Juggling Anyone?

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that things were getting a little crazy around here, and it has only gotten more interesting. Juggling is quickly becoming a way of life around here.

Work has been pretty crazy the last couple of weeks. Our plant has 6 major product lines and it seems we are having problems of one sort or another on 5 of them. Business has slowed on our main product line, casting suppliers throughout the country our running out of capacity and can't seem to deliver on time, and our new product lines are struggling to hit the projected growth rates. Any one of these issues would be just another day at the office, but all of them hitting at once can be mind numbing. My juggling skills have really been tested at work. I love the challenge and am looking forward to when we will get past these struggles and things settle down a bit, as well as my hours.

Things at Ninth Street have been going great! We have a great group of believers who are coming along side of us and looking forward to what Jesus will do in our lives and our town. We have started going through the steps of seeking God's will for us as a church. We are looking at who our target audience is and how God is going to use us to share His love with this town. Please keep our church in your prayers as continue down this exciting path!

Family is doing great! Alexis is recovering ahead of schedule, as if their was any doubt! The kids have started school and are loving it! Thomas has started football and learning to hustle on the field. I think we have an athlete in our family! Becca has been making friends left and right. Chris is excitied about the his upcoming deer hunt at the end of September. He says his goal is to get a deer before his dad does. His chances are pretty good that he will succeed in that.

For me, I just ask for your prayers for some digestive issues that I have been struggling with. So far the Drs seem to be trying the hunt and peck approach. They thought it was one things and the tests have come out negative so they are trying something different. For now I am attempting to alter my diet to see if it is something I have been eating.

Juggling is becoming a way of life, but I would not trade it!

This life is a grand adventure!

I am thankful that Jesus Christ is with me every step of the way. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could not do it without Him.

Take last night for an example. I traveled up to Minneapolis in the morning visited a casting foundry and drove back. It was a 12+ hour day. The last thing I wanted to do was to work on this Sunday's message, but God had another idea. I sat down at this computer and everything came together in just a couple of hours. Better than that wa when I was done, I was refreshed! The struggles of the were no longer weighing me down. God used that time in His word to give me peace. I thank Him for His continued love and guidance.

I pray that God touches your life in ways that are beyond your imagination. If you need peace, I pray He gives it to you. If you need love, know that He is loves you more than you will ever know. If you have a medical problem, He can heal you. God does more for us than we will every know. He will be there for you, YOU CAN COUNT ON IT!

Thank You Jesus!



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