WOW Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumor - 10 Years Post Op!!!

Over the last couple of weeks it has slowly been hitting me that it has really been 10 years since I had my Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumor (AN) removed. Last week I had what is now my last AN follow up MRI. Was able to read the report on Friday and saw that there is still no regrowth, so per my original surgeon and my current doc there is no reason for me to have another scan!!!

I wish I could say it was all great, but I still have balance issues. 

I was one of those who initially had a great recovery. I returned to work after 8 weeks and while it took me some time to fully recover, their was very little I could not do. For several years the only thing I had to be careful of was if I got to tired as it would trigger mild headaches, fatigue, and balance issues. 

In 2013 I drove over 2,000 miles on a road trip we took to see family and was riding a bike 80-100 miles a week. Late in 2013 something changed and I was having a hard time driving 20-30 miles and it was no longer safe for me to ride a bike. Life is still good and God continues to use me, but it does have more limits today than it did before the balance issues hit. 

Last week I also had  a test called the Vestibular Chair, but what I call a torture device for us AN Survivors. I have had many tests, scans, etc... over the last 10 years but this is the first one that really kicked my butt and almost made me lose my lunch. The tech told me we got some good readings and it shows that I have Peripheral Vestibular Weakness. That coupled with other tests say that either my good balance nerve is not functioning correctly or that my brain is still depending on the severed balance nerve. So far nothing has shown why the sudden change 7 years ago, but I would not be the first AN survivor to experience a deterioration like this. 

I see the doc in a couple of days and hopefully this most recent test sheds some light on the situation and that he can come up with a game plan. 

Last time we tried Vestibular Physical Therapy and all it did was wear me out so bad that it was hard to work and Pastor. I had to choose between doing the exercises and having any life whatsoever. I choose to stop the therapy. 

Even with the continued balance issues I can say with absolutely certainty that God is in Control! 

Job 12:10

"The life of every living thing is in his hand, as well as the breath of all humanity."

My Lord is in Absolute Control of my life. He knows my struggles and He is with me always. He knows what tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and the next 10 years have in store for me. I have faith that regardless of what happens to me on this side of Glory that I get to spend an eternity in His presence. I have chosen to follow Jesus with all that I have, but more importantly He chose to die for me out of His unlimited Love. 

Jesus loves each of us more than we can ever imagine. Out of that Love He chose to die on that cross to pay for our sins. He then defeated death to give us a new everlasting life in His presence. We all have our struggles, we all have our trials, we are all sinners and we NEED our Savior. 

Jesus is the Only Way to everlasting life. If you do not know Jesus I want to encourage you to click on this link and watch a short video. 

May the Lord be with You!

God Bless,



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