallelogram. b.      From Sardis we are heading 28 miles to the southeast, mostly east. c.       Named for Attalus Philadelphus king of Pergamos, who died 138 BC. d.      Area is plagued with earthquakes but has fertile land so many farmers and few city dw...

Notes - Thoughts on SBC Annual Meeting - Littleby Baptist Church - June 20, 2021

Wisdom – James 3:13-18   1.         Some Great messages were given. a.       Tony Evans on Sunday night of the Pastor’s Conference. b.      JD Greear’s Presidential message on the 14 th c.       Willey Rice’s Convention Sermon. d.      All called out the division, the need for us to unite on the Word of God.                                                     i.      Directly called out need for racial reconciliation.                              ...