Sermon Notes - 2 Chronicles 7:14 - Humble, Pray, Seek, and Turn - Littleby Baptist Church - January 10, 2021

 No traditional notes this week as it was not a pre-manuscripted sermon, but here are some of the notes I had jotted down. I have also included some stuff that I did not share this morning. 

2 Chronicles 7:14

Our responsibility is to Humble, Pray, Seek God, and Turn from evil. The rest is up to God. 

Romans 12:1-2

Do not conform to this world, instead look to the perfect will of God. 

John 17:13-16

Jesus and we are not of this world. 

John 18:36

Jesus' kingdom is not of this world. 

Colossians 3:1-2; 11

We have been raised with Christ and need to seek the things from above. 

There is no Jew or Greek, there is no Republican or Democrat, we are all one in Christ.

Psalm 121:2 

My Hope comes form the Lord.


Matthew 5:13-16

We are the salt and the light. If we are getting caught up in the emotion of any political movement are we being the light that Christ wants us to be?

Ephesians 6

We need every piece, the FULL armor of God for whatever the future holds. 

A few others that were not mentioned this morning. 

Luke 8:9-14

Matthew 6:9-13

Matthew 5:3-11

I pray for the Lord's Peace to be upon us as we learn to listen to God and show Grace to those we disagree with. 

God Bless,



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