
Showing posts from January, 2016

Turn Your Obstacle into an Achievement

For those new to this blog back in May 2010 I had an Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumor removed. God was good and I returned to work 8 weeks later and returned to bi-vocational ministry 10 months post op. Everything was going really well. Besides the single sided deafness I had no problems unless I was really tired. I was even riding my exercise bike 70 miles a week and would ride a mountain bike 10 miles a week out on gravel roads. I had no balance issues and was losing weight. Something happened in the fall of 2013. All of a sudden the issues I had when I was tired were happening all of the time. I was stumbling when I walked down the hall and I would walk into things. I was no longer able to ride my mountain bike and the exercise bike made the balance issues worse. I have been to 4 hospitals, a dozen or so doctors, and have tried who knows how many different medications. I have even had 2 separate attempts at physical therapy designed to improve one’s balance. All to no avail. As...

Grow Your Faith in 2016

A New Year Has Begun! I want to start the year off with some words on faith. Matthew 13:58 “and He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief.” HCSB In this modern world we live in there is not much that we want for. Most of us do not worry if we are going to have clean water to drink, will the rain come to feed our crops, or do we have enough to eat. Chances are if you are reading this blog you have not missed a meal in a while and you have no concern about where you are going to sleep tonight. We do not count on God to supply the basic necessities each day. I am not saying we are not thankful for the ways He has blessed us, just that we do not need to ask God to provide for dinner tonight. I think for most of us, there is very little that we HAVE to ask God for to survive. While that is a very good thing, and I for one make sure I thank God for the blessings He has bestowed on me on a daily basis, I think it has hurt our faith. If we do not need...